Ritalin: The Drugging Of Our Youth

Ritalin: The Drugging Of Our Youth

At age nine, Paul was described as out of control and was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). ADHD is described as a childhood disorder seen mostly in boys and is characterized by restlessness, impulsive behavior and the inability to focus on one subject or activity for very long. Ritalin is a stimulant that paradoxically lowers hyperactivity in children by increasing their powers of concentration. 

The practice of drugging young males in the schools started in the 1970s for reasons that were not apparent then, nor are those reasons any clearer today. Psychotherapy was no longer an option for the unsuspecting student with the advent of Ritalin to the school system. As a psychotherapist and social scientist, I am a strong proponent of psychotherapy and counseling where appropriate, rather than drug therapy, for controlling a natural emotional behavior disorder…

Scientifically, philosophically and psychologically, it is impossible to have one body introduce a mind-altering component to it and have a fully functioning and cognitive human being. How can a child be expected to function at capacity and learn those tools necessary to survive and thrive? The brain does not function to capacity when agents are introduced to it that retard one aspect of its function while "heightening" another. 

In the years since the introduction of Ritalin in the school system, I have concluded that it is serving as more of a "security blanket" for teachers who remain in the school system, than it is a helpful academic and behavioral performance enhancer for children. 

Paul, like many other young males on Ritalin, detests being medicated. I cannot ignore obvious implications of the most insidious nature when it comes to the administration of Ritalin on what appears to be target populations. Young Paul, and other children who are victimized by Ritalin, do not suffer from ADHD. This is evidenced by the sheer number of students who are subjected to Ritalin. The evidence discovered in my study conclusively revealed that ADHD is a phantom disorder with absolutely no basis in scientific, psychological or biological fact. Paul suffered from the same affliction as most other school children - boredom and confusion. 

A nutritional analysis of a sampling of forty male subjects who were taking Ritalin showed that there were nutritional deficiencies and excesses of naturally-produced causal agents within the subjects bodies. The same symptoms that are characteristic of the nutritional imbalance and other common phenomena are also characteristic of ADHD. 

Sugar shock occurs when the child ingests sugar in unhealthy amounts, either over a period of time or all at once. During the sugar attack, the body knows there is entirely too much sugar in the system and endeavors burn the sugar out of its system through the heightened/frenzied activity response, or as it more commonly perceived, hyperactivity. Common symptoms include: restlessness inability to concentrate on activities for sustained period of time, and impulsive behavior. 

Allergies are another common problem. Children can become allergic almost anything: dust, paint, diet, food, clothe paper, air, soap, ink... Symptoms include restlessness, inability to concentrate on subject for sustained periods of time, and impulsive behavior. 

Ritalin has been used widely, and the parents of these children have been told that Ritalin was the "absolute best maintenance for controlling their children's behavior". It was discovered later that a very prestigious university in Chicago was among the first line to dispense this drug to inner-city children. I also learned that this university was where parents were advised by school officials and other interested parties to take their children for evaluations. Amazingly, every student who was taken to this university for evaluations left with a prescription for Ritalin. 

I was invited to attend a "staffing" one of the elementary schools in Chicago. was at this staffing that I learned that if the drug isn't administered at home by the prumal caregiver before the child arrives, he is n permitted to come to school. 

At the time, there was a presidenti: campaign in progress to prevent children fro using drugs: "Just Say No." How can children be expected to stay away from using drug when at the age of eight or nine, it is mandatory for some of these students to ingest mind altering substances before they can go school? The message that is being sent is to do drugs, not to stay away from drugs. message is a clear indicator that school is no longer an institution for future generations of Americans to learn to survive and thrive through serious and intended positive academic and essential educational pursuits. 


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