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The Trap Of Time

The Trap Of Time

The division of time is a very important factor in our lives, yet most of us pay very little attention to the practical and psychological impact it carries. We find ourselves governed by the clock: we rise, work, eat, go to the doctor, learn, and go to sleep at certain hours of the day. The division of days of the month work in much the same way: Monday through Friday we must go to work, and Saturday and Sunday are commonly reserved for household repairs, family outings, errands, and relaxation. The division of months and years also affects our lives, but because these effects are not necessarily on a conscious level, they go unnoticed. For most of us, the division of time on which we have been functioning is seen as normal, universal, and correct; as we look further into the concept of time division, however, we find that the system on which we are functioning may in fact be none of these things. 

When we are writing a check and asking our neighbor to remind us of the date, we are expecting their answer to fall in a very specific context. If our neighbor tells us that it is "March 22nd", , we accept their answer as normal and correct. If our neighbor tells us that the date is "22nd March", , most of us can easily understand that the information has been given in the "European style" - we merely translate it into our own system. What if our neighbor told us that the date was "Caitra 1st" or "Phamenot 14th" - what would be our reaction? Would we assume that our neighbor did not speak English, or would we realize that our assumptions and expectations were to blame for the misunderstanding? The division of time is far from universal. Most people in the United States and Europe accept and function on the Gregorian (Christian) Calendar, the calendar used most often in international affairs. We don't question that we are in the year 2004, we just accept it and continue with our lives. Yet we don't have to look far to see that the world was in existence millions of years before Christianity was born - millions of years that the Gregorian Calendar does not recognize. 

We must ask ourselves an important question: what effect does functioning from the current calendar have on ourselves and society? While the United States Constitution demands a separation between church and state, our government, institutions, and schools operate under the Christian calendar. While the Constitution guarantees "freedom of religion", all official (and nearly all unofficial) business is conducted within the Christian perspective of time. Christians as well as Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Pagans, Kemetians, Buddhists, etc., are functioning within a system built on Christianity, and most do not question this aspect of their lives. 

The Gregorian calendar, with its short history of only 2000 years, is not the sole system of time division in use today. Time division can be seen from many perspectives, including: 

Jewish Calendar - the "Year of the World'' began on AM1, which is 3761BC of the Gregorian Calendar 

Julian Calendar - the original Christian calendar that began when Egypt was conquered, marking the beginning of the Christian Era 

Gregorian Calendar - the redesigned Julian calendar of today (a Christian calendar) 

Islamic Calendar - based on the Hegire: year one of this calendar began when Mohammed left Medena to conquer Mecca 

Chinese Calendar - invented by emperor Huangdi (according to legends) 

Indian Calendar - reformed by the Calendar Reform Committee in 1957 of the Gregorian Calendar, based on the traditional epoch Saka Era 

Mayan Calendar - a complex calendar based on calculations that have proven more accurate than most calendars in use today 

Sidereal Calendar - the original calendar used by humanity that is still in use today in Africa and other parts of the world. It is astronomically accurate and gives the most precise division of time. 

As we look into the many possibilities of time division, we can easily become confused and overwhelmed, as each calendar has its distinct philosophy, concepts, and systems. Where do we go from here? Is there a calendar that gives an accurate division of time without being limited by the concepts of religious events or faith? Maybe we should look into the past to find the answers we seek. 

The Sidereal Calendar, the oldest human calendar that was used before and during the civilization of the Pharaohs, is based solely on astronomical phenomenon: the Sirius star and the Helical Rising. Because it is based on an exact astronomical cycle, the Sidereal Calendar offers a division of time that is not based on social or religious events or beliefs. Its accuracy in all aspects of time division has, until today, gone unsurpassed. Africa is the cradle of all civilization, and every society, government, tradition, and culture originated in the Motherland. The concept of time division is no exception - every calendar is based on this original, accurate measure of time. knowledge from the Motherland is never outdated; it is is only overshadowed by those who are controlling the world. 

The Sidereal Calendar is available through The Earth Center. It is time to reclaim the knowledge of our ancestors. It is time to free ourselves from the system of faith and belief. It is time to situate ourselves in real space and time. Call The Earth Center and order your calendar today. 773-722-7001