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Unnecessary Vaccination

Earth Talk: Unnecessary Vaccination

My brother was a normal healthy two year old when he got his third DPT vaccination from our doctor. Within a few days, he had forgotten how to talk, walk, use the bathroom, and use eating utensils. My mother confronted the doctor with what thought were seizures. The doctor ruled out seizures saying they were tantrums and that my mother should try more strict discipline. I had been the victim of viral meningitis at age six months and had a lengthy stay at a hospital. Thedoctor said that because of my illness,my mother was no longer able to discipline us correctly and that she enabled my brother's tantrums. My mother spent countless hours at the library researching vaccinations and possible side effects. Finally, she found a wonderful doctor willing to examine my brother. He took one look at him and said it is obvious to me that this child is having seizure activity. My brother then underwent various testing at John Hopkins Medical Center, and although no specific diagnosis has ever been assigned to hishcondition, at least we now know that there is a true medical problem. The doctors who called them tantrums still don't believe to this day that my brother is having seizures. The story gets worse, however. When my mother tried to enroll my brother in the local school for mentally and physically challenged young people they refused to admit him without a fourth DPT shot. My mother called our doctor who said a fourth shot would almost definitely kill him or make him a vegetable."

Vaccines are perhaps one of the most debated subjects concerning the modern medical system. Fears of autism, disease,and brain damage make many conscious parents hesitate to vaccinate their children, yet the modern medical system maintains that vaccinations are safe and needed. More parents are opting to forego immunizations because, for them, the risks are far greater than the benefits. Are the concerns of the worried parents grounded?

We must first seek to understand the definition and essence of a vaccine. We've all been told that vaccines are necessary preventive measures to protect against disease. They are recommended for every child in the United States and other "modern" countries and are being pushed by the modern medical system into"third-world" countries. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) states on its website: "Vaccines prevent disease in the people who receive them and protect those who come into contact with unvaccinated individuals. Vaccines help prevent infectious diseases and save lives.Vaccines are responsible for the control of many infectious diseases that were once common in this country, including polio,measles, diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), rubella (German measles), mumps, tetanus, and Haemophilus Influenzae type b (Hib)."

The official definition of vaccine, according to Mosby's Medical,Nursing, & Allied Health Dictionary, is "a suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms administered intradermally, intramuscularly, orally, or subcutaneously to induce active immunity to infectious disease. Viruses and rickettsia used in certain vaccines are grown in avian embryos, rabbit brain tissue, or monkey kidney tissue, and the organisms are usually inactivated by formalin, phenol, or beta-propiolactone.Bacteria for various vaccines may be inactivated by acetone, formalin, heat, or phenol.” The medical system insists that vaccines are safe and effective. A large body of independent research and other healthcare professionals disagree;according to them, vaccines are dangerous and unnecessary.


The modern medical system claims that vaccines save lives. Perhaps equally as important to the system, vaccines also save money in medical care and help reduce a loss of productivity due to illness. Immunizations are so important to the medical system that they spend billions of dollars every year promoting vaccinations,offering them free of charge to lower income families, and disseminating information about their necessity. Most Schools require proof of vaccination before a child is admitted, and most physicians are adamant about children receiving their immunizations in a timely manner.

Vaccinations for children are seen as vital. According to the CDC's website, "If a child is not vaccinated and is exposed to a disease germ, the child's body may not be strong enough to fight the disease. Before vaccines, many children died from diseases that vaccines now prevent, such as whooping cough,measles, and polio. Those same germs exist today, but babies are now protected by vaccines, so we do not see these diseases as often,". A booklet written by the CDC for parents also tells us that vaccinating our children will keep our child (and our neighbor's children) safe from "the most deadly diseases in history", and help rid the world of these menacing diseases "...with one of the easiest, and yet most powerful, health tools ever developed. You can make sure your children get their shots,".

Evidence for the necessity and value of vaccinations, as claimed by the modern medical system, include the following:

  • Immunization has cut measles incidence in the U.S. by 99.9%.Vaccination still is important-measles kills 950,000 people each year in countries without comprehensive immunization.

