Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

The Conquest of the Soul

It is so true that when foolishness is rewarded, the individual will find knowledge and wisdom useless. When it is so, we will use our intelligence to explain what the surrounding world has asked us to believe... a way to convince our own self that there is no need to change. This is how we sacrifice the soul and the spirit.

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Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

The Importance Paradigm Of A Shift An Excerpt From A Lecture Given by Spiritual Master

The problem that people have here is that they have been raised through faith and belief. You think that if you chant or pray to your God that he will give you something. But these are things that this society has put on your path to distract you. They know that it will take your entire life to realize that it doesn't work..it will take your entire life to find yourself. So, while you are caught in this distraction, society uses your strength; society will exploit you. If one spends his time understanding how energy works and getting the real education, then society would not be able to manipulate or exploit you. So, they give people an easier way: close your eyes and pray for five or ten minutes... as long as you do the job they expect from you, they are happy, because they don't care about your survival.

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Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

From Passive to Active Accomplice

The seventy seven commandments of the Great Book of Divine Ordinances exists here and now for the preparation and education of the soul; to refuse to apply them completely in ones life will be like going to sit on the bench of the passive or active accomplices to the destruction of the divine work. -Naba

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Spotlight Rachel Naba Spotlight Rachel Naba

Caucasians United for Reparations and Emancipation

"The reparations movement is creating a spiritual revolution. Our race of people, especially here in America, seems to have a very peculiar illness. Whites committed unspeakably savage and inhumane acts against Black people during slavery, and these acts were justified with a belief in white superiority. Reparations forces us to examine whether we still feel this way deep within, and it offers us an opportunity to right ourselves while we work to right the wrong,"

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BENBEN Latranei Gaibole BENBEN Latranei Gaibole

The Gift of Cowries

Traditionally, the cowrie shell has a very specific meaning and history, but because many people who use cowries are not knowledgeable about the important spiritual meaning and history that cowries carry, they are often misunderstood and misinterpreted

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In Search of the Gods Courtney Scott In Search of the Gods Courtney Scott

Hindu Dharma: One of the Ancients

Like some other spiritual practices, namely the Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) and Christian practices, Hinduism has its own trinity, although they believe that there is only one God. But in their culture, this one God has many aspects. In this issue, we will expand on this God and his forms, personalities and tasks.

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Earth Talk Rachel Naba Earth Talk Rachel Naba

Should America Legalize Pedophilia?

We must not fool ourselves into thinking that pedophilia is not an important issue. With the rise in priest convictions and an alarming 400,000 registered sex offenders in the United States (and this does not count the ones who have not been caught or whose political ties have kept them from prosecution!), pedophilia is a growing concern among mothers, teachers and responsible adults.

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The Initiate Courtney Scott The Initiate Courtney Scott

The Concept of Freedom

"Knowledge limits your freedom," our teacher, Neb Naba, says. Freedom is what is to be compromised. If anyone says that knowledge is what frees you, rest assured that he/she has no true knowledge.

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