Civilizational Conspiracies: Democratic Plots

Philosophy Podium: Civilizational Conspiracies: Democratic Plots

We have evolved very slowly, even in the way that is imperceptible towards the tendency of allocating to the human being a legitimate right to transform the world into the image of his aspirations. We have succeeded in accepting and making others accept what we call the human rights while we carefully avoid the definition of the cultural context from which we have pulled these values. Maybe our definition of the world is born from the original momentum; the one that at one moment led us to find injustice where we want to see it and justice in everything that benefits us even if the rest of humanity should suffer from it. The same momentum that at one stage of human history could not see that slavery was necessarily an injustice because the victim at that time was not speaking English, French, Spanish, etc., and was a person of color. I'm talking about this momentum that nowadays presents in a very familiar context, the Black man, victim of all sorts of segregation, holocaust, colonialism, and (at the same time) still locked in the basements of Christian churches just like in the cargo space of the slavery ships where he is now being preached the suffering of Jewish people some time in the past as if the suffering of the Black man now does not count. 

The tendency to transform the world into our image can be seen everywhere; from the fact that the Black man has been convinced that speaking the language of his colonizer was a proof of his progress to the destruction of the environment that is seen as a side effect of our development towards better days... We must recognize that our new tendency of reducing the world to our image, to reduce the whole existence to our dimension, is nothing but the expression of our failure to face the demands of a harmonious cohabitation between every component of this humanity. 

The history of the last two millennia brings signs and events that could allow us to expose the stumbling blocks of the civilizational march of this humanity. 


We must recognize that the politics and the politicians have used the tendency that every society has to their own 42 advantage: that of the degeneration of the society when its means of transmitting knowledge from one generation to the other is taken away from it. To be more realistic, we will say that the society only evolves in the direction of the education it provides to the individual. Since the values that we possess are nothing bul the consequences of what we have been exposed to, it is them very easy to affect or to impose the evolutionary direction towards the future of a society simply by redefining the values of its past. 

History before the emergence of the new social system teaches us that the greatest disturbance in the history of humanity has been caused by the nationalistic aspirations of great intellectuals; from the years 900 BC, Greeks witnessed a sort of cultural revolution. In the message of the activists was the injustice that they were finding in the fact that all the Gods were coming from the land of the Gods (Kemet). The first act of philosophical rebellion was then the introduction of their community of "Gods" that were not Gods because their philosophy was not fitting the conditions of a God. At that period, one could see for the first time "Gods." which instead of preceding the arrival of humans on Earth, were practically created by the human and were then in the image of human aspirations. For the first time, Greeks introduced Gods that had no history and no spiritual presence. These Gods then arrived everywhere with their invasion, with armies of occupation as the cultural manifestation of a domination of one community over the other. Greeks themselves were the ones to adopt the name "demon" for that type of God. The demon is nothing other than a concept called divine to which conflicts, war, and enslavement of people is the environment of proliferation. 

We must recognize that while the new system was reinforcing itself, there were other concepts against which humanity was trying to survive. Societies that were not asking for anything more than their right to exist and allowed to be the evolution of a human being towards the Gods found themselves traumatized by diverse ideological currents which all of them, in one way or another, imposed a system of thought and values to accept or reject. The dictatorship, for example, is a concept born of the world diktat, and the diktat is a lifestyle imposed on a society by an army or people that invade it. The kings that have lost the fight to resist the invasion of foreign armies are then forced to accept and submit to the demand of the invader. A dictator is then the one that guarantees the normal functioning of a diktat. The diktat generally inesides the demand of the submitted people to abandon their God and accept the demons. The people of Tyre have pushed that concept of diktat a lot further. When the army of Tyre invaded other people not only a diktat was imposed but on top of that, the kingship of the invaded people was replaced by citizens of Tyre. By that principle the citizens of Tyre found themselves as kings of diverse people to which they had no consideration. These citizens, Kings of foreign people, were perceived as representing the hegemony of Tyre. Later on, these new relationships between the dominant and the subdued were qualified as tyranny. Tyranny then represents a system in which one finds leaders not only in the service of foreign nations but are by themselves representing the culture foreign to the people they are leading. 

Before pursuing our exploration of the path that has led to the enslavement of people, we must understand that in the beginning, the exposition of the doctrine of diktat, or dictatorship, and the doctrine of tyranny has been brought to the Greco-Roman people by their own intelligentsia as an enlightenment and a call to develop the patriotic and nationalistic spirit. These definitions always come accompanied by the need for the enslaved people to wake up and fight and reconquer their autonomy. The new ideology will also seduce people of the foreign nations. The subdued people will find in Greeks and Romans liberators instead of invaders. It will be difficult for them to realize that they fought so that they will replace one invader with another because the new invader enters the land with his demons and these demons came under the cover of liberating them from the diktat, the tyranny of strange nations. Dictatorship will now have a new name: democracy! By definition, democracy is nothing but the social management based on the understanding of the forces that are present. people can no longer be autonomous; its principle and truth will only be acceptable if it is demon-strated(1) meaning, submitted to the appreciation of the foreign power. 

Since the year 600 BC the principle of demonstration quickly became the springboard to the Greco-Romans march against cultures. Even the domain of the thought will find itself divided into two camps: on one side we will see the scientific ideology defined by the ideas and knowledge that are acceptable by the foreigner because they have been demonstrated, or let's say demon-strated. The other side is what we call the traditional philosophy, meaning the groups of ideas and concepts and knowledge that are impossible to demonstrate, meaning the concepts from which the sources are still mysterious to the civilization of the invader. 

The scientific ideology, by the principle of demonstration and the rejection of what has no place in the culture of the invader, has succeeded in setting its legitimacy. The democracy; the principle of a social power that is allocated to the masses through the capability of choosing their leaders became the greatest con operated on humanity by the propagators of the religions that replaced the spiritual concepts! If we consider that in the moder society the education and formation are the conditions that are important to the social success of the individual, it becomes shocking to see that in the society where the individual needs a formation even for the simplest function, we accept the idea that to lead a whole society or a whole nation, etc, the only thing one needs is to get elected! The candidate then must seduce the majority of his community, that vast majority which by itself is in need of being educated just to know how to clean the street or make a difference between good and evil, etc! 

The democracy arrives then as the best way to destroy a society by turning it into a community in which the dynamism is motivated by internal conflicts of interest under the watchful eye of the leader. A democratic society does not have a direction, neither ideologic nor spiritual; the energy and the genius is spent in the effort to manage the conflicts of interest among diverse groups of individuals. This situation is only favorable to the invading civilization and the demons. 

The democratic ideology has very intelligently transformed the feeling of liberation from dictatorship of other people into a sense that in the democratic society, the individual is simply free; this is a propaganda that every individual in every society will find seductive. But the philosophical reality is that there is no way of life that one can be considered free. There is no philosophy of liberty! Enslaved people free themselves from their colonizer through re-establishing their original way of existing. And since the evil in every people is found in the fact that other people impose a diktat on them, whether that diktat arrived to these people in the form of a dictatorship or a democracy, it does not change anything in the fact that somebody is denying to some people the right to exist as people with their own values and Gods to worship.


Oddessy of Bataou Part One