Death and Resurrection of the God

The Pilgrim's Walking Stick: Death and Resurrection of the God

The truth very often burns like pepper in the eyes, and this is despite the fact that we might not find any individual in this world who intentionally expects anything other than the truth. We know very well that it is not the truth by itself that hurts, but the conflict it creates in us if we have spent our life in the sensations of pleasure, sweetness, anger... in brief, the emotions with which we became familiarized because, in one way or another, we have simply lacked the intelligence of questioning the world. The individual before his society does not have enough to protect himself from its supposed love. The society will use all its arsenal of logic, education, conditioning, emotions, traditions, customs, religion, national pride...etc., just to convince the individual that his questions are not normal if they are not part of the ones society has thought of already. In the same way we become strangers or even enemies if our answers do not find echo in the solutions that have been proposed. 

If we lack finesse, we will say that the individual genius and the evolution of the being on the divine paths are simply compromised by the same people that are supposed to preserve the collective memory. The collective memory, nowadays, does not serve the individual, but serves the politics of those who knew that by kidnapping the society at that level, one can submit the whole humanity to all manipulations. This is briefly why the history of people is filled with supposed glories of conquests, enslavements...the blood and the tears. 

It is very important that we accept one fact: the modern society does not give any value to the individual. It's been a very long time since the Kings, presidents, deputies, etc., have sacrificed us for their ambition of preserving themselves in our collective memory. There have been more than two millennia that the modern society is no longer returning the fruit of his social sacrifice to the individual. For them, we are nothing but a brick in the house that they are building, a grain of sand in the monuments that they are edifying in their honor; we sleep if they say sleep, we walk if they say walk. We kill if they say kill...they define what we must be. 

The secrets of their success can be found in the fact that our questions and our answers belong to them. Every individual gives a certain value to what we call the "love of the neighbor," and every time we hear the word love, what we do not realize is the fact that our emotions quickly take over our intellect, and this does not leave us any time to really wonder what it means! The society that is preaching the love of the neighbor to us has simply linked it to emotions that we are supposed to feel, leaving the individual to a sort of empirical or superstitious understanding. The same principle can be found in a lot of notions that we believe that we know, but to which each one of us will only bring their own definition. 

We will not hesitate to qualify this type of attitude as barbaric, primitive and clearly inferior - if we did not know that we are talking about a modern human being. 

For the last 2500 years, new doctrines and religions have grown like mushrooms, and most of them have forged their identity and particularity based on the fact that they were combating the ancient religion; I mean the one that links the human being to nature and the cosmic forces...the ancestral religion...the Kemetic religion These combatant religions express themselves with so much passion that the individual that falls victim simply forgets to ask what these religions are bringing that is new?! We must have the honesty to recognize that one does not create a religion if one is not bringing to the world a truth that will help us in our pursuit of spiritual perfection. 

Modern religions talk to us about their Gods with so much passion that they themselves have forgotten to define them! 

The African schools, through the confection of the Holy Drama, have presented the God Wsr as a lunar God whose identity is found through vegetation. The   God Seth has found the body of Wsr during a full moon after he had killed him and the Goddess Aishat has recovered his body. Seth, to ensure that Wsr could not exist, cut his body into fourteen pieces. This process is symbolized by the moon that takes fourteen days to decrease. Aishat wandered, looking for pieces of the body of her husband; this process is symbolized by the rebirth and waxing of the moon. Fourteen days later, the moon is full. Wsr has resurrected to allow the conception of Heru. This is, in brief, an aspect of the divide resurrection. 

The vegetal identity of Wsr follows the same rhythm. Every year, Wsr is born with nature in summer and dies with it in winter. When he introduced civilization and agriculture to humankind, he told us to see the grains as his flesh and to see water as his blood; every time the two elements are put together, he will resuscitate... 

The God Wsr is dead, killed by another God Seth. We will see that the parallel story brought by the modern world poses serious spiritual questions. Adonis, Athys, Genesis...etc., even though they were first presented as the equivalent of Wsr, have been killed by an animal! A God killed by an animal? Who, then, is that God, and what, then, is that animal? This idea will make sense only if we make that God a human being. 

Nowadays, we are even talking about a God killed by humans and who resurrects just to prove his divinity! What, then, does a God represent if he is killed by a human or an animal? What does the resurrection of a God killed by a human represent? Humanity simply does not need to use guilt as his path toward God. This is why the great difference between the spiritual life and religion resides in the fact that religion calls on our emotions because they know that our emotions will always bring us back to the state that is barbaric and primitive and from which we will express a pride that could lead us to gamble the destiny of the whole humanity. The spiritual life is an intelligent and dynamic process through an education that is directed towards the harmonious becoming of existence. 


Love and Egoism: Human Limitations Part One


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