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The Greatest Gift: An Excerpt From A Lecture Given by Spiritual Master 

Cultural values change depending on who is listening. In the end, the winner or the loser is irrelevant. What is relevant is who feels like they are winning and who feels like they are losing. Neither side can win. 

The M’TAM School is a very old school. From what history has retraced, it is the oldest spiritual education that exists. The M’TAM School’s goal is to rebuild a complete human by providing the needed knowledge and education. All what this society has given us, all what it has told us to believe: the emotion-driven concepts, behaviors, attitudes and values - the M’TAM School proves them wrong. The goal is to build mankind. The goal is to provide to each and every student the tools that will allow one to face this world and allow one to go into it not as an object but as a full human being with all the elements. This is an uphill journey, and it is a very difficult task. 

The reasons why one comes to the M’TAM education are very personal. The system that has been stopping us from taking our responsibilities and facing our lives made us go through life with our arms tied around us, yet it still asks us to be happy. It didn’t work. Those who come to M’TAM know that there is another way of being besides the one that the system offers to us. One comes to M’TAM because your brother’s love, no matter how strong it is, is an outside thing; your sister’s love, no matter how beautiful it looks, is an outside thing. One comes to us because somewhere in one’s life, somewhere in one’s spirit somewhere inside, there is something that knows there must be a better way of being. Somewhere inside, there is question and doubt. Those who come to M’TAM realize that the world of today forces you to ask questions, but the answers you receive provoke other questions. The answers you receive for them call for more questions, and you end up locked in a vicious cycle of questions that are not real questions because they just express the desperation of the soul itself. The answers are not real answers because the system is merely trying to make you blend in and fit within its structures. 

The dilemma is that all of this took the world into the path of destruction/self-destruction. Life doesn’t make sense anymore. Where do we go from here? What do we do from here? That’s where the M’TAM School comes in. If I am training you to be a runner, I will have to ask you to build yourself up by running, and even though you might not like it, that is the only way you will become a runner. If you want to become a thinker, you must separate the emotions that look like thinking and give the brain the possibility of doing its work. This is what the system does not want - a thinking human being. There is nothing more dangerous than a thinking human being. Nothing. Because if you think, you will be questioning what you are hearing and what you are seeing. 

The M’TAM School will provide you with the tools you need to face the world. It will give you something to pass on to your descendants. If you check religious texts, you will realize that they are saying a lot of things that have their origin in the M’TAM teachings. Religions have the tendency of having wise people close to their prophets that can predict the future for them. If a prophet cannot predict the future and has to be told what is going to happen, yet we call him "great", what about the one that told him what was going to happen?! 

The M'TAM path is the one that takes you to the original spiritual system. It has nothing to do with religion. You learn spirituality, but not religion, and you will learn to see the difference between the two of them. Since M'TAM is the oldest spiritual school that history has traced, everything else that you see derived from it. If you put your faith on the side and follow the procedure, you will see that there is no other way of reaching a conclusion other than this fact. But, nowadays, people prefer to just believe. It is easier to just believe in something. Just believing in something, however, poses a problem. If there is an argument between one person and another, it will be what one believes versus what the other believes, and neither person has a way of proving that what they are saying is true. Human evolution stops there, because neither side can prove what they are saying, and all choices will be based on who talks louder, is more convincing or is more likable. But the truth is there. If we are making copies of an original, there must be an original there. 

When the Europeans were trying to conquer Africa around the year 300 BC of the Gregorian calendar, they couldn't reach the people. They began to understand that the reason they couldn't attain their goals in Africa was because we have something that nobody could take away: our spiritual life. How can you strip someone of his or her spirituality? They came up with a good way of doing it - they understood that the people of Kemet (Africa) lived under seventy-seven commandments, and they realized that this was the reason why people were difficult to reach and corrupt. Of course, seventy-seven commandments are difficult to follow. The Europeans came and told us that they were freeing us from the weight of Kemetic spirituality by reducing the number of commandments from seventy-seven to ten. The ten that they kept were the easiest ones to follow, and they were all social: do not kill, do not steal, etc. With only ten commandments, one does not have to watch oneself as much as when one follows seventy-seven. Corruption always kicks in when you become less than yourself. The M'TAM School is starting something that is not set by the White man. For the first time since slavery, we are starting something that we are doing in Africa. We are starting something that was there even before the White man opened his eyes. 

Don't forget that you are giving yourself a chance to rebuild this world. It is up to you to build the world you want to see. If you want the world to be a positive place, you are now given a chance to express that positivism instead of sitting like a corrupt people in a corrupt world, waiting for others to make it good for you. 

My job as a priest is to provide this quality that we are looking for. And I would rather graduate one person from one class than graduate a whole class that does not meet the standard of quality that is needed. Students are challenged. It is an uphill journey. Like I said, it is easier to just believe in a religion rather than going through the hardship of M'TAM, but then you will never free yourself or evolve. 

I do not gain anything from teaching you. I am not a merchant of spirituality. If I were, I would provide it in the easiest way possible, and things in M'TAM are challenging. Like I said, your pain, frustration and sorrow becomes your burden, and you have to deal with it night and day, day and night, east and west, north and south. It is your burden and your journey, and besides showing their support, nobody can help you in this journey. Even if I could do something to help you, honesty compels me to say that I would not do it; because this is the first time you are spending your energy, strength, money (and I know that money is not easy in America) and effort on yourself. Anything else that you have devoted your life for is nothing compared to this. This is the only gift that you give to yourself that really reaches deeply into you. Nobody can take it away from you, and nobody can do anything about it. 

No matter how I love you or care about you, I cannot remove the pain inside you. I cannot go inside you and remove it. What does my love do for your pain? It may make you courageous, but the energy involved in the courage is something you have to come up with for yourself. The M'TAM challenge is the most important challenge and gift that you can give to yourself. But it is challenging for a very good reason. If something as vital as your spirit and soul don't deserve the highest price from you, name one single thing that does! If you fail, it is you and your destiny and soul; it is not me. If you succeed, it is you and your soul and spirit. It is an uphill journey, but in the end, you will appreciate what the M'TAM School has provided.