Continuing Imperialism Government and Religious Tactics

Spotlight: Continuing Imperialism

Government and Religious Tactics


The task of colonizing a people is a multi-faceted one; from cultural propaganda to missionary churches, a population is targeted from all sides when another decides they must submit to their "better" ways of living. Africa is a hot spot for these colonial activities, and the Christian movement is very aggressive in its attempt to "win souls for Jesus". From hordes of churches to universities, the Christians are spreading their agenda while oppressing others.

Christians seem to be doing rather well in their agenda in Cameroon, as the missionary-run colleges are promoting the fact that they have higher test scores than other schools. In 2005, ten mission colleges scored 100% on the national standard tests; meanwhile, other schools scored much lower (some at zero%).

Mission schools claim that their success resides in their moral and social standards, which they see as being above other schools in the area. They claim that the mission school greatness is due to two main principles: discipline and consistency, and claim that "Moral uprightness, which is an integral component of success, constitutes the administrative base of most mission colleges…”.

Meanwhile, only the richest children can afford to attend the mission colleges, which charge a hefty fee of CFA 500,000; this means that the students who attend these schools can afford books, tutors, and other educational advantages. Mission-run schools are heavily funded by foreign agents (churches) and can afford to pay their teachers and for supplies and other educational tools, while public schools do not receive such funding and are extremely underprivileged in comparison - their teachers are rarely paid on time, and when they are paid, they are paid very little. The differences between the two types of schools are huge and play a very prominent role in the so-called "success" of their students based on standardized testing. 

While the mission schools claim moral superiority over the general population, they are steadily pounding the "fear of the Lord" into their students, their families, and anyone else who will listen.

Behind their so-called educational superiority, their real agenda is to colonize the population into their religion, lifestyle, morals, and beliefs. While unsuspecting and ignorant parents attempt to provide their children with the "quality education" that comes from these schools, their children are steadily being taken from them mentally and spiritually while money is drained from their bank accounts and the community. Meanwhile, the destructive propaganda that comes with missions and their activities is showered over the ripe young minds of the students, ensuring the next generation will be confused and colonized.


"There is a person here...for the last two weeks, you have been worried about money. Listen!" says the preacher of a Christian church in Africa. "Some of you will never get anything from God unless you learn His principles. You might have to sow a seed into the work of God before you make a harvest." The preacher continues with a sermon circling around the need of the "Lord's sheep" to tithe and give freely to the church. Collection baskets are passed around, while the poorest of the poor attending the church sacrifice the money needed to feed their children lunch so that God will listen to their prayers and solve their financial problems. 

Meanwhile, the preacher gets richer and richer. He buys cars, mansions, and servants while his congregation feeds his family, pays his light bill, and buys gas for his car through their offerings. 

This scenario, while true, is not unknown, even in this country. It is happening throughout the world, and especially in Africa, and is yet another proof of how the missionaries and imperialists are ruining the continent. 

Those who do not know very much about the traditional African culture will not understand the implications this abuse of the church has on those who fall for their tricks. Most people in Africa, whether they are traditionalists, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, or atheists, continue to have strong roots in their traditional culture (whether they will admit it or not). Traditionally, one gives offerings to one's ancestors (it should be noted that these offerings are still done by the majority of practicing Christians or Muslims, although many will refuse to admit to such hedonistic activities) as a way to help them in their journey after death. In return, the ancestors provide protection and guidance and can influence events in our world. This is a spiritual reality that is known by all indigenous cultures and spiritual systems, yet it is also a reality that is condemned by modern religions. When Africans are told that they must give money to God and to their preacher (who is said to be God's messenger and servant) if they hope to have their financial worries solved, they believe this to be true. When they are told that they must give the church a large offering so that their wife will be cured of pneumonia, they listen…

According to one pastor, some of the young people in the church are committing acts like prostitution and homosexuality for money in order to have big offerings, and therefore, big rewards from God. Sometimes members are encouraged to bring money to the preacher as he preaches. Some preachers have openly declared that no coins must be given as offertory and some churches have special seats for those who give more money. 

