Followers of Our Ancestors

Followers of Our Ancestors

Concerning the dilemma of the human brain, we have been taught that it does not invent. Creativity is only the bending of ideas that stem from another source. Games are one example. Those of us who know the history of soccer recognize that it originates from people who played by kicking around objects. Consequently, soccer can be said to be the forefather of hockey; they are similar games, but one is played on grass while the other is played on ice. We can also look at the car, whose conception came from that of a mechanical horse to carry people from place to place. We can even go further into history and identify a chariot as the origin of the wagon. 

Maybe the news that humans do not invent but rather imitate derails us from our perception that we are powerful. One cannot think of a monster that does not have at least one quality that we recognize in other animals or humans. This simply proves the point that we do not invent.

Gaining this knowledge can lead the astute person to deeper thinking; if one looks at religions with an open and honest mind, we will find that their stories sound eerily similar to those that originate in Kemet. One simply needs to do the research, and one will find that most of the "holy" stories and events of the modern religions are just copies of older stories with a concrete history. Interestingly enough, this is where our issue lies. Through all of our technological advances and college educations, we fail to challenge ourselves about the spiritual world and our relationship within this world. Students (those who are supposed to be more educated than others, and thus more "intelligent) do not ask about the Deities of the Kemetic people that existed thousands of years before the contemporary religions came into existence.

We simply accept what the mainstream culture tells us about our history (Black history) and what it deems to be important.

When we were enslaved, we were not allowed to speak our natural language. This kept us from being able to effectively communicate and limited our access to what we held sacred: our spirituality and our union with the ancestors and deities.

It has been stated that "of all our research, History is the best to serve us in our future." This quote comes from Malcolm X. Most people do not understand the depths of this statement. We as a people do not look to our own personal history as a guideline for who we are. When asked the question "Who are you", most people may offer their jobs, their material possessions, or even their religions as a means to define this answer. We do not realize that we are not answering this question with the full knowledge of our own history and culture and instead define ourselves by modern definitions, culture, and values. As long as we continue to define ourselves the way others dictate, we are still at the will of the people who enslaved our ancestors, and hence we are still slaves looking for direction from our oppressor. How inventive we have become! We can look to our past and see that when we were "so-called" freed from slavery, many of us had no place to 80 and therefore accepted the offers to enslave ourselves and become sharecroppers of our old masters. What is the difference today when people fail to research and think logically about their own culture and the current practices that the belief systems ask You to support? We find ourselves willing participants in accepting the notion that our past has been one in which we had no definitive understanding of spirituality.

It is understandable that many of us lost our zeal to recognize our Deities due to our enslavement. However, to fail to recognize that we have our own system of philosophy and spiritual understanding proves that, despite all of our educational training, we refuse to acknowledge our own genius. It is said that nothing is new under the sun. Maybe there will be a resurgence of individuals willing to follow the lead of our ancestors, who will Shine the light that will make the path to spirituality one where faith is not needed. What creativity!


Danza Azteca


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