The Quality of Resurrection

I have defeated myself many times with the choices I made. These choices brought much pain and many tears into my life as well as into the lives of my loved ones. The immediate environment where I grew up showed me examples of the fact that hard work pays off; however, l ignored those immediate examples and embraced examples from my extended environment which perpetuated the view that what pays is fast money through illegal gains. Unaware that my actions would eventually lead me to confinement, I invested a lot of time and energy into a lifestyle that was filled with illusions; a lifestyle that was detrimental to my well being and to the the stability of my family. Like many other Americans, I suffered greatly from a lack of understanding that our actions affect not only us, but also affect our ancestors who came before as well as our descendants who will come after us. 

When we use illegal means to increase our domain, we are breaking Commandment number seventy-two of the Great Book of Divine Ordinances which are also known as the Seventy-seven Commandments which states, Thou Shall Not Try To Increase One's Domain By Using Illegal Means. This not only dishonours us and negatively affects the course of our lives and our after-lives; it also dishonours our whole bloodline, creating an environment that does not allow personal growth. This, I just recently learnt, is Known as hi-jacking life -- using the life that we have been given to satisfy only our own individual pursuits and gains. 

Because we are the physical representations of our ancestors, our blood, our bodies and our lives do not belong to us alone. We are inheritors of all that we think we own. An honest person will agree that we do not have a say about when we arrive on Earth. Nor do we have a say about when our time expires. This fact proves how limited we are as humans; it also proves that we do not really have ownership of the life we hold. There are no parts of our bodies that we can point to which we didn't receive either from our mother's or from our father's side of the family. Since we were fortunate enough to receive life and a family to belong to, we need to re-think the responsibility we owe to our families and understand that we shall always have this connection to those who opened the doors of life for us. 

This system has shattered and continues to shatter families and promote the idea that our personal, individual desires and goals are more important than the goals of the whole. This also shows that there is little or no sacrifice today. Consider the many distractions that appeal to our consciousness and sub-consciousness, telling us that we can be anything we want to be. Such distractions intrigue us, leaving us vulnerable to the trap of individualism. No individual can live alone. Colonialism has done a great job of establishing the mindset that everyone is alone, and you are responsible for yourself and only for yourself. 

The notion of individualism is highly commercialised but also extremely dangerous when one really takes an honest look at what it entails. Historically, individualism has been used to break the bonds that held nations together to resist outside threats: The same goes for a family that's bonded together by identifying with each other's ambitions, values, allies and enemies. In order to infiltrate these groups, someone inside the compounds of these families musi be isolated first. If a conspiring party can appeal to one person and get him to separate himself from the group, they can then implement their agenda. This is what I had previously failed to realise in my life. • 

Individuals who fail to understand that their quest for individualism is the result of an imbalance embedded within their conditioned make up to devalue the importance of a strong family structure will not make decisions that are best for their bloodlines. They will make decisions based only on of what they feel they can gain at that single can result from their decision. moment, failing to consider what else Imagine that every person was raised to understand how the world is operated. 

Imagine that we were made aware that what we do or don't do plays a vital role in our future as well as in our next life. How many criminals would we see? Crime would not be as attractive as it is now. Who would gain from this difference? Definitely not the system that spends billions of dollars a year promoting the idea of living for the moment and having fun only for fun's sake. Each individual would gain, and so would the individual's communities and all of humanity. 

In Kemetic culture, we are taught to understand that punishments can be handed down in your bloodline. I noticed that many of my family members were experiencing a string of bad luck, so to say, as I continued to perform dishonourable and destructive acts. When I came home one particular afternoon, my father said, "You know your brother got robbed on your behalf?" He told me that my brother had been on his way to the store a block from our house when a child ran up to him with a gun and demanded my brother's shoes. I didn't understand what he meant at the time. I later found out that he blamed me for my brother's situation because of the lifestyle I was living. And this is the reality of the situation. 