  • Immunization wiped out smallpox in 1979. Before smallpox was eradicated, it killed over 300 million people in the 20th Century-more than all wars combined.

  • Vaccination eradicated paralytic polio from the Western Hemisphere.Before a vaccine was available, polio affected as many as 57,000 Americans per year with paralytic disease.

  • Without routine vaccination,infectious diseases can quickly return and cause widespread harm. In Russia,diphtheria cases jumped from 900 in 1989 to 50,000 in 1994 after a drop in vaccination rates.

  • Immunization has nearly eliminated a major cause of childhood meningitis, Haemophilus influenza type b, everywhere the vaccine is used. Before the vaccine became available, 20,000cases of the disease were reported and nearly 600 died each year in the United States.

The modern medical system is very vocal in their cries for vaccination, and they tell us that if we were to stop vaccinating, our children would undoubtedly die from treacherous diseases that vaccines have been keeping at bay.

Polio - According to the CDC, before the polio vaccine was available, 13,000 to 20,000 cases of paralytic polio were reported in the United States. Those who contracted polio and survived the disease often ended up in braces or wheelchairs. The authorities tell us that stopping polio vaccinations would cause your children to suffer this same fate.

Measles - Before a vaccination was developed, almost everyone in the USA got measles. The CDC claims that measles are one of the most infectious diseases and is often brought into modern" countries by foreign visitors and those who travel outside of the "borders of safety". One would be prone to developing the measles if one is not vaccinated against the disease.

Pertussis - This is another disease that virtually everyone experienced before vaccinations. Stopping this immunization would cause a recurrence of Pertussis (Whooping Cough).

Rubella - According to the CDC: "If we stopped rubella immunization, immunity to rubella would decline and rubella would once again return, resulting in pregnant women becoming infected with rubella and then giving birth to infants with CRS (congenital rubella syndrome).

Chickenpox - Everyone had chickenpox before vaccination became available. Although there were some rare cases that were debilitating, most people experienced the illness and moved on. Now there is a vaccine that is highly recommended for all children, and discontinuing the shot will make chickenpox return at higher levels.

Diphtheria - According to the CDC, "Although Diphtheria is rare in the U.S., it is still a threat. Diphtheria is common in other parts of the world and with the increase in international travel, diphtheria and other infectious diseases are only a plane ride away. If we stopped immunization, the U.S. might experience a situation similar to the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet Union. With the breakdown of the public health services in this area, diphtheria epidemics began in 1990, fueled primarily by persons who were not properly vaccinated. From 1990-1999, more than 150,000 cases and 5,000 deaths were reported".

Mumps - If we were to stop vaccination against mumps, we could expect the number of cases to climb back to pre-vaccine levels, since mumps is easily spread among unvaccinated persons.


Vaccination is taught in medical schools as fact rather than theory, meaning that it is seen as having been proven safe and effective. Yet the immunity theory on which the practice of vaccination has been built is still considered a hypothesis, not a fact. Meanwhile, we tend to accept anything that is not necessarily established and popular as being true, but this the case. Long-term and widespread usage does not prove anything other than human being's faith in and devotion to the practice in question.

A growing number of doctors and other healthcare professionals have come forward to voice their opposition to the practice of immunizations, many of whom had formerly accepted vaccination as a needed course of action for optimal health. Dr. W. J. Collins, a public vaccinator in London, was among the first; after vaccinating thousands of people for smallpox over the course of 25 years, Dr. Collins came to the conclusion that the vaccines did nothing to diminish smallpox but rather caused it in many cases! Dr. Charles Creighton, while thoroughly researching vaccinations for an article for the Encyclopedia Britannica, found that vaccination is useless and dangerous. The compilers of the encyclopedia allowed Creightonto to publish his findings in the publication. Interestingly, this article is not found in some American reprints of the encyclopedia!

Public concern over the harmful effects of vaccines are rising. More doctors and nurses are turning their backs to the practice every day. Parents are beginning to question the safety of immunizations and, despite pressure from physicians and the medical and school systems, are questioning (and increasingly avoiding) vaccinating their children. More studies are showing that vaccinations are linked to a wide variety of diseases, such as autoimmune diseases, cancers, leukemia, lymphoma, sarcoma,etc), diabetes, autism, AIDS, and more.

