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Yellow Dock: Anemia Specialist

Herbal Healing: Yellow Dock: Anemia Specialist

Midwives have been prescribing Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) for centuries to help pregnant women fight anemia and constipation. Yellow Dock roots have one of the highest iron contents in nature! While physicians and other medical practitioners steadily advise their patients with anemia to consume large amounts of iron tablets, midwives and other alternative health professionals remember that nature provides us with everything we need to help maintain health and combat disease. 

The name Dock is applied to a large number of broad-leaved weeds with roots that possess astringent properties. Once categorized with the genus Lapathum for its Cleansing properties, Docks are now assigned to the genus Rumex. 


Perhaps one of the most well-known uses for Yellow Dock is in cases of psoriasis, eczema, and other common chronic skin complaints. This herb is also good for tightening varicose veins and for cases of acne, boils, itching, poison ivy/oak, sores, and wounds. 

For itchy skin, apply a compress of Yellow Dock to the affected areas. Ointment made of the herb is useful for itching, sores, swelling, and scabs. An ointment can be made by boiling the root in vinegar until the fiber is softened. Once soft, mix the pulp with lard and store properly. 


Yellow Dock is a wonderful blood cleanser and is recommended by herbalists for any kind of eruptive disease. It is said to stimulate the liver and other related organs, thereby straining and cleansing the blood and lymph system. It also contains astringent properties, which also aid in the cleansing of the blood and organs. From routine blood cleansings to scurvy, scrofula, and jaundice, herbalists often recommend Yellow Dock to help cleanse the system and keep it functioning normally. Its overall tonic abilities are also attractive for the general cleansing of the body. 


Yellow Dock is a gentle laxative that does not strain the system, making it more suitable for mild constipation than over-the-counter products found at the local drugstore. Interestingly Yellow Dock can also relieve diarrhea, depending on the dosage taken. 


Yellow Dock was once used heavily in combating tuberculosis; today, the herb is not recommended for the disease, but the reason for this change is debated. It can also be used for a stubborn, dry, summer cough, chronic sore throat, and general unproductive coughing. Emphysema, asthma, and bronchitis can also be relieved by Yellow Dock. 

A simple recipe for respiratory concerns is this: boil 1/2 pound of root in one pint of distilled water until the liquid is reduced to a cup. Strain and discard root. Add the liquid to 1/2 cup dark honey, 1/2 cup blackstrap molasses and 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup. Add a dash of pure vanilla extract and mix until you have a smooth syrup. The recommended dosage is tsp at a time. 


Yellow Dock has been used for many illnesses other than the ones presented above. These include, but are not limited to, piles, bleeding of the lungs, ulcers, burns, to restrain the inroads made by cancer, tumors, spongy gums, hives, scabies, ringworm, and laryngitis.


Yellow Dock greens are wonderfully nutritious and contain more vitamin A than carrots. Use in salads or sauces, or whenever other greens are needed. Only very young leaves are recommended because older leaves are very bitter. Leaves can also be dried for later use.