At the time, I was really indulging the criminal lifestyle. Every time it seemed that I was making some financial progress, which was unrealistic, I would notice that my family was, on the other hand, really struggling in some aspects of their lives. I had committed all kinds of injustices and evils to many people, and now the thought of my family being harmed on my behalf really opened my eyes to the nature of whatever I was involved in. I began to give serious thought to how I was living, and to whether it had anything to do with why my parents were always fighting; or why my siblings didn't want me to come around; or why when I did come around I noticed negative vibes from them. This all led me to begin isolating myself even further, lying to myself over and over again, and saying that I didn't need them. Had my family accepted my activities, I doubt I would be here sharing with you all the importance of the family structure, because a person's chances of getting out of that type of situation are slim. Evil is very dynamic. I am very grateful that my family refused to lower their expectations of me, which forced me to better myself and to become accepted by the one group of people that's responsible for my life--my family. I am glad that I have received another chance, a resurrection. 

We spend most of every life realising that there were paths we shouldn't have taken; and if every life that is wasted results in the degeneration of one's ability to take on new experiences, we can then see that the modern ideologies, values, beliefs and lifestyles mark the beginning of the end of the human being. We are constantly born into situations that push further back the point where we start our new experience and the quality of that starting point, leaving very little chance for us to come in contact with the quality of our ancestral values, or even to be open-minded enough to listen to that quality when it arrives. Looking back, I see how my adoption of individualism slowly destroyed my life, most of my friendships, and everything 1 thought I was. Looking back also exposes how corrupt I was and how little I knew of corruption. Luckily I have been given another opportunity to make my ancestors proud and to give my newborn daughter a solid foundation of the values that build geniuses and quality people dedicated to building a quality world 

Since being introduced to M'TAM and to the many concepts about survival and the preservation of life, my entire paradigm has been changing. The thought of doing illegal activities and evil to better my situation financially is one of the seventy-seven dumbest things I can imagine. We learn that corruption goes down hill, and that evil activities for personal gain eventually set one further down the path of corruption. 

From my exposure to M'TAM, I now understand that these corrupt decisions also contradict everything a human being stands for. Very early in humanity's existence, the human being stated that he wanted to replicate the World of the Gods, so this became our goal. The World of the Gods became our model. Our obligation and objective became to raise ourselves to the standards of their world and to become as God-like as possible. In the Holy Drama, Wsr, our ancestral God, demonstrated this to be possible through the process of life, death and reincarnation. By accepting death as the end of one phase of life so that we could begin another phase, we continue to raise our quality in each phase, ultimately reaching divinity. 

Luckily for the individual interested in better understanding the universe and his/her position in space and time, we are each given the chance of a reincarnation into the values that already set the standard of living for all cultures: The Kemetic Spiritual System. As we continue to embrace these values, we shall slowly notice our alignment with everything in existence and how this harmony ensures our re-emergence as a people concerned with the stability of our planet. 

It has already affected my life. I now realise that my actions affect everything in existence and therefore must be kept in harmony with the Earth to ensure that life continues. To say that I want to live, but then choose actions that do not support the preservation of life, poses a problem. In learning the history and true nature of humans, I am understanding that human beings need a reason to do anything. Our reason to want to be the best we can and to perpetuate life is not as enigmatic as it may seem. Even in my darkest times, I always had a voice inside telling me that my life was not right. We are definitely raised to take life hostage in the present system, unaware of everything and everyone that has contributed to our birth. We cannot continue to deny our Kemetic culture. This is where our power lies. I have never had such a connection as I now have through honouring my ancestors and understanding the dialectic relationship between ancestors and their descendants. This is a never-ending cycle that can work in our favour or against our favour. Yes I honour my ancestors regularly through offerings designated by the Sidereal Calender. However, I no longer have the selfish mentality that I am content when only my family and I know the truth that I am connected to everyone. It benefits us all if more and more people know the power behind this connection of all of us to everything in existence, and that this harmony is actually an obligation not. an option. 

We are reborn every morning, a resurrection which gives us another opportunity to raise the level of our quality, consequently reducing the forces of evil. I am tired of destroying everything and everyone I come in contact with. Are you?


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