Autism and Vaccines

Mercury (Hg) is one of the most toxic metals known to man. Exposure to mercury has devastating effects on the human being. Neurobehavioral alterations.especially to a fetus and infant, are known to occur after low dose exposure to organic mercury compounds.Thimerosal (TMS), a preservative found inIronically,many infant vaccines, contains this deadly metal at relatively high levels. Thimerosalcontains 49.6% ethyl mercury (EtHg) by weight! Approximately 12 out of the 18 vaccines that the average American child gets before age two contain Thimerosal.This means that before a child is two years old, he has been given 200 micrograms of mercury through shots - enough mercury to fit on the head of a pin. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, dropping 200 micrograms of mercury into 23 gallons of water makes it unsafe to drink! Dr. Boyd Laley, the Chairman of the Chemistry Department at the University of Kentucky and one of the leading experts on mercury poisoning, says that Thimerosal "is one of the most toxic compounds I know of. I can't think of anything that I know of that is more lethal,". Interestingly, a study done by the CDC themselves a few years ago showed that three-month-old babies exposed to 63 micrograms of mercury were 2.5 times more likely to develop autism. Keeping in mind that this is less than ⅓ of the amount of mercury that is typically given to kids under two years of age, this finding is very significant. The study has not been made public or widely publicized, largely because it is marked "Confidential" and "Do Not Copy or Release", but a news reporter was able to uncover the report.

Autism is defined as a mental disorder characterized by extreme withdrawal and an absorption in fantasy, accompanied by delusion, hallucination, and an inability to communicate verbally or relate to people. Autism ranges from mild to very severe, and the disease was very rare just fifty years ago. According to Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., "As the number of childhood vaccines has increased 700%, from 3 in the 1970's to 22 in 2000, the prevalence of autism has also shown a parallel increase of 700%".

Before DPT shots were given in 1943, there were 11 cases of autism. Statistics now tell us that there are over a half million American children suffering from the condition.

One study on the correlation between autism and vaccines states: "It is interesting to note historically that thimerosal was introduced only a few years before Leo Kanner, aMD, described a new mental disorder that differed 'markedly and uniquely from anything reported' before,Before the 1950's,cases of autism were 1 in about 10,000; today, some reports claim autism affects as many as 1 in 150 people. In Ohio, there were 22 cases of autism in 1992 and 2,217 cases in 2001. Illinois experienced a drastic increase in autism: from 5 cases in 1992 to 3,103 in 2001! The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) reports that "Between December 31, 1987 and December 21, 2002, the population of persons with full-syndrome autism has increased by over 630%". This is a doubling of autism cases every four years!

Meanwhile, the number of vaccinations children are required to receive has largely increased over these years. Many Of these vaccines contained Thimerosal (which contains high Banck B.


There is growing evidence that vaccines are related to taree number of diseases other than autism. Not only are vaccines toxic and include poisonous substances such as mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, etc., but they also contain foreign tissue and altered genetic material from human and animal origin. Immunizations have been shown to depress immune function and disable the brain. Studies have shown that vaccinations are a probable causative factor in illnesses such as: 

  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS or crib death) 

  • Development disorders (autism, seizures, retardation, hyperactivity, dyslexia, etc) 

  • Immune deficiency (AIDS, Epstein Barre Syndrome,etc.) 

  • Degenerative Disease (cancer, muscular dystrophy,multiple sclerosis, arthritis, leukemia, lupus, fibromyalgia, etc.)

In the early 1900's, Dr. W.B. Clarke, an Indiana physician, stated, "Cancer was practically unknown until compulsory vaccination with cowpox vaccine began to be introduced. I have had to deal with two hundred cases of cancer, and I never saw a case of cancer in an unvaccinated person."

