
Harmonious Healing: Arthritis

Young people rarely think about their joints until something happens to them.Whether it be a sprained ankle, twisted knee, bad back, or sore wrists, joint problems can be both painful and debilitating. Arthritis is one common joint condition that is usually associated with older age, but it can occur at any age. Arthritis is the medical term for joint inflammation and can refer to more than 100 diseases that can make the joints swollen, stiff, and painful. The most common forms of arthritis. (as defined by the modern medical system) are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Osteoarthritis is much more common and is seen in 21 million Americans. Rheumatoid arthritis affects roughly 2.1 million Americans. About one in three Americans (70 million adults) suffer chronic joint symptoms.


The most common form of arthritis, osteoarthritis begins with the breakdown of joint cartilage.Osteoarthritis commonly attacks the fingers, knees,hips, and spine and results in pain and stiffness in these joints. Other joints that can be affected are the wrists,elbows, shoulders, and ankles, but osteoarthritis in these joints are often seen with a history of injury or stress in these areas. Osteoarthritis has many symptoms,including steady or intermittent pain in a joint, stiffness after periods of inactivity (such as sleeping), swelling or tenderness, and crunching feeling or sound of bone rubbing on bone when the joint is used. Osteoarthritis progressive and usually starts slowly. Some early signs are aching joints after exercise. The modern medical system does not know what causes OA. Something normal use of the joints erodes the cartilage that helps cushion bones and help joints move freely. Others Think physical stress is a cause of OA.

Fingers: Osteoarthritis of the fingers is hereditary.Women are susceptible to arthritis in the fingers after menopause and have it more often than men. Fingers can become enlarged and gnarled,and knobs may appear.

Knees: Knees are a very common target for OA because of their heavy use.nees can become stiff, swollen, and painful, causing problems with walking, climbing stairs, and standing up from a sitting position.

Hips: Pain from OA in the hips can also be felt in the groin, knees, or inner thigh. Severe disability can occur.

Spine: Stiffness and pain in the neck or lower back are symptoms of spinal OA.

Some risk factors for developing osteoarthritis include age (it usually occurs in older people), female gender, injury from trauma or sports, obesity hereditary, and diseases. Stiffness or pain in the joints that lasts longer than 2 weeks is a sign that should send you to a professional for a diagnosis.


Rheumatoid arthritis can affect many joints in the body as well as the blood, lungs, and heart. Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is 2 to 3 more times common in men than in women and affects people between the ages of 20 and 50. Symptoms include joint tenderness,warmth, and swelling affecting both sides of the body at the same time, pain stiffness lasting more than one hour after rest, inflammation in wrists and hands,fatigue with a fever, and symptoms in other areas of the body.

Inflammation of the joint lining is caused by RA. This can lead to severe stiffness and loss of function and can cause inflammation in the tear glands,salivary glands, and the lining of the heart and lungs. About 25% of people with RA will develop painless small lumps of tissue under the skin (rheumatoid nodules).

RA is a chronic disease but its symptoms can come and go. RA is an autoimmune disease - the body's immune system attacks its own joint tissue. The modern medical system does not know what causes RA, but they do know that heredity plays a role. Environment can also have an impact, and rheumatoid arthritis can be triggered by an infection.


Over 100 different disorders can be called arthritis. Some of the most common conditions are bursitis (inflammation of the bursae - small, fluid filled sacs that help reduce the friction between bones), fibromyalgia (chronic pain in the tissues supporting and moving bones and joints), gout (deposits of crystals of uric acid in connective tissue near joints), tendonitis (inflammation of tendons caused by overuse or injury), systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus is an autoimmune disease affecting body tissues), and infectious arthritis (arthritis developed from an infection).


Arthritis is treated by many different medications. The basic drugs are in the categories of COX-2-specific inhibitors, NSAIDS (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), Steroids, DMARDs(disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs), biological response modifiers, and over the counter pain relievers.

Surgery is sometimes recommended when arthritis cannot be managed through medication and lifestyle. Surgery is supposed to help improve use and movement of joints, relieve pain, provide better range of motion, and improve alignment of deformed joints. Surgery is risky as infection or blood clots can occur. There are different types of surgery:Arthrodesis: the bones of a joint are fused together. This stops the progress of arthritis and ends pain. Flexibility is lost but the joint becomes stable and more able to bear weight.

Arthroscopy: instruments are inserted into the joints and loose growths are removed, thus reducing pain.

Osteotomy: a bone is cut, and this is supposed to improve deformities of the hip or knee. It also relieves pain and improves alignment, and delays the need for a hip replacement.

Synovectomy: the removal of the tissue lining the joints.

If all options fail, a replacement part may be recommended. This is common for the hip joint in older people. The knee joint is also another popular area that is recommended for replacement.

