Eczema: Alternative Treatments

Having eczema can be a very painful and irritating situation. Statistics from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disease (NIAMS) of the past few years show that one in every eighteen Americans are diagnosed with Eczema. That's about 5.5% of the American population; but reports of 7% to 20% of the world's population suffers from some form of eczema. For those afflicted, the nuisance of this skin disease known as eczema is relentless. Eczema is not a fatal disease and it is usually not a debilitating disease, but the rashes, abrasions, and inflammation from eczema can be torturous. It is said by many people that the most painful cuts are the small paper-cuts or wounds they experience. There are even some torture methods in which small cuts are inflicted all over the body. For many, it is this kind of pain, paired with the annoyance of severe itching, that eczema presents.

Modern "Western" Medicine:

Eczema is a skin disease that is categorized into many types. It affects infants, children, teenagers and adults. It seems to present an enigma to science and medical doctors. No cure has been found, and even its maintenance is very challenging to dermatologists. Eczema has categories such as:

Atopic Eczema: This is the most common form of eczema. It is usually hereditary. The symptoms of atopic eczema are unbearable itchiness, dryness, redness, and inflammation. When infected it can cause the skin to crack and weep (secrete liquid).

Allergic Contact Dermatitis: This is when the immune system reacts to a substance in contact with the skin. It is presumed to be caused by repeated contact. It's symptoms are the same as atopic eczema.

Irritant Contact Dermatitis: Much like allergic contact dermatitis, it is caused by frequent contact with detergents and chemicals. The symptoms usually manifest at the point of contact, mainly on the hands of adults:

Infantile Seborrhoeic Eczema: This is a common condition that affects babies under twelve months of age. It is also known as cradle cap because it starts on the scalp and quickly spreads. It does not. seem to present any discomfort to the infant as other forms of eczema do. The cause is  unknown, however this affliction usually clears in a few months.

Adult Seborrhoeic Eczema: Afflicting adults between ages twenty and forty, Adult Seborrhoeic Eczema is presumed to be caused by yeast growth. It is seen as mild dandruff but can soon spread to the face, ears, and chest leaving the skin red, inflamed and flaking.

Varicose Eczema: This form of eczema is caused by poor circulation and affects the lower legs of middle- aged to elderly people. The skin around the ankles becomes speckled, itchy and inflamed. In severe cases the skin can break, resulting in an ulcer.

Discoid Eczema: Discoid Eczema is found in adults. It appears as coin shaped areas of red skin, normally on the trunk or lower legs. The affected areas of the skin are itchy and weep (secrete liquid). Depending on the form of eczema that one suffers from, practitioners in the modern medical system's field of dermatology prescribe different medicine. These medicines fall under a few categories:

Emollients: These are used to reduce water loss from the skin. They prevent dryness by providing a seal or barrier making skin less dry, itchy and more comfortable. Emollients come in a few different forms. However, emollients contain some substances that irritate sensitive skin. Ointments are used for very dry skin; Creams or lotions are used for mild to moderate eczema also called "wet" eczema; and Soap substitutes are used or certain emollients are added to bath water in some cases to soothe itchy and painful rashes. 

Steroids: Are used when the eczema rashes flare up and the skin is inflamed. They are used to reduce inflammation. Steroids can be used topically or ingested. There are four strengths that are administered by dermatologists: middle, moderately potent, potent, and very potent. The strength that is prescribed usually depends on the age of the patient and size and severity of the rash. Steroids are facilitated by a doctor and are only used for a period of time before resting. Doctors tell you that prolonged periods of usage can cause severe side effects, however I feel it necessary to go a bit deeper and include a bit of information about the risks of steroids.

Today, steroids are used to treat eczema as a general first choice by doctors for their anti- inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. Steroids, sadly, like many medications from the pharmaceutical giants, end up causing extremely devastating and often permanent damage, sometimes far more severe than the issue they are prescribed for. Unfortunately, considering this risk doctors still prescribe them hastily even though steroids do not cure anything. They only suppress the body's ability to express a normal response. Steroids mimic the action of the adrenal glands, the body's most powerful regulator of general metabolism.

Contrary to doctor's statements, there is no such thing as a safe dose. Permanent crippling damage may occur just weeks after first use. An 8% reduction of bone mass has been observed after four months of first usage. Known side-effects include . changes in appearance, such as acne and weight gain due to an increased appetite. They also can affect the distribution, while leaving the extremities thin.

Steroids also cause the skin to become more fragile, an interesting fact considering their use for eczema. Other side effects resulting exclusively from topical steroid usage are telangiectasia, hypo-pigmentation, steroid acne, increased hair growth, and rosacea like eruptions. More extreme side effects are a suppression of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis, growth retardation in children, cancer and more.  They can also have psychological effects, such as irritability, agitation, euphoria, and depression. Some patients have also experienced insomnia. 

Be very vigilant in making sure that steroids are not found in any of the medications that one uses. As stated they are often a first choice of doctors for asthma, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, back problems, bowel problems like ulcerative colitis, all inflammations or allergic reactions and more. Doctors are coming up with new excuses to prescribe steroids every day.

Naturopathic Medicine: 

Due to the above information on the dangers of the treatments of eczema, more and more people are desperately turning anywhere else they can find for relief. Many natural remedies are used to give relief or help maintain eczema. 