The incidence of SIDS has grown from .55 per 1000 live births in 1953 to 12.8 per 1000 in 1992 in Olmsted County, Minnesota, USA. SIDS usually occurs between 2-4 months, the same time most children are given vaccines. The rise in SIDS deaths correlates with a period when nearly every other childhood disease was declining...the SIDS deaths increased during a period when the number of vaccines that are required for a child was rising to 36 per child.The escalation of he HiBren varies since its that the number of vaccines has been followed by an escalation of auto-immune diseases in children. It's thought that many of these new childhood cases of asthma, arthritis, lupus,psoriasis, and multiple sclerosis may be linked to the mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and other genetically altered substances contained in vaccines. 

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In New Zealand, the incidence of Type 1 diabetes in children rose by 61% after an immunization program against hepatitis B. Similar trends have been seen in England, Sweden, and Denmark after immunization programs.

Because nearly all vaccines contain aluminum and mercury, they are suspected to have a large role in the incidence of Alzheimer's Disease. Aluminum and mercury appear to play a role in the disease, and experts at the 1997 International Vaccine Conference said that a person who takes 5 or more flu vaccine shots has a chance of getting Alzheimers that is ten times greater than a person who has had 2 or fewer shots.

A New Zealand study showed that 23% of vaccinated children develop asthma, compared to zero percent of unvaccinated kids.


It is known that the western system thinks that the world is overpopulated. "Conspiracy theorists" tell us that there is worldwide effort to reduce the population on Earth thatencompasses everything from generating wars, spreading diseases, biological warfare, and pregnancy prevention. Westerndoctors travel to Africa, South America, and India with truckloads of condoms to "educate" people about family planning and the need to hinder childbirth. While many mainstream citizens of the world cannot imagine such a reality,evidence shows that the conspiracy theories may indeed be true.

During the early 1990's, the World Health Organization(WHO) introduced a massive tetanus vaccination program in a number of countries including Nicaragua, Mexico, and the Philippines. Several vials of the vaccine had been tested by Mexican authorities, and some were found to contain humanchorionicgondaotrophin(hCG), a naturally occurring hormone necessary for pregnancy.Innature, this hormone causes the release of other hormones that prepare the womb for nurturing egg fertilized. However,when introduced to the body inside a tetanus vaccine, a woman's body will see the hormone as an agent to fight and will theoretically develop antibodies against it. Only women in the Philippines and Mexico were vaccinated during this campaign, and of the women, only those between age 15 and45 were eligible. Additionally, women were vaccinated three times within three months, and two more later, totalling five tetanus shots; this seems excessive since tetanus vaccinations are supposed to provide protection for ten yearsThe WHO and the Philippine Department of Health(DOH) instantly denied that the tetanus vaccines contained hCGOnce confronted with lab tests proving the existence of the hormone, the authorities responded by saying that the testing was done by "right-to-life and Catholic" sources, attempting to which came back positive for the hormone. This time, they discredit the evidence. Further tests were done by a hospital, authorities claimed that the levels of the hormone were at levels insufficient to cause damage or produce antibodies. Meanwhile,vaccinated women were found to be harboring anti-hCGantibodies of thirty vaccinated women tested for anti-hCG,twenty six were shown to contain high levels!


Genocide is defined as the mass killing of people forpolitical, ideological, or economic reasons. Leonard HorowitzD.M.D.,M.A., M.P.H., stated, "...between 1974 and early 1975200,000 human doses of HB vaccine, representing four sub-types or strains of that virus, were administered to gay men in NYCBlacks in Central Africa, and mentally retarded children from theWillowbrook State School on Staten Island in New York. That Vaccine was prepared by initially growing the HB virus in contaminated chimpanzees and Rhesus monkeys shipped fromAfrica to New York...Dr. Maurice Hilleman, considered the world's leading vaccine developer, admitted during a 1986 interview (that never aired, the tape of which I recovered from the audio archives of the National Library of Medicine), that he imported the AIDS-virus into North America in contaminated monkeys destined for vaccine research and development at theMerck Pharmaceutical Company. The early HB vaccines were prepared in these contaminated chimpanzees. The viruses were then injected into the Willowbrook children, gay men, and BlackAfricans. The survivors, who had developed antibodies, then contributed their blood. The final vaccine was prepared from this blood...it was from this serum that four different subtypes of the 1974-75 HB vaccine were prepared and administered. The 200,000 doses were reportedly tested on these same populations.This, according to all the scientific evidence, best explains the triggering of the AlDS pandemic on two far-removed continents,in two demographically distinct populations during the late 1970s..the AIDS crisis may serve an ideologically justified function concerning burgeoning ethnic populations in a period of global transition,"While Horowitz' claims may be difficult to swallow, many others have come forward with similar stories. Space does not permit a full exploration into this issue, and the reader is strongly encouraged to look into this topic himself. Consider this:In 1986, the medical authorities administer the hepatitis B vaccine to Native Indian children in Alaska. This was done without the consent of their parents. Many of the children became sick and several died. Deeper research shows that their vaccine contained the Rous Sarcoma Virus (RSV)