The modern medical system has recommendations for "living with arthritis".These guidelines include using good body mechanics, using hands carefully, using the strongest joint available for the job, keeping the joints moving, not overworking joints,respecting pain, and a good diet. Maintaining a normal weight is strongly recommended, as is exercise, as it stabilizes joints by strengthening the muscles around them. One with arthritis should eat only moderate amounts of sugar and control fat and cholesterol intake. Calcium supplements are also recommended.


The condition in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) that is similar to arthritis is"Bi Zheng", which means "painful obstruction". Bi syndrome has four main patterns, and its symptoms include pain, soreness, and numbness in muscles/tendons/joints.TheChinese see Bi Zheng as a blockage of theQi energy and blood from the joints.The Four main patterns are:

Wind Pattern: Exposure to wind is the cause of this pattern. Wind pattern is characterized by the movement of pain from one joint to another. There is often fever and an aversion to wind or windy weather. A thin white tongue coating and a floating pulse are also seen. Herbs that treat this pattern include Fang Feng and Ma Huang.

Cold Pattern: Severe pain in a joint or muscle is seen with this pattern. Pain is relieved by applying warmth to the area, but pain increases when cold is applied. Thin white coating on the tongue and a wiry and tight pulse are also signs. Herbs used for this pattern include Wu Tou and Ma Haung.

Damp Pattern: Pain, soreness, and swelling in muscles and joints with a feeling of heaviness and numbness in the limbs are associated with this pattern. Dampweather aggravates the condition. A white, sticky tongue and a soggy and slow pulse are also signs. Yi Yi Ren and Cang Zhu are herbs used to treat this pattern.

Heat pattern: Heat pattern can develop from any of the other patterns. Severe pain and hot-red and swollen joints are seen. Pain is relieved by applying cold to the joints, and fever, thirst, anxiety and an aversion to wind are also symptoms.A yellow, dry tongue coating and a slippery, rapid pulse are signs.Herbs used in this pattern are Zhi Mu, Shi Gao, and Gui Zhi.

Acupuncture is also used to help arthritis. Modern medical trials of acupuncture have found positive results, but this is not surprising as TCM practitioners have been using acupuncture for arthritis for hundreds of years.


Arthritis is caused by an excess of ama and a lack of agni (digestive fire) in the Ayurvedic system, and this could be caused by poor digestion and a weak colon. Undigested food accumulates, and waste material builds up, which allows toxins to accumulate in the body and reach the joints. There are three different types of arthritis:

Vata - In Vata arthritis, joints are dry and often crack and pop. They are not swollen. Vata arthritis requires a three to five day detoxification diet and an anti-Vata diet, including warm, heavy, and moist foods. Haritaki is taken in warm water at a dosage of 1/2 to I teaspoon. Mahanarayan oil is applied to the joint, followed by mild heat. Yoga postures, such as ForwardBend, Maha Mudra, and Half Bridge pose, are prescribed.

Pitta - Inflammation is seen in pitta arthritis. Joints are swollen and painful, even without movement. Joints look red and may feel hot. A five to seven day detoxification diet is followed.The diet includes anti-pitta foods: cool, slightly dry, and heavy foods. Sudarsban (1/2 tsp) is taken twice a day with water, andbrahmi and sandalwood oils blended together are beneficial.Musta and nirgundi herbs relieve pain. Coconut oil is applied to the painful joint, as is sandalwood powder paste (1 teaspoon powder added to a bit of water to make a paste). Yoga postures that help include Salutation, Moon, Camel, and Locust.

Kapha- Stiff and swollen joints are symptoms of kapha arthritis. The joint feels cold and clammy, and movement tends to relieve pain. A one to two week detoxification diet is followed by vacha powder and cold, oily, and heavy foods are avoided. Punarnava guggulu apple tablets are taken three times a day, and turmeric, and trikatu. Yoga postures include tree, spinal the joint. Herbs taken also include cinnamon, dry ginger forward bend, and triangle.


Ginger - Ginger root inhibits the production of prostaglandins and leukotrienes, two things involved in inflammation. In a Daniastudy, those taking ginger powder found pain relief by taking ginger powder capsules.

Turmeric - Turmeric inhibits prostaglandin production and stimulates cortisol creation which relieves inflammation. It acts like capsaicin (cayenne pepper) by ridding substance P from nerve endings. When taken with cayenne pepper, inflammation is reduced.

Frankincense - Frankincense has been shown in animal studies to inhibit the production of leukotrienes, which cause inflammation.


Angelica - Western angelica has 12 anti-inflammatory components as well as ten antispasmodic (muscle relaxant components. It also has five pain relieving components. Place a tablespoon of cut angelica roots in a pint of water and boil, covered, for two minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, still covered, until water cools to room temperature. Drink the tea in3 doses for 2-3 weeks, then take a break for 7-10 days and repeat treatment.

Black Cohosh - Aspirin-like substances are found in black cohosh, as well as anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic components. Simmer 1 teaspoon of black cohosh root in one cup of boiling water for 20 minutes. Strain and drink the tea in 2 doses every day for 2-3 weeks. A break of 7-10 days is needed before treatment is repeated.

