Rising Firefly

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Concept Quality: Benefits of Learning Medu-Myeet

The Initiate: Concept Quality: Benefits of Learning Medu-Myeet

My initial connection with Makeru took place at a local drum circle that my sister and I were attending for the first time. As soon as I saw him, I felt a familiar reminiscence of his image alone. I recognized him from the Firefly magazines that my cousin had laying around my apartment. I approached him and immediately addressed him as "Firefly" for lack of knowing that he was, in fact, Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig. At that moment, I came to know him as a very genuine and honest man who could be funny when he wanted to be. From that day on I attained the honor of being named as one of the daughters of Master Naba. 

I was told by my cousin Nehez that Makeru was a thought provoking lecturer, to say the least, and provided a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that I would never receive anywhere else. (I chose to do myself a favor and take the time to receive the exposure and enlightenment that Master Naba Lamoussa had to lend.) I decided to attend the meditation class that was offered on Saturday evenings. was inspired to see what it was that had influenced my cousin Nehez to alter his entire perception of life in what seemed to be just a small matter of time. 

Upon observing Master Naba I was absolutely taken aback by his composure alone. I noticed that he didn't use any notes or material references at all to give his lesson. He was very calm yet his message was firm and powerful. The lesson that he gave was on what he introduced as the "garlic effect". It was discussed that the problem we have as people is the quality of our intentions. What we perceive to be good or bad is solely influenced by what we are exposed to and consequently it is all we know. We have a corrupted perception of what is right or wrong because the only things we have to influence our thoughts and attitudes is what we are exposed to in this society, in our environments and in our overall upbringing. After hearing this lecture, I took the time to self-r my own thoughts and attitudes about life and knew that I needed to be a part of the classroom not as an onlooker, but as a student. I didn't think twice about my quest for true knowledge and where it had ultimately led me. I had finally found a source where all of the questions that lingered in my mind surrounding religion, this society and everything else I had ever questioned, could be answered. 

After my first couple of visits to the class, I began to clear up my schedule so that I would be free to take the Medu-Myeet classes offered on Sundays. I was excited and curious to learn the language of our ancestors. The Medu-Myeet language is the original language of mankind given to us directly by the Neteru (Gods). Writing the words alone is an effective method of mental and spiritual therapy. The characters are reflective of our origin as human beings and making that connection induces one's literary strength on many levels. Medu was the language that was spoken by humans in Kemet up until 200 A.D. when European laws made it illegal to practice our traditions. This included speaking our native tongue. Today the Medu-Myeet language is commonly referred to as Hieroglyphics (as named by the Greeks) and is the language from which all other languages are derived. All other forms of speech can be traced back to having Kemetic root words and/or meanings. 

During the Sunday classes, we are given a history lecture for the first hour or so, then we begin our Medu lesson. The lecture we receive on history is nothing like a history lesson one may hear in your average classroom. The history is TRUE and relevant to how we are living today. Everything I have learned from the history lessons, I had either never heard before or had received the information as a lie. I realized that the way I was taught in school simply catered to a positive image of European actions and philosophy. The quality of the history lessons maintains my full attention for the duration of the lecture. I am always left enlightened far beyond anything I've ever learned in the American school system. 

Learning to translate the Medu is a technique that has led me to understand the concept value that the English language lacks. Because English is a language that has so many discrepancies (for example, bad means good and rich means intelligent), no concept can ever be distinctly expressed. Comprehending the notion of expressing thoughts and ideas as clear concepts is fundamental in learning to read, write and translate this divine language of Medu. This presents itself as the collective challenge for the class to face. Because of our conditioned attachment to English, it is necessary that we are constantly critiqued on our translations and sentences. 

The extensive variations of sounds and words reflect the sheer depth of their origin For example, there are over 50 ways to verbally depict the verb "sit" or "to sit" in Medu. This displays the quality in expression that this sacred language carries because there are obviously over 50 conditions under which one may sit (slouching, upright, legs-crossed, etc.). With a unique expression for each particular action, it is impossible to mistake one action or another. Medu allows one to express a clear and concise thought or idea with no room for misconception. 

My purpose in achieving a complete and thorough perception of this language is to enhance my understanding of not only my own heritage but the contrast that exists between that and the American culture that I was born into. I am thankful to have been guided to the Earth Center and now have the opportunity 10 dedicate myself to mental and spiritual growth. I am steadily learning the essential elements to establishing a much healthier state of mind Being a part of the Earth Center has truly been the greatest experience that I could ever wish for. I will always be grateful to my ancestors who are responsible for guiding me to the position that I am in today.