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LIES Doctors Tell Us

LIES Doctors Tell Us

The modern medical system, being an enormous business with huge profit margins, has an interest in keeping public trust, and the system will do anything to maintain its authority, including lies. The modern medical system is a few hundred years old, but claims to have a monopoly on health and illness. Their new technologies seem impressive and useful, and the public tends to have complete faith in modern medicine.

Modern medical procedures and protocols, however, should be questioned by patients. Some things that the modern medical system promotes as being necessary are really frivolous, and others that they claim are safe are really dangerous. How much of what the doctors tell us is true, and how much is based only on current theory and belief? Doctors are only "practicing medicine" and are not masters of their craft, so why do we place them and their profession on such a pedestal?

Myth: Prescription drugs will make you healthier

Fact: While some prescription drugs, such as certain antibiotics, are very useful for very specific purposes, the majority of them cause more harm than they help. Prescription drugs tend to cover the symptom rather than target the root of the issue. Most carry a large list of side effects, many potentially life-threatening, and come with another list of drugs with which they cannot be mixed. Doctors tend to prescribe one drug over another simply because one drug's sales representatives brought him a catered lunch and a calculator rather than because it is the best product on the market with the least side effects.

Myth: Surgical procedures are necessary and safe

Fact: Many surgeries are performed when not necessary, and no surgery is safe. For example, because of a prostate screening test, thousands of men may have unnecessarily undergone an operation to remove their prostate, as the test was proven to be useless. Besides, in many cases, a man can live a better life with the cancer than without the prostate. Many women go through hysterectomies unnecessarily, as well as cesarean sections.

Myth: Modern prenatal care is effective and necessary.

Fact: Modern prenatal care has done nothing to reduce low birthweights and prematurity, which is what prenatal care is aimed for. In fact, women in other countries with less prenatal care often have healthier pregnancies and babies than Americans.

Prenatal care does very little in a normal pregnancy but line the pockets of the hospitals that render services.

Myth: Lab tests are done for your own safety

Fact: Most lab tests are done to protect the doctor rather than for your health. Some reports state that sometimes doctors are required to generate a certain dollar amount in lab tests or risk losing their jobs! Many of the lab tests done are frivolous and unnecessary and are geared to generate income and protect the doctors from lawsuits instead of from medical necessity. This adds to the rising healthcare costs and affects our pocketbooks directly.

Myth: Use ice for sprains

Fact: Ice will reduce inflammation by slowing down blood supply, which is the opposite of what you want when you have an injury. When heat is applied, blood can flow to the area and begin the healing process.

Myth: You need to use fluoride toothpaste

Fact: Fluoride toothpaste has been proven to be harmful to the teeth and actually cause cavities in independent studies. It is put in our water and our toothpaste under the guise of being necessary for strong teeth, but upon further investigation, one will find a political conspiracy surrounding toxic waste and nuclear arms.

Myth: The US healthcare system is the best in the world

Fact: We pay sometimes four times as much for prescription drugs than other industrialized nations. We also have the highest rates of obesity, Alzheimer's, cancer, and diabetes, plus the highest health insurance costs in the world. Alternative healers are ostracized and jailed, and people are fleeing the country to seek medical care elsewhere.

If you would like to learn more about the fallacies of the modern healthcare system or more about traditional healing, contact Ankhkasta Natural Healing at Anhlife.org.