The Social"Why’s" And "Because's"

The Social "Why’s" And "Because's"

Sincerely, I know that it is possible for the individual to survive the temptations and the traps that are set by his own society. Humanity has seen simple individuals show proof of wisdom and intelligence in a world made of totally corrupted humans and in societies where vices rule as absolute masters. Humanity has seen individuals rise to the highest level of human dignity inside a society where any quality is seen as offensive. We have also seen these individuals slowly gain the respect of humanity and become the perfect example of the deepest aspiration of all of us. This is why the whole of humanity has made Wsr (Osiris) an ancestral God, This is why we have deified some individuals. This is why we have raised some of us to the rank of prophets, etc.

This also proves that we are guilty of all the evil that happens on this Earth and the excuse of not knowing that we are marching gloriously in a direction that is opposite to our human aspiration to come close to the divine world does not fit. Even the most hypocritical, the most commercial, the most manipulative religious groups, present their "angels" and "prophets" in human form; we can deduce that if these superior creatures resemble us, it is because they have started by being just like us. If the prophets and the "angels" have started by being like us, it is clear that they didn't gain their status by a stroke of luck like a lotto game! This is why the God Wsr wanted to help us and he sent the Great Book of Divine Ordinances/Code of Human Behavior. The seventy-seven commandments contained in them are not limiting us to the ten commandments that cover our social behavior. The seventy-seven commandments pursue every individual in every aspect of their life to maintain the quality that is needed for our enlightenment.

This is the secret behind the ancestral Gods, sanctified spirits, prophets, etc.

An act is bad if it is part of what Gods are rejecting in the Book of Human Behavior. This is the most important principle, considered by all the Gods as a unique springboard that is vital to human genius. Every individual knows intuitively that there is a clear and unique path through which we can approach the Divine World. We know that this path is made of principles, laws, and discipline Seventy-seven commandments that are destined to separate us from corruption. But the reality is that we are sick of our corruption, our desires, and our fantasies. We became dependent on our pleasure…

The new society is bringing its solution. For the modern society, the fact that we must live according to the seventy-seven commandments on Earth and be judged by the Gods after our death to determine the course of our next reincarnation is a problem that we can solve very easily by simply refusing to hope for anything at all after death! The humankind will no longer need to die before being judged! We can at any time ask the question "why" - why did my neighbor lie? Why did he kill? As long as the criminal can convince us of the reason behind his crime, we can even go to the point of congratulating him for his crime! Every time we ask “Why”, the real challenge that we present to the criminal is to find out if he can convince us (I mean, put our consciousness to sleep) with his social "because".

Which quality can we expect from a society that rejects its cosmic dimension, a society that is made of individuals refusing to advance toward perfection?

There is no excuse for a crime. As the M'TAM wisdom says, "If you kill the Devil, he is not the Devil. You just proved that you can be worse than are the Devil."


Civilizational Conspiracies:Dimensions: Options and Choices