The church and its agents grow rich while the church's subjects grow poorer. As the Christian propaganda spreads, more "lost souls" are gained, and the power of the church continues to grow. The giving nature of the African people and their traditional education makes them prime candidates for this kind of abuse, and the church and its preachers do not hesitate to take advantage of this fact.


The claim that the world is overpopulated is one that is often cited as a reason to limit the number of children one bears, but the evidence of overpopulation has yet to be seen. Those who have an advantage under the current system (White people) quickly believe the assessments of the governments and "authorities" who are claiming that the number of people in the world is too large, yet those who make these claims cannot seem to come up with any convincing arguments to prove their assessments. Colonial agents, such as churches, helped the system spread their message of population control, usually to people of color.

Attempts of population control are being seen more often in Africa. One example is the Ethiopian Evangelical Mekaneyesus Church which is offering family planning services to the public. Mothers who used to bear up to eleven children are now being "taught" family planning methods and are being given with which to control the number of children they bear.

Family planning movements such as this one are destructive in many ways and seem to be targeted towards those who often are seen as undesired by the system (poor people, people of color, people with morals and values different than the ones deemed as "right"...). Family is an integral part of the African culture and spiritual systems, and having many children is desired. By having many children, parents ensure they will be taken care of and surrounded by loved ones in their old age, increase their social status, and help to ensure their reincarnation through their descendants. By convincing people to drastically reduce the number of children they have, the system is succeeding in changing the values and culture of the targeted society while sacrificing the spirituality and transcendence of countless individuals.


"Good" Christians are constantly hunting for lost souls to save and will stop at nothing (including declaring war) to achieve their mission. Missionaries in Africa have many forces to overcome, as many countries are largely Muslim, and traditional spiritual practices are usually not completely tossed aside: people are Christian or Muslim by day and Traditional by night. All forms of traditional spirituality and healing are always targeted by religious groups as being devilish, evil, and wrong.

The fight between Christians and traditional practitioners has turned more serious in Uganda. Christian leaders are concerned that too many people are being "lost" to witchcraft, and the Born Again church has taken matters into its own hands. "Born Again" members were seen long after midnight on the Mulago sports ground in Kampala passionately calling upon their savior for some divine intervention. Led by Godfrey Luwagga, pastor of a local church, Christian fundamentalists petitioned their Lord to intervene in the situation. "It is time to pull down strongholds," says Luwagga. "Too many people are dabbling in witchcraft. The situation is getting out of hand."

Churchgoers were found in the middle of the sports ground with their arms raised in the air in prayer. Tears rolled down some faces as people prayed for God to intervene in their struggle to win souls for Him on Earth and get rid of the healers/witches. While the Christian soul hunters were busy praying and wondering whether they had failed their mission, the preacher continued to petition God and insist that their situation was a case of God competing against the Devil for human souls.

The area that these frustrated Christians live in is considered to be the most populated area of "witchdoctors" (traditional herbal healers) in Uganda. When the church and modern medical system fail to solve one’s problems, people flock to the traditional healers, where they know they will find solutions. The church, of course, does not like this and is rightfully threatened by the healers' ability to solve problems that they cannot. Thus, church members prayed for those people with problems, asking that they know that they can find solutions in God rather than in the healers.

Meanwhile, the healers have formed their own associations and have organized themselves. Known as Uganda Neddagala Lyayo (fellowship of native doctors), the healers have begun to organize themselves to discuss the problems that the Christians are imposing on them, and are uniting to fight the colonial messages and propaganda that they impose. Moses Kiwanda, one of the most renowned healers in the area, commented that the organization is not taking these assaults lightly and that they see the Christians as opponents that must be fought. Tired of the constant pounding of imperialistic messages, the healers plan to preach their own messages publicly as well. "And we shall also go from door to door telling people what we can do, just like these Born Agains are doing," he says.


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