
According to African healing knowledge, fibroids in a woman are the result of sexual activities that her body is not designed for. Specifically, a woman who has multiple sexual partners places herself at risk for fibroids. It takes at least ten to eleven months for a woman to process a man's sperm (per sexual encounter), When a woman has more than one sexual partner at a time, or changes partners without allowing her body to purify itself (meaning, without having sexual relations with a man for eleven months after her last sexual encounter with her previous partner), the mixing of sperm from different men causes her body problems. As Traditional African Healer Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig of Ankhkasta Natural Healing puts it, "If a woman is sexually active with multiple partners, there is a period of time where the bloodlines overlap. This is why fibroids are more common in the woman's sexual organs. This is due to the way a woman's body processes sperm, which takes quite a long time to do."

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