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Spirit Transformation

Ka’at Ib: Spirit Transformation

If you had a chance to truly worship God, would you? Before entering the M'TAM school of Kemetic Spirituality I, as many others, would have said yes without understanding that there is a path laid by the Gods towards the Divine world. I would have answered without understanding that to refuse to learn the proper method meant I was trying to dictate my worship with my creators. 

Entering my fourth month of class, I now understand that the only way to get to the Divine world is by traveling the road that leads there. It is like any other place we choose to go. This is an elementary concept that is overlooked in the modern world's emotional, faith-filled approach to spirituality.

One of the first things we learned in the Ka'at Ib class of M'TAM education is that there is no room for beliefs and emotions on the path to the Divine world. Our teacher, Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig, explained that the path to the Divine can only be made by thoughtful people. He said the only thing that separates humanity from the beasts of the planet is our thought process. We will have to put it to work in order to elevate past the level of a barbarian. When we believe in something, we forfeit this ability. For example, my faith in one of the ‘Gods’  of the modern religion does not allow me to give any thought to the fact that these ‘Gods’ were non-existent over 2000 years ago. It does not allow me to question a Creator whose history is predated by his creation, because that is what I've chosen to believe in. 

The same thing can be said with emotions - they don't think. The religious doctrines of today send humanity on an emotional drive towards spirituality. This system works in making its populations emotionally reactive. If it succeeds, all it will have to do to gain approval for whatever it wants is play on the emotions of the society. The system has no interest in the personal growth or well being of the individual. It only holds interest in the further accumulation and maintenance of power. Therefore the more dependent and powerless the society can make its citizens, the more powerful it then becomes. The system has no interest in empowering its people with the correct path to the Divine world or even the correct names and identities of the Gods. 

We must be honest enough to see that what the system provides us with on our spiritual path does not help us. There is not a more dangerous person than the one who is not honest with himself. We were asked to be honest enough to admit that the method of worship preached by the modern religions is not working. Consider in a little more than two thousand years, humanity has brought the world to the brink of destruction. The ozone layer is depleting, global warming is rising, the murder rate in America is outrageous and the American public backs its government in murdering the world's poor people. Our notion of humanity spiritually evolving is ludicrous. We can search through humanity's history and find more fruitful, spiritual, and life sustaining civilizations than this one. This is the reason for humanity's interest in ancient civilizations and cultures. 

The Kemetic civilization is our best example and our most useful guide towards a spiritual life. It sustained itself and the Earth for 140,000 years in peace and harmony. Not only did it give humanity the original measurements of time, true sciences and human civilization, but it also brought the original cosmogony of Waset (Thebes) that all other cosmogonies find their roots in. Kemet has provided us through our ancestral Gods, WSIR, AISHAT and HERU an example of the logical steps to reach the Divine world. 

Our teacher, Neb Naba (or Makeru), is a Kemetic priest; a spiritual master and healer from the Dogon culture of West Africa (Meryta). He always says. "Progression is an uphill battle. You are not given freedom or respect, you must conquer it." As one of the stolen Africans of the Americas, I understand that we have put our heritage, which belongs to us, aside to embrace another's for far too long. This is the job that slavery and colonialism has done. As humans, we have put our ancient heritage and our total history to the side to embrace the ideologies of Greece and the other nations choosing to reinvent the world. Evidently, we are begging to be oppressed. We are putting our destiny and the destiny of the world in the hands of others who are more concerned with making a name for themselves than in the preservation of Earth and the elevation of the individual. It is time we reclaimed what is ours. It is time we take our destiny back in our own hands. I am very thankful to my ancestors for leading me to Neb Naba, the Earth Center and my Hat Tenee (older generation students). They have provided a family bonded by the vow to be the best people they can be under the original seventy-seven commandments. These were the commandments given to humanity by the Gods to assist us in our approach to the Divine world. 

The Kemetic meditation Ka'at Ib class is paired with the Traditional Healing class. It is the spiritual side of the technical knowledge provided in the healing class. In the Healing class we have learned that to be a Healer is a lifestyle, not a job. One is not a Healer because they learn plants and the diseases they cure. One is a healer because they vow to preserve life and follow the guidelines, the seventy-seven commandments, to do so. It is a life of quality. Building it in yourself so that you can successfully bring it to the rest of the world. Between these classes we have learned the purification techniques and the other steps necessary to become like the Neteru (Gods). 

We learn that the Neteru are much more pleased with the human being who studies the Divine world to understand how not to offend or hurt them than the one who heeps love and prayers on them in an attempt to receive forgiveness. We learned that one of the biggest spiritual crimes a human being can make is trying to humanize the Neteru and bring them down to our level. The only way to approach the Neteru is to raise ourselves to their level. Ka'at Ib class opens the door to this notion. The poses and meditations are done to get our bodies to feel like that of the Neteru. Meditation is not just for relaxation or harmony - these are just the results that it brings. Ka'at ib is one of many tools I have gained in building my world after the Divine. Enrolling in the school of M'TAM is easily the best thing I've done for myself. Without it, none of this would have been possible. It has changed my life. If it is true knowledge, it has to change the way you think, the way you act, and the way you live your life, otherwise it is just information.