Negotiating Reincarnation

Negotiating Reincarnation

A human being of today's modern world has been so corrupted that we literally have the will for anything, meaning, we have animal-like behavior. Unless there is a threat, such as a law or rule, that forces us to do something (or not do something), we have just lost the willpower to make our own decisions. It is very easy for people to lose willpower.

A person of the modern system has been conditioned to be unable to lift a finger unless the system, in one way or another, tells him to do it. Meanwhile, people have a responsibility to have a life goal...but having a life goal is not compatible with the current modern system.

A human being needs to build a stronger path on which he will follow. To build a stronger path, one has to constantly face challenges. These challenges will try your will and will attempt to break it. As we said long ago, if you stop evil once, it doesn't mean that evil will stop; it will just attack you from another angle.

One of the first issues to understand is that we do not come onto this Earth by accident. A man and a woman that live together can survive by having a child - when we mate with our partner, we give a part of ourselves. By mating, we are trying to negotiate a chance to come back to life and to grow. Every birth is like a new chance the Universe gives itself to perfect its harmony. A person comes into life to fill a place and to become part of existence.  Because the process is quite mechanical, nature solves this problem by introducing the notion of a "self" with a free will. To come into existence, we must negotiate, because each component of the human being chooses whether it will make this journey with you. I was once given a good example that I will pass on to you: it is like somebody deciding to go for an exploration. You will have to hire a cook, a map reader, a hunter, a captain, etc. Each crewmember really joins you just to do a job, but where you will explore is your responsibility. You can't ask the cook to steer the ship because the captain is sick, because that is not part of the cook's contract. You must respect the contract you had with the cook - his job is to cook. If you respect the contract, the cook will likely wish to come with you again. But if you make the cook carry rocks instead of cooking during the first trip, the next time you ask the cook to come, he will not want to, because you did not respect the contract on the first journey.

It works the same way with human existence. When we want to cry, we do not use our backside to cry. When we want to eat, we do not use our knee to eat. The knee's job is to bend, not to eat - if you want to eat, you will have to use the mouth. There is the notion of every entity being together as one, but every entity has a contract to do a specific job. When an entity comes for a journey on Earth, then, it must negotiate for body parts. Each body part will base its decision on its previous experience with you. If the arms or the legs didn't feel like they had been used according to the seventy-seven commandments, which are the Divine contracts between an entity and its parts, they will not want to come back with the same person again. The seventy-seven commandments carry the guarantee that the person will use each part as it was intended and for good, not evil.

Before a leg will agree to come with you for a journey on Earth, it will ask every other leg entity that has come with you in the past about their experience with you.

If the entity finds out that you did not honor the contract (follow the seventy-seven commandments) and that others did not have a good experience with you, they will refuse to come.

An entity can come back for a journey on Earth without having all of the necessary parts to be whole. If a person cannot negotiate body parts, he can decide to still make his journey without them, and these people come to the world with various handicaps. There are other entities that make up a human being

- a human being comes with different levels. Not every aspect of a human being is physical. The modern system defines some of these aspects as the "spirit" or the "soul". Most people, when pressed, cannot define what "spirit" and "soul" mean because nobody dares to define them in concrete terms.

If you check the Kemetic values, you will understand that we use the word "ankh" to mean life. But "ankh" is life that goes beyond physical existence. We do not see the body dying as being death, because a body is just a body, but there is a part of an entity that carries on and negotiates another existence.

More knowledge on reincarnation and its principles can be found in Master Naba's Book: From Reincarnation to Reincarnation. 


Civilizational Conspiracies: Egoist, Hero, and Liberty