Continuing Imperialism Government and Religious Tactics

Spotlight: Continuing Imperialism

Government and Religious Tactics

Gaining control over a society or people can be achieved in many ways. The most aggressive and obvious way to dominate a society is by force, and one look at world events is all it takes to recognize that this practice continues to thrive. Other tactics used by those who wish to control the world are more subtle and thus more powerful and include imperialism through entertainment, education, religion, and psychological beguilement.

European societies are very adept at both the forceful and subtle tactics of imperialism. Missions are sent to non-European societies to evangelize the heathens who have not succumbed to religious pressure, and projects to "educate" village children are on the rise. American music is piped through radio airwaves, and Hollywood movies are featured at local theaters. Indigenous youth are convinced that America, Germany, - France, and other European countries are the best places on Earth and that the modern culture is superior to their own; children are being torn from the arms and protection of their parents psychologically and morally.

Naturally, news of imperialistic events is kept from our ears. The mainstream media dare not disobey the powers that be and thus only tell stories of American heroism, aid, and interests. Actions of imperialism happen daily, insulting the culture and intelligence of wise men, women, and children across the globe.


April 14, 2005, marked the inauguration of a "community radio station" in Tiassale, Ivory Coast, a town of 60,000 residents. The name of the radio station, Tiassale Rural Local Radio, is ironic as the station is funded by foreign governments and is thus working to serve foreign interests rather than the traditional cultural and spiritual interests of the area. While the funders and directors of the radio station call it a "community" station, the project is nothing but a badly-hidden project of imperialism.

The project was funded by the United Nations, which furnished $15,000 towards the station. The Public Affairs Section of the US Embassy in Abidjan provided computers, microphones, loudspeakers, books, cassettes, tables, and paintings of US culture. The mayor of Tissale provided the building from which the radio broadcasts.

The goal of the radio station is supposedly to allow broadcasters to reach listeners in remote parts of the country (spreading imperialism deeper into Africa) and to wage campaigns on issues of importance to the governments involved in the station. Issues such as civic education (obedience), peace and stability (passivity), democracy (political propaganda), HIV/AIDS (promotion of Western medicine), environmental protection and free press (as approved by governments), and grassroots participation (governmental control over information) will be treated on air. A US spokesperson claimed that the USA was happy to be a partner in the station to help promote a free-flow of information between the grassroots population and opinion leaders.

Intelligent people realize that this project is nothing but an imperialistic arm of the USA and UN that is aimed to train the minds of the locals into being Westernized.


Christians in Mbaise, a community in Imo State of Nigeria, destroyed over 100 traditional shrines in the name of God in early May 2005. The event was organized by the United Congress of Mbaise Christians and occurred during a three-day weekend Restoration Crusade. 

Over 66 denominations and Christian groups made up the over 1.5 million people taking part in this spiritual destruction. The United Congress of Mbaise Christian group is a movement that is "intended to use pure Christian values, ethics, and dynamic relationship with their God's power to achieve the total emancipation of the Mbaise nation spiritually, economically, and politically." Thus, Christian values encompass destroying spiritual temples and monuments, disrespecting other people, and violence towards deities so that the Christian agenda can be met. 

"Shrines were destroyed in Umuhuokwuato, Mbuto, Lorjni, Uvuru, and Lagwa," Evangelist Umar Ukpai, one of those who ministered during this crusade, said. " It will not end there, it's a continuous thing. We've taken the bold step. It's going to be well in Mbaise land." According to Ukpai, traditional shrines have been a barrier to the development of the land and a thorn in the side of those who wish for the land to be destined to Jesus. Ukpai also claimed that the destiny of Mbaise people would soon be changed for the better now that the shrines had been destroyed. "It's going to be well with Mbaise land," he said. It is certain that the lives of the locals will be changed after this deliberate destruction of spiritual monuments, although a change for the better is unlikely, as the locals now must re-establish the presence of the Gods in their communities. Restoring prosperity to Mbaise land will never come with Christianity or Islam but with the return of purely traditional spirituality and culture.


In a place known throughout the area for traditional healing and spirituality, a Christian bishop challenged healers in their temple. Bishop Eria Luzinda, accompanied by fellow sheep in the flock of Jesus, disrespected the temples by conducting Christian prayers of nonsense to "counter the excessive activities of traditional healers in the area"

Luzinda claims that the land on which traditional healers and priests practice "belongs to the church" (Interestingly, the Christian church is the newcomer in the area, while the traditional healers and temples have owned the land since before the White man even knew that Uganda existed!) The police-escorted Christian prayers on the land were an attempt to drive out those who were "promoting traditional healing and evil acts". After the insult and while the Christians were satisfied that their prayers had harmed the healers, traditional priests kept their patience and wisdom and merely continued singing traditional healing songs, as they knew that the Christian prayers were ineffective and useless.

Events such as these happen every day around the world. The aggression of Christian and Muslim believers and foreign governments continues to rise, and they think that the world is theirs for the taking. While traditional healers, priests, and initiates stand strong in their culture and spirituality, others who have not benefitted from true education are more easily swayed and convinced to succumb to the religious and government propaganda. This means that the entire world is in danger, and the religions and governments will stop at nothing to achieve their agenda. We must wake up.




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