Celery - Celery has been used for many years for rheumatoid arthritis. 1 tsp of celery seeds in one cup of boiling water is recommended. Cover and let stand for 15 minutes. Strain and drink. Drinking 3 cups a day is needed during an attack.

American Ginseng - American ginseng increases the body's ability to handle stresses. Chop 3.5 ounces of ginseng and place in 1 quart of vodka. Let stand for 5-6 weeks in a cool dark place, turning the container frequently. Strain. Take 1 ounce after dinner or before bed every night for up to three months. Take a break for two weeks before repeating.

Hop Tea - The hop plant has 22 components that have anti-Inflammatory effects, some of which act the same way as steroid drugs. Two or three teaspoons of hop leaves should be put in a boiled water.Cover the cup and steep fifteen minutes. Drink the tea warm. Between dinner and bedtime, drink 1-3 cups for good results,

Licorice - licorice acts like cortisone but without the side effects. Two capsules should be taken daily. If hypertension is a concern, consult a professional.

Wild Yam - Place 1 ounce of wild yam root in a 1 quart canning jar. Add a few slices of fresh ginger root. Fill the jar with boiling water, put the lid on tightly, and let it stand until it cools to room temperature. Drink 2-3 cups each day for 3-6 weeks, and take a break for 7-10 days.

Many different herbs are used for arthritis. Others notfited above include, but are not limited to, oregano, red pepper,rosemary, sesame seeds, stinging nettle, mustard, epsom salts.feverfew, chaparral, wintergreen, yucca, and more.


Kemetic Healing separates arthritis into two categories:body pains and true arthritis. Arthritis is not simple to define ordiagnose in modern societies due to a number of lifestyle factors.A basic rule of thumb is this: true arthritis is a degeneration of the bone structure. It is the reduction of the body's regenerative abilities coupled with a normal degeneration, or wear-and-tear, ofthe bones or joints. Simply put, the joints wear out faster than the body can replace the needed elements for a strong and healthy level of function. Generally speaking, true arthritis occurs most often in those who are elderly, who have used their jointscessively through repeated exercise or activity, or those whose body is slow to regenerate itself. Body aches are often seen as arthritis, but traditionally, it is not true arthritis. True arthritis must have a degeneration of structure/tissue.

Body Aches

Body aches generally have a fundamental nerve compression issue. Nerves that pass through muscles can become or inflamed when a muscle is under tension, and this causes inflammation and pain.

“In nature, we find a high incidence of body aches in places that have a lot of minerals in their water supply," said Traditional African Healer Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig. “These places also have a high incidence of tooth loss. The body simply does not recognize minerals that are not in the form of real food.”

Minerals are the most common cause of body aches. Minerals, while needed by the body, are not necessary in large amounts. The body needs only a very small amount of minerals,and at very specific times. When the body gets more minerals than it can use, crystals tend to form. "These crystals can form anywhere. They can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and body aches. When an excess of minerals are introduced to the body.especially when they are taken in supplement or liquid form, they harden into little rocks. For example, calcium is the same thing that is in plaster and limestone. Once inside the body, they came together and harden, forming a stone-like body," says Master Naba. Excess mineral supplements, especially those that are supposed to promote bone structure (like calcium), are the primary cause of body aches (seen arthritis) in modern societies.


Arthritis is a degeneration of actual tissue. The body is not able to keep up with the demand placed on it, and cannot make needed tissues fast enough for their use. Thus, one experiences inflammation, pain, and limited range-of-motion.

Kemetic Solutions

Body aches are largely preventable. "It is important to understand that vitamin and mineral supplements are simply not needed for anyone who eats a balanced diet. It is only due to an improper diet that a supplement may be needed, and even these cases, they are not ideal because the body only recognizes minerals that are in the form of food. Mindful and educated use of supplements is the first step to prevent body aches," saysMaster Naba. Drinking citronella tea will also help, but it is not a professional cure.

There are various Kemetic herbal solutions for body aches. Most come in either a balm that is massaged into the skin or as a tea. Relief can be seen in as little as two weeks, and the herbs dissolve the stones.

Preventing arthritis is recommended in KemeticHealing. Being very careful with supplement use and eating asimple, balanced diet is key. Hormones drastically disrupt the body balance and create a disturbance in the body. Eating food with hormones in them, such as most milk and meat products, isharmful. Drugs, drinking, smoking, and pollution all weaken the immune system, reducing the body's regenerative abilities. To help strengthen the regenerative process, sour foods are helpful.

If you boil lemon or lime leaves, citronella leaves, dry papaya leaves, and a couple of cut lemons or limes for 15 minutes, you can drink one cup twice a day for 3-4 days to help the body regenerate needed tissue. This will also flush out deposits, clean the liver and kidneys, and strengthen immunity.

If professional action is needed, Kemetic herbs are needed. The herbs come in tea and powder form. Using Kemetic Healing, arthritis can be cured in about two weeks.


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