A Doctor's Experience With Natural Medicine

A Doctor's Experience With Natural Medicine

Slowly but surely, many people are starting to realize the benefits and results of using natural herbal medicines to remedy an array of numerous health malfunctions of the body. What is being projected as an enigma by the modern medical system for purposes directly linked to profiting from the financial gain and ignorance of those that put their lives in their hands, the modern system knows there are many other alternatives that can help solve health issues that they themselves cannot. But when trillions of dollars are involved, this system feels their deception is justified. From a traditional healing standpoint, it is not only deception that is being perpetuated by this system, it is viewed as inhumane and barbaric as well. One would like to wholeheartedly believe that preservation would be the principle behind the treatments and medicines that are prescribed and administered within this system, but unfortunately, it remains only a secondary notion. 

One doctor in particular, who requested to remain anonymous because he is in the process of getting his license to practice medicine, spoke with The Sunnyside recently concerning a health condition that has plagued him since his teenage years. "This is something that had me very preoccupied for a long time." Doctor X said 'I went to several other doctors and they all told me it was a fungal infection. A couple of doctors even said that the infection was typical of my race! I even suggested to one doctor to do a biopsy, but she said no, "you have what I just told you," But later, another doctor who did the biopsy was able to make a more accurate diagnosis. The name of this skin disease is Preticulari Populamatosis of Geshave. It is considered to be a benign cancer of the skin," Doctor X explained. 

What is very interesting is the fact that not only did these doctors misdiagnose Doctor X, but they also implied that what they thought was a fungal infection was typical of his race Dr. X is Afro-Latino, born in the Dominican Republic. It is tactless and tasteless comments like this that doctors will use when they don't have a clue as to what is going on with the health of an individual, such as the case with Dr. X. What is typical about fungal infections within the Afro-Latino culture? Absolutely nothing. If anything, it is nothing more than a stereotype with its roots embedded in racism. 

"I have been dealing with this since I was fifteen years old. I'm thirty-two right now. Within the last three years, this condition became very aggressive. My skin was very dark in certain areas of my body and very red in other areas. I went to many doctors, dermatologists and tried internal medicine. Nothing worked. The last doctor who did the biopsy and figured out what I was dealing with, gave me some medicine that scared me very much," Dr. X stated. He continued, "The treatment consisted of an antibiotic called Minocyclin. They don't even know how it works when dealing with my condition, I was also at risk of developing Lupus as a side effect of this medicine. So I was put in an uncomfortable situation, I felt trapped in a corner," he said soberly. "After talking to one of my co- workers here at the hospital and confiding in him what I was going through, he told me about Ankhkasta Natural Healing and a specific African herb called Nimika, which is an amazing blood cleanser. I asked him if this herb will have any interaction with the medicine I had already started taking, and he said no. Beng somewhat skeptical, I kept using the medicine that the doctor prescribed in addition to using the African herb Ninika. Up until that point, the Minocyclin did nothing for me." Dr. X said. "My friend saw my skepticism about using the Ninika, so he told me to check my cholesterol level before I take it and check my level again after one week. At the end of that week, my cholesterol level was a lot lower! So I started using the Ninika and in less than 2 weeks 1 noticed my skin started to clear up, especially in my arm folds and my axala. It was incredible the way it cleared up. The itching was gone, the redness and actually the hyperchromic (when the skin gets very dark) was also gone, It was excellent," Dr. X said with a smile. "Another thing that I noticed was that my stamina improved and I was even thinking more clearly." He stated. 

At this point, this writer was very curious to know Dr. X's thoughts as far as any conflict of interest between what he does for a living and natural healing. "Well, pharmaceuticals will be making a profit from just treating people. not curing them. My experience proved it, I spent a lot of money, over $10,000.00 actually, because this condition had me very worried and concerned," he responded. "My experience proved it," he finished. 

For reasons that are understandable, Dr. X didn't go more in depth as far as any conflict between the chemical world and the natural world. He also informed this writer of other doctors around Chicago that use natural herbs on their patients. but it remains low key for now. 

Ninika blood cleanser is known throughout Africa as The Human Beings Best Friend. It is an incredible herb that gets toxins out of the blood, unclogs the arteries, expels abnormal blood cells, lowers cholesterol, takes the plaque out of veins. regulates the hormones, boosts the body's immunity and clears the skin, among other issues it targets. Having a clean blood system is key when it comes to illnesses, but one does not have to be ill to take Ninika, for it is a great preventative as well. 

For more information on Ninika, call Ankhkasta at 737-201-1213. Order a bottle for yourself or even as a gift of good health for someone else. Ankhkasta provides the cure for over 500 different illnesses, naturally Call today or go to www.anhlife.org. I wish you peace and great health.


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