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Ninika Does Your Blood Need To Be Cleansed?


Does Your Blood Need To Be Cleansed?

Mainstream America is finally awakening to the importance of internal cleansing. While we have been cleaning our clothes, cars, and homes our entire lives, few of us have shown the same discipline in cleansing our bodies. Internal cleansing is a vital procedure that helps cure disease as well as prevent future health problems. The regular cleansing of the blood may prove to be the most precious gift one can give to oneself.

Our bodies depend on our blood for nourishment and cleansing. The blood feeds our body, fights disease, and disposes of waste. It is only natural that we strive to keep our blood as clean and pure as possible. The most effective way to accomplish this is by using Ninika, a mixture of roots and bark from plants that grow in sub-Saharan African regions.

Ninika is one of the oldest blood cleansers known to mankind. It has been used for millennia in urban and rural Africa for many conditions, such as infection, unexplained body aches, reduced immunity, acne, and general cleansing. 

Ninika is very effective in eliminating strange or dead cells from the blood. It literally separates these defective cells from the healthy blood cells and eliminates them from the body. The blood is cleaned and purified, and when the sick and dead cells are eliminated, they cannot pose a threat to the body (such as developing into cancer or other illnesses).

Ninika can be taken two ways. If the illness is localized, the herb mixture can be made into a poultice or paste. The paste is applied to the skin above the localized problem, and the herb is absorbed into the body. Sick cells will be absorbed by the herb, and a boil will develop. When the boil breaks, the dead or sick cells are eliminated from the body. An infusion of the herb mixture is taken for systemic cleansing. The sick cells are absorbed by the herb and are eliminated through the urine and stool.

Regular blood cleansings are recommended, and the average person should cleanse themselves every two or three months. This is especially important for those who live in industrialized countries because the food, air, and water are polluted. Without regular cleansing, one is at a greater risk of developing illnesses, including cancer.

Ninika is recommended for everyone.

People who eat meat or fast food are encouraged to have a cleansing, as are people who experience frequent illness, have heart or circulation problems, or are sluggish and tired. Ninika is extremely helpful for those with an impaired immune system, and it helps clean arteries and vein walls. Those exposed to toxins (which includes virtually everyone living in modern countries), pesticides, or chemicals also need blood cleansing. Healthy people normally start their cleansing program with a full treatment (two to three doses). Maintenance treatments usually require only one dose every two to three months.