Rising Firefly

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Black Bull, Red Bull, White Bull

Night Fire: Black Bull, Red Bull, White Bull

Contrary to what our ancestors have taught us, we have witnessed the break of new doctrines within the last two millennia that will not stop telling us that the goodness has strength.

Yes, the religions present goodness as a very powerful force capable of destroying evil and freeing the human being from suffering and death that has been imposed on him by the forces of evil. The human of modern society is brought to a sort of fatalistic view of the dynamic of the forces that affect his destiny. Maybe this approach is nothing but the best of the strategies introduced by this system to make us the primary victims. All the Kemetic schools that teach spirituality say that we must recognize the fact that the forces of evil are the most dynamic forces on Earth. Evil possesses within itself the tendency to expand and occupy new territories within the human being and around the human being. To reach that goal, evil will use every possible avenue. We have understood that there is a fundamental principle in the evil symbolized by the God Seth and against who the fundamental principle of the good symbolized by Wsr is trying to survive. By understanding that in the Holy Drama Seth succeeded in killing Wsr, we can understand how it will not be easy for the human being to survive the evil that invades him.

A human being is easily subject to corruption and generally prefers the emotional approach to life instead of the difficult task that is represented by thinking and reasoning. Considering this fact, we can affin without risk of inaccuracy, that he is an easy prey to the forces of evil. We can see that all the religions and doctrines that have acquired a certain popularity in the human world approached us through the channel of emotions and feelings. It is because faith, feelings, etc, do not think. They are a territory of sensitivity leading the human being into identifying himself with what he feels. This means that unknowingly, we defend what we believe with our life because we believe that any change in what we believe will simply signify the death of what we believe ourselves to be. As shown in the holy drama, every individual is in the image of the God Heru; born orphan from a father that is dead even before the conception of the child. Every individual like Heru is born premature, meaning weak in the flesh and spirit. But like Heru, every individual is born with a heavy responsibility to re-establish the kingdom of the God-father on Earth. He must understand that just like the situation between Seth and Heru, we all arrive here preceding the existence of evil. The evil then had all the time it needed to organize itself in the ways that we will not recognize it. The evil has had enough time to build itself in territories we find attractive. It has had time to present itself and look like the God we are trying to find. Evil has had time to set an educational system so that it can mold us into believing only in what it wants…the evil forces are the most dynamic. This is perhaps why even the doctrines that claim to be divine find themselves killing and committing genocide without shocking or reviling its believers.

The story I'm going to tell is a fable from the depths of the Kemetic lands. It talks about a situation between a predator and its prey. We must understand that there is nothing pleasant if one has to live under the skin of the prey. The idea alone that others are looking at you as a food reserve can only force us to recognize that if nature has a message of love for us, that message really goes beyond our ability to understand. It is, at the same time, difficult for us to understand the creation of life that is not motivated by the fundamental principle of good... 

Perhaps it is the duty of the existent to protect the portion of existence that manifests itself through him. 

In the middle of the Kemetic savannah, a herd of bulls decided to organize themselves against the lions. They understood that together, they will be able to defend themselves. They signed a pact. For a long time it became impossible for lions to attack any bull because every time the lions arrived, the bulls united their strength and fought. The bulls survived them and reproduced and lived in happiness and prosperity for many generations. The situation lasted to the point that lions were no longer visible in their environment. The bulls celebrated their victory, announcing that they taught a lesson to the lions. But it is to forget the fundamental principle of evil. It is to forget that evil never gives up. It is to forget that every time the evil is repulsed, instead of recognizing its defeat, it always returns after readjusting its methods and correcting what it sees as having been. 

From afar, lions observed and studied the dynamics of the herd of bulls. They sent a messenger to the chief of the herd that announced that the bulls of black color were the cause of the problems in the community. "Yes, it is the black bulls!" the females love them," . The messenger of the lions did not need a lot of time to convince. For the other bulls, the idea that the good can be on the top of the community if they could get rid of the black bulls made them then agreed with the messenger of the lions. 

One day, a big pride of lions arrived, but instead of getting together to fight, the red bulls and the white bulls withdrew and pushed any black bull that came close back toward the lions. The lions then massacred the black bulls and took away the carcasses. The lions fed on the carcasses of the black bulls for months. 

The community of the bulls reorganized itself. A new social order was established. But as in every society, the internal conflicts re-emerged vigilant eyes of the lions revealed themselves to be stronger and more dynamic than the white bulls. 

One day, the lions sent a messenger. He announced to the white bulls that the red bulls are the cause of all their problems: "Yes, it is the red bulls!" he said with a passion and conviction. "They are rude, they are aggressive, they are strong, and all the females love them. If you get rid of them, we will guarantee peace for you, and nobody would dare touch you as long as we are around." The white bulls agreed. 

The white bulls sacrificed the red bulls. After the attack of the lions and the massacre of the red bulls, all the bulls of white color found themselves in a homogenous community. They celebrated the fact that lions have guaranteed their security. They can live at peace with lions. But just as in any society, the internal conflicts emerged. 

One day, the whole community of lions arrived and surrounded the herd of bulls. The new chief of the bulls asked after a moment of surprise, "What do you want, dear friends?" At this question, all the lions exploded in crazy laughter. "What do we want?!" repeated the chief of lions in a mocking tone. "We came to eat you!" 

"But you have promised protection to us...we are friends!" said the chief of the bulls with a trembling voice. To this, the chief of the lions took a very serious tone and said, "What were you thinking when we asked you to give up the black bulls and the red bulls because they were stronger? And look at us; we are lions. We eat you guys. Together, you were too strong for us, but separated, you are nothing but food for us... 

After these words, he summoned the attack, and all the bulls were massacred. 

This is one aspect of the dynamism one can find on the forces of evil. Evil is the most persistent and as we’ve seen the Holy Drama, nevertheless, the principle of good possesses the quality of resurrection to go against the destructive power of evil. Seth has killed Wsr and Wsr has resurrected, (even after Seth had cut his body in 14 pieces) allowing the birth of Heru. This individual, then, will survive the evil. He must protect himself from religions and barbaric superstitions of the modern society.