In 1988, the Ambassador of Senegal gave a radio interview reporting on the destruction of AIDS in his country. He told of entire villages that had been wiped out. A few years prior medical teams and scientists had come to vaccinate Senegallcitizens against hepatitis B. In 1978, a new vaccine was tested on homosexuals inNew York. In 1980 the vaccine was tested on homosexuals in SanFrancisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, St. Louis, and Denver. The Vaccine was against hepatitis B. Years later, studies show that these people died from AIDS. "at the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but it's true. The Medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this. He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests." - Jon Rappoport interview


The CDC and WHO insist that vaccinations are vital for the prevention of malicious and deadly diseases. They quoted examples of how diseases have drastically lessened after populations were vaccinated against them, omitting other factors that could cause the decline in illness other than the vaccine, such as sanitation, cleanliness, and other forms of healing. Otherstudies, however, show that vaccines do little, if any, good, and potentially cause greater harm once given.

Germany stopped requiring pertussis (whooping cough)vaccinations in 1975. Today, less than 10% of German children are vaccinated, and the number of cases of pertussis has steadily decreased even though most people do not receive a vaccine. In1986 there were 1,300 cases of pertussis in Kansas - 90% of these cases occurred in children who had been vaccinated! After Introducing the diphtheria vaccine in England and Wales in 1894,the number of deaths from the illness rose by 20% in the next 15 years. In 1939, Germans had compulsory vaccination for diphtheria, and there were 150,000 cases of the disease that year.

Meanwhile, Norway did not have mandatory vaccination and experienced only 50 cases.Many studies and analysis are available on the subject of the effectiveness of vaccines. One merely needs to open his mind and look for the answers. Again, the reader is encouraged to do his own research, as the examples of the failure of vaccines are endless.


Polio - No cases of Polio have occurred in the USA since 1979.Vaccines have been shown to have questionable effectiveness.The oral, live-virus vaccine has been shown to actually cause polio in recipients and contacts. It has also been shown to causeGuillain-Barre syndrome and may contain monkey viruses.

Pertussis - The vaccinePertussis carries the same risks as having the disease itself, but the incidence of the disease is quite low in the USA. The vaccine is only about 60-80% effective.

Diphtheria - Less than 5 cases are reported per year in the USA.Long-term effects of the vaccine are unknown.

Measles - Measles is historically a common condition with complications. The adverse reactions to the vaccine are far worse than measles itself and include autoimmune diseases and blood clotting problems.

Mumps - Mumps is generally a mild disease and has shown up in adolescents and adults who have been vaccinated. The vaccines associated with meningitis in as many as 1 per 1000 dosages.Viera Scheibner, Ph.D., said, "It is desirable that mumps be contracted in early childhood because, when contracted in adulthood, the disease may cause meningitis and/or damage the testes, ovaries, auditory nerves, or pancreas. However, and equally importantly, women are less likely to contract ovarian cancer if they have had mumps during childhood."

Vaccinations have incredibly high risk of adverse reactions. In fact, adverse reactions to vaccines are considered"normal"! Vaccinations are dangerous, and even the CDC,WHO, and medical community admit this, although they stop at nothing to downplay the risks and dangers associated with their precious invention. Why would they? A billion-dollar-a-year industry is not something the medical community and drug companies are willing to let go easily.

Perhaps the fact that private insurance companies have totally abandoned coverage for damage to life and property caused by vaccinations is a clue as to how detrimental vaccines are to human health.