Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Understanding Reincarnation Part One: The Notion of Destiny

The relationship we entertain with our ancestors obeys a dialectical principle; whenever a person from our family dies, they are nothing other than a dead relative. The duty we have towards our dead relatives is to first elevate them to the rank of an ancestor. As dead relatives, they can do nothing for us, and as long as they will be suffering from our negligence and ignorance, they will even negatively affect our destiny.

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Ka' at Ibi Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Ka' at Ibi Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

The Reality of Evolution

The one that is running becomes more tired than the one that is walking. The one that is walking gets more tired than the one that is just standing. The one that is standing becomes more tired than the one that is sitting, and the one that is sitting is more tired than the one that is laying. The one that is laying gets more tired than the one that is dead! At every level, really, whenever energy is used must also be generated, but every being looks for a way so they do not have to furnish or generate very much energy. Keeping that in mind, these are things that you need to add into your paradigm and reasoning process as part of the reality.

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Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Spiritual Fasting

Fasting is born because of the Gods of the second trinity (Wsr-Heru-Aishat). Wsr presented himself to humanity as a God with a human face and fulfilled all the human conditions. As a God, he died, and in the World of the Dead he created an empire: the kingdom of the dead in which we enter when we die. Wsr organized a tribunal that will judge us and decide the course of our next reincarnation according to the actions we performed on Earth. As a God, He is resuscitated for the redemption of the living.

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Robert "Baabe" Irving III Robert "Baabe" Irving III

Invention & Convention Exploring the Ancient Origin of the Drum

Concerning the root or the origin of the very first musical instruments, there is absolutely no written history concerning these ancient instruments. Nevertheless, most would agree that the hand drum would logically be among the first.

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Harmonious Healing Rachel Naba Harmonious Healing Rachel Naba

Diabetes: Alternative Treatments for Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious disease that can be a silent killer, as many people who have it have not been officially diagnosed with the condition. It is a disease that does not discriminate, and if left unchecked, can lead to serious consequences, including coma and death. Diabetes is the third leading cause of death in the United States.

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Rachel Naba Rachel Naba

Mali’s Ancient Manuscripts on Display: Coercion or Advancement?

Interestingly, in today's global market and with today's aggressive politics, outright looting and stealing is often replaced with consensual extortion, and governments seen as weaker (or puppet governments) are "convinced" to turn over their country's valuables willingly and gratefully, whether it be raw materials, labor, their dead, antiquities or cultural valuables. The politics and hidden agendas of superpower governments are intricate and often leave their victims living in a shadow of falsities and misinformation.

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BENBEN Rachel Naba BENBEN Rachel Naba

Inipi Ceremony (aka Sweatlodge)

Sweatlodge" and "sweats" have become mainstream spiritual buzzwords, and most who claim to be "spiritual, not religious" have at least heard of what they call a sweatlodge and doing a "sweat" for spiritual purity. Sweatlodge services have become more of a mainstream activity, and one can find many places on the internet that offer to perform a sweat for one or more people. Horrifically, those who are offering these services have distorted the purpose, meaning and tradition of the ancient practice so much that the modern, mainstream, "White" concept and practice of a sweatlodge ceremony resembles the traditional practices very little, if at all.

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Courtney Scott Courtney Scott

Why Do Blacks In America Reject Their Own Culture?

This article is not meant to impose on anyone's beliefs. It is simply trying to shed a little more light on the many reasons Blacks in America reject their own traditional values, spiritual values and culture.

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Robert "Baabe" Irving III Robert "Baabe" Irving III

The Mystery School of Africa

The Mystery Schools of Africa are a “rite of passage” to adulthood. Those who did not experience initiation remained a "child" mentally and spiritually.

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Firefly Productions Firefly Productions

Death by Doctor

It is time that we wake up to reality. We must understand that, despite their high-tech gadgets and plethora of tests (most of which are unnecessary), the modern healthcare system is primitive and prone to errors, many of them fatal. It is time we took charge of our own health and lives. It is time that we leave the cult of the modern medical system

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Book Corner Rachel Naba Book Corner Rachel Naba

All Love Flows to the Self

Hinduism is one of the world's oldest religions, perhaps preceded only by Traditional African Spirituality (Kemetic) and traditionally, these holy stories were passed from Master to Student verbally, much as the Ancient Kemetic knowledge. Today, however, some of these great stories can be found in one collection that is easy to read and enjoyable.

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