Learning To Survive

The Initiate: Learning To Survive

As a new member of the Earth Center family, I have been handed the gift of a new chapter in my life story. Granted the ancient knowledge of our ancestors from his teachers, Master Naba, and his teachings provide a perspective of life, culture, and society that is free from the economic and political agendas in which we often find ourselves trapped.

The knowledge Master Naba is offering has remained in Africa but has been inaccessible to the general public for thousands of years. It originates from the time of the great Pharaohs and has been kept pure in Initiation Camps. Through the Earth Center, this knowledge functions as humanity's reeducation. One of the most important aspects of my education is the language. It is inside the Medu Myeet, meaning "new language" (known to the Greeks as Hieroglyphs) that we find the Kemetic spiritual philosophies. Medu expresses concepts through sound vibrations. This is accomplished by constructing individual characters that create the words that form the language. What fascinates me most is that all languages, in some form or another, derive from the Medu, and this can be used as an archeological tool that digs back through the history of human life and civilization. Another beneficial aspect of Medu is the personal development that studying the language imposes on an individual, encouraging him to have an understanding of the importance of a clear mind based on logic. 

In contrast to the "training" that is provided by our modern educational system, my education at The Earth Center has placed me in a position to sustain mental and spiritual survival as I progress through these modern times. We are faced with the issue of survival while we are confronted with a man-made system that exists only as an idea that thrives off its systematic oppression of human beings (and in doing so, proving its lack of value and respect for the planet). In a modern world of programmed, fast-paced lifestyles that distract and lead us further away from our divine-human nature, what does our future hold? The system needs servants, and we find ourselves forced into this role. Out of our fear of its collapse, we find ourselves remaining faithful to it and dependent on it in all facets of our lives.

Let me give you an example: for years we've witnessed the system do whatever it takes to maintain its power and authority, including wars, assassinations, etc. This desperate attitude is partially caused by spiritual impoverishment and a lack of a conscious foundation on which society can operate. The fact is that every civilization in the past has fallen. When you look more closely into this fact, you will notice a cycle. Some may call this a process of our human evolution, except the cycle creates a challenge for us to break free and move forward. In observing our history, we cannot claim our times of light as "success" and our times of darkness as "failure". From man's earliest beginnings, it seems that we cannot stop this cycle. If this is true, we can be promised one thing: man will soon find the tools that will allow him to take the steps into the light, and this is how we will survive. We now have the opportunity to regain what our ancestors have left us, and through the Kemetic language of the Medu Myeet, we can take the steps to re-align ourselves with the Divine.


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