Humanity’s Attempt To Corrupt The Gods

Humanity’s Attempt To Corrupt The Gods

The world of the Neteru (Gods) is a very sacred and clean place. For this reason only the human being that is clean enough (which is done through the process of ablutions which is discussed in a previous issue of The Rising Firefly) will receive consideration from Gods in his effort to come close to the divine world. Their world is free of corruption on all levels, unlike the world in which we live, where corruption has made a bed for itself in the life of the average human.

The God Wsr (named Osiris by the Greeks) provided humanity with all of the principles needed in order for all of us who desire to build a world like that of the Gods can have the tools that are necessary for its construction. These principles came in the form of the Great Book of Divine Ordinances, which consists of seventy-seven ordinances given to humans by different deities.

These ordinances, if followed, will ensure the enhancement of our individual qualities and the preservation of the Earth as well. These laws are the recipe we seek to gain access to the divine dimensions. Therefore, they are very challenging and require discipline of the highest degree. But what has proven to be the greatest obstacle for the individual that has made a conscious choice to do what it takes to make contact with the world of Gods driven and motivated by his emotions and the diverse aspects that come with them. Christianity and Islam, for example, have made it their goal 1o do whatever is necessary for their God to find favor in them.

Whether it is by preaching the greatness of their God or killing in the name of their God, there remains a desperate attempt on their behalf to convince the God of their choice, that their actions to place him on a pedestal should somehow separate them from the rest of the world in the eyes of that God. If the world of the Gods was a place where corruption could exist, then such methods would make perfect sense.

But in reality, these sometimes barbaric efforts cannot penetrate the borders of the divine world, never have and never will.

In ancient times, long before the spiritual aspect of a human was taken hostage by those that colonized the world, humans didn't try to place their Gods above other Gods that were worshipped by different cultures. The education of the temples of Thebes, Memphis and Abydos teaches us that if a stranger from any culture went to visit any other part of the world, he did not hesitate to worship the God of that specific culture as well. This does not mean that his God became irrelevant; it only showed the universal understanding of that time that all Gods were to be given the same amount of respect and consideration simply because they were Gods.

Presently, man has tried his best to humanize his God(s) to 

- is corruption.

Corruption is not a new concept among human beings. It is so deeply embedded within our fragile existence to the point we engage our energy, physically, emotionally and spiritually to gain a false sense of having an advantage over something or someone. Among humans, corruption is a plague that has engulfed our entire species. But what is even more disturbing than humans corrupting humans, is when humans try to corrupt the God(s) they worship.

It must be understood first and foremost that Gods do not know borders or differences among humans. Maybe it is this important fact that has been excluded from the spiritual education of the modern world that have given man the arrogance to think he is smart enough to corrupt a God. If a human is cunning enough to trick a God, wouldn't he be considered a God himself? Somehow, this fundamental question escapes the intellectual process of the individual who is satieve some sort oft chological comfort within himself. There is a common belier that Shot created man in his own image? once nain, this theory sh. s how desperate we are to bring Gods) down to our human level. The truth is, man is restricted to a form. This is how we recognize each other on sight. Gods do not have a form, but they can reside in any form of their choosing. The difference between the two are of monumental proportion, but it is only the lack of education among men and their easily corruptible nature that will not allow them to accept the reality between these two worlds as they are.

Unfortunately, many good hearted and sincere followers are caught and stuck in this cycle of corruption without even knowing it themselves.

One cannot come close to the divine world without first understanding the taboos that are involved. Where Gods are concerned, there are no exceptions or excuses that can be made to justify our actions to Gods if we go outside of the blueprint that was given to us by them. Our attempts to humanize Gods) and bring them down to our dirty, corrupt, fragile and animalistic nature is possibly the most arrogant and disrespectful action a human being can involve himself in, knowingly or unknowingly.

All of humanity needs to be re-educated about the differences between our world and the world of Gods. Until this first step is taken, man will only sink lower into the pit of ignorance and stagnate the process of his transformation/becoming. For anyone that is guilty of trying to corrupt their God to favor them over someone else, it simply does not work.

The Earth Center, led by Master Naba, an authentic Kemetic/Dogon priest, teaches the direct knowledge of the temples of Memphis, Thebes and Abydos. Knowledge of man, Gods and ancestors, and the roles each of them play, are not taught within the modern religions. The time is now to educate ourselves on the spiritual realities we cannot see. For more information, call the Earthcenter at (773) 722-7001 or check for more information. Until then, I wish you peace as we continue our pursuit in search of the Gods. 


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