In Search of the Gods The birth of the gods

In Search of the Gods: The Birth of the Gods

Since man has had the ability to recognize that he is a human being that can see, hear, smell, touch and feel, the quest for his creator began. This search led humanity to lay its eyes on the perfect model: the world of Gods. Regardless of the geographic location on Earth, it was/is the goal of every culture to journey closer to the Gods world. 

The reasoning behind many of our actions within the materialistic realm of our existence is directly linked with this desire to come closer to the perfect model, whether it is on a conscious or subconscious level. The world of Gods is indeed an existential reality, but because of the sacred knowledge that is required for one to obtain before fully understanding or accepting this reality, ancient truths have been distorted and converted into mere myths. Webster's New World Dictionary describes a myth as being: "any fictitious story, person or thing serving to explain some phenomenon, custom, etc." In essence, what man does not know or is ignorant of has become such of an enigma to the ego, it would be much easier to discredit certain realities by labeling them as myths, rather than acknowledge them and work toward being educated on how these systems function. 

It is no secret that the cradle of human existence lies in the land that the world knows as Africa. Therefore, all religions and spiritual disciplines have their roots there as well. By this being a fact and not an opinion, it is only logical to begin our search for the Gods there. 

Africa is a place of many diverse spiritual systems, due to the corruption and colonization of its inhabitants. In ancient times, or the pharaonic period of Africa's history, all of Merita (Africa) adhered to similar values and practices. The idea of just one mighty God that was responsible for the creation of everything that exists would have been considered absurd. The inhabitants of Misra (Kemet, or what is now considered to be Egypt) knew otherwise. They knew what life was like before the world was aware of the world of Gods: dirty and corrupt without values or direction. They knew how humanity indulged in cannibalistic activities. They knew that there was no 28 blueprint for them to follow that would allow a harmonious existence among people. These dilemmas would soon be rectified. 

In the mystery schools (which still exist in initiation camps throughout the African bush), and the temples of the Nile and Nile Valleys, it is taught that on the 19th of Tehuti, the Gods of the heavens (cosmos) and Earth posed a question to humanity. That question was: what do you want? Humankind responded by saying, "We want to copy the world in which you live." This may have sounded pleasing to the Gods, but they knew that if humanity did not have a guide of what to do or what not to do, they couldn't come close to the divine world in which they dwelled. On this day, the 19th of Tehuti, humanity decided to be good, and the blueprint was given to them by the Gods in the form of the Great Book of Divine Ordinances (the Seventy-Seven Commandments). 

These laws were given to humanity to follow, not only to enhance their individual human qualities, but to also ensure the preservation of the Earth and all of its components. Forty seven of these laws came from one Goddess, Nw, while the remaining thirty laws came from thirty different Gods. These are the laws that every individual will be judged by in the world of the dead.   It is taught that every human will be confronted by each God that contributed to the laws, and will be asked if he/she upheld or broke that particular commandment. This judgment is vital to the human being because it directly affects the process of his/her reincarnation. 

These laws are still with us today. They have been translated from the papyrus scrolls found in the temples of Nw, Nbsni and Insa, temples located in the Nile Valley. 


Before the heavens existed, before the Earth existed, before humans existed, there was Nwn, the primordial waters that existed before the existence itself. The God Ra, who created himself into being, became the first God to exist outside of the preceding existence of Nwn. He says, "Because I came before the preceding Gods, because my name preceded theirs, I made the preceding era as well as the preceding Gods." The God Ra represents the first and Greatest God. The Gods Imin and Ptah, who are both creator and self-created Gods, completed the first trinity of Gods that came to the existence. It was from these Gods that Nw, Schw, Tfnwt and Geb (fire, air, water and earth were introduced to existence. These Gods dealt with each other, they do not deal with humans.

The Gods that humanity identifies itself with are the Gods of the second trinity. The Gods Wsr (Osiris), Heru (Horus) and Aishat (Isis) were the first Gods that possessed human qualities. 

This brings us to what is known today as the Holy Drama. It is taught that Wsr (Osiris) was loved and adored by all of humanity. He taught humans to farm, he gave laws and he taught humans how to be clean. He was so loved that one of his deaths caused the very first world war. Because every group of people wanted to bury his remains in their particular area, major battles were waged on a worldwide scale. This is just an example of how much the world loved him. The outcome was interesting. In order for everyone to be satisfied with Wsr being close to them, every area took a small piece of his body and buried it in their sacred places, placing a monument above that spot so those that wanted to give offerings would be able to find it. This is where the idea of monuments and statues that we see all over the world come from. 

Wsr had a brother named Set (this is where the word Satan was derived from who became very jealous of him and made plans to assassinate Wsr. To this end, Set invited Wsr to a banquet with forty-two other guests, his accomplices. During the feast, Set brought in a magnificent casket that he had made to the precise measurements of Wsr. He promised to give it to whoever, upon lying down inside it, fit it perfectly. Everybody there tried, but it would fit nobody. Finally, Wsr lay down in it and filled it exactly. Immediately, all the guests rushed forward to close the casket, which was sealed and thrown into the Nile. 

Aishat (Isis), the sister and wife of Ws, upon hearing The Nile Valley - the birthplace of the Gods the news of what happened, released a yell that was so great that it could be heard around the world. This is where we get the word "crisis" . Basically, it means "the cry of Isis" and it refers to relating the hurt Isis felt to what a human may feel that is in pain. Aishat went around the world searching for her husband, and finally found him. She brought him back and hid him in the Nile Delta. However, Wsr's merciless brother Set discovered his corpse, cut it into pieces and scattered the pieces all over the world. Aishat (Isis) again took up the quest, helped by her sister Nephtys, and found all the pieces except one, the phallus, which had fallen into the Nile and was swallowed by a fish. Aishat succeeded in conceiving a son by Wsr, Heru (Horus), who grew up hidden by the thick growth of papyrus. Since then, Wsr reigned over the world of the dead. His son Heru, after a battle with Set, obtained the supre- macy of the terrestrial realm from the tribunal of Gods, but his battle with Set continues until today. 

Christianity speaks of a final confrontation between the son of God (Jesus) and Satan, where good will triumph over evil. Sounds similar, doesn't it? The religion of Christianity also speaks of a holy 29   trinity. This alone presents several problems. First of all, the word trinity has its roots. "Tri" means "three" and "nity" comes from the word "neter" which means God. So in retrospect, Christians are speaking of three Gods, but in reality they teach of a God-son (Jesus), a God- father (Yahweh) and a holy spirit, which is what? It is a well known fact that life could not exist without a woman being in the equation. Christian teachings have omitted a Goddess-mother from its trinity, which does not support what is being taught as truth. Also, the fact that "trinity" means "three gods" goes against the Christian belief that there is but one God. This is truly a dilemma. 

Although Islam has taken over the majority of what is now called Egypt, the Kemetic culture has continued to survive throughout many secret initiation societies across the continent of Africa. The high priests are still there, the temples are still there and the Gods are still there. 


The Language of Adinkra