One Naturopath In particular, Dr. Christina Nevada, fed up with the strategies of modern medicine concerning eczema, has done extensive research and study on eczema. She has found much new interesting information. term used to describe a variety of rashes where the skin may be itchy, red & inflamed, weepy or blistering, dry, scaly and thickened. She points out that eczema typically appears on the hands, wrists, arms, neck, upper chest, face, and back of knees, though it can develop anywhere on the body. She finds that it is not contagious.

She points out that scientific research indicates that two- thirds of people with eczema may be suffering from merely contact dermatitis (explained above). This means most of us contract eczema due to having thin skin, yet since 1951 they have been giving eczema patients cortisone to treat flare ups. Cortisone (a steroid) as stated above weakens and thins the skin adding to its vulnerability.

Dr. Nevada in her book, The Cure For Eczema: Ecology says that for the other one-third, there's something going on inside the body, so the topical products that are prescribed by the dermatologists are inadequate in dealing with the illness. She states internal changes must take place and most doctors and dermatologists don't know how to teach you how to change your body's biochemistry.

The internal issues can be one of many things. For many, there is a problem with the metabolism of fats. Many people with atopic eczema have a deficiency in Gamma linolenic acid. For others, Nevada and many other Naturopaths suggest that the enzymes produced by the internal and external bacteria have much to do with eczema. 75% of the immune system is found in the gastro-intestinal tract, where 3-3.5 lbs of healthy bacteria reside. This means that many of the people who have got on board the colonic bandwagon are, among other things, flushing out their good bacteria. A deficiency of a certain type of that good bacteria is common in people with eczema.

Diet is also a huge factor in eczema. Babies who are fed cows' milk- based formula commonly experience bouts with some form of eczema. These types of eczema can be seen as an emergency expulsion of acid toxins through the skin. Naturopathy sees the ph balance of the body as well as mental stress playing a huge role in eczema. Dr. Nevada claims that by taking control of the internal and external environments by addressing the factors outlined above eczema can not only be successfully handled but it can be cured.

Naturopathic treatments:

Probiotics: This is the "good" bacteria found in the digestive tract. Studies suggest that babies at high risk for allergic disorders such as eczema have different types and numbers of bacteria in their digestive tracts, than babies not susceptible to these illnesses. Probiotic supplements taken by pregnant mothers or children can replenish this bacteria and can improve the situation. The use of probiotics is recommended under a doctor or naturopath's supervision.

Topical Herbal Creams and Gels: Gels and creams made from a variety of herbs can help soothe and reduce symptoms of eczema. Some herbs that have proven to be helpful in maintaining eczema are chamomile, licorice, and witch hazel. Gamma-linolenic Acid: An omega-6 essential fatty acid that is mostly found in vegetable oils that is known to help with cases of inflammation. Taking primrose oil, borage oil and flaxseed oil have all shown success in making significant improvements. 

Traditional Kemetic Medicine: 

Like many other issues affecting the body, eczema is seen to be a much misunderstood illness in the modern world. The traditional Kemetic understanding of eczema is so far from what you have read above that it is important to remember that the medical traditions of Kemet (Africa) are the foundation of all medical thought in the world and therefore should be seen as the world medical authority. 

Eczema is seen as a form of dermatitis (skin disease) that is marked by small wounds that evolve cyclically between their start and finish/cure. The repetition of this cycle can and most often continues for years. Eczema is really a parasite illness and can be caused by different agents but the manifestation of eczema is almost the same in all cases: itching skin and small wounds that come and go. It behaves cyclically because the parasites which live under the skin, like all life on our planet, live according to cycles. It is during their reproductive period that one experiences the most intense itching. The new open wounds that are seen in the rashes contain the eggs that are small enough to pass through the plasma. 

The parasite's location just beneath the skin is why the modern medical system has such a hard time affecting them. The modern medical system is based on three major categories of medicine: antibiotics, pain-killers, and surgery and now it is introducing another destructive branch of medicines as explained earlier: steroids/hormones. Because antibiotics are usually taken internally and follow the bloodstream they cannot access the parasites causing eczema and dermatologists are left to treat the symptoms of itching and inflammation with topical steroids. 

These parasites, placed just below the skin are only accessible by plasma, which is why plant medicines are used. Kemetic Healers know that eczema is not a hereditary disease, it is however, contrary to what modern researchers believe, contagious. It is normally contagious through direct contact of the plasma, blood or pus from an infected wound and an open wound on the same body, this is why scratching the wounds, though relieving, becomes self- destructive for the person trying to help his/her situation. 

The thickness of the skin also plays a role in how easily one can become contaminated. This has led to the misunderstanding that it is hereditary. Direct contact is how it is transmitted and this transmission is much easier if the skin that is exposed to it is fragile or thin. Babies do not have eczema at birth but because of their fragile nature, if they are exposed to infected adults and environments, they often contract it quickly. 

As stated, plant medicines are the only cure for eczema. Most are professional recipes and preparations that can be found at Ankhkasta Natural Healing. There are, however, some home remedies, the most effective is a lemon, black soap and shea butter treatment:  First, cut a lemon in half. Take a lemon half and rub on all infected areas, this will cause intense stinging, wait until the stinging has subsided and then rub black soap on the area. Follow with shea butter. This should be done twice a day, for as long as needed.


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