The Night Fire: A Traitor to its Species

Where are we going? 

This question arises for everyone living on this planet whenever the masters of our so-called modern societies try once again to redefine the values and realities that humanity has seen since its inception. There is no doubt that in the mentality of someone -- lucky, or unlucky, enough to be born and raised on the side of these societies -- modernism and its emissaries can only be a relief in life. The values of today are defined and redefined. The goal of life is hijacked; words no longer have their original concepts; the nature of things are harmed or corrupted; animals are losing their animal nature; and humans are doomed to degeneration. 

The result is the new face of our societies. The facts are there and real. How else do we explain the fact that animals and men have become such close friends, so much so that some animals are considered important family members: sons, daughters, brothers and sisters. This way of life gives the impression of a chronic psychosis in a human being. One in which he is trying to remove the animal nature from animals while simultaneously giving them the same status he gives his fellow humans. 

It is clear that the perception of modern man, drowning in its own emotions, tends to blind us so that our sense of logic becomes nonexistent. Today, the individual who wants to prove his intelligence perfectly finds himself in the end counting on his ability to destroy. It is his savagery and barbarism that emerges as the result. But at the same time as modern societies are trying to prove how uncivilised indigenous societies are, there is only a modicum of intelligence and honesty left in us as human beings. 

We can understand how the supposedly civilised came down to the bottom of the animated species when we see that some animals are surprisingly rising to the top of this modern society. The animals lose their nature, as human beings knowingly or unknowingly lose their human nature and are placed lower than animals. From being regarded as protector of the house and servant of the man in the beginning, the dog for example has now become the master of society and of civilized man. For the societies that have a history and have always lived in harmony with nature without trying to distort it, here's how the dog managed to enter the life of man. 

Once upon a time, long before animals met humans, the jackal and the dog, two "brothers" were living together in the deep bush. Each day they would go hunting together, and when evening fell they would return to the valley which was their only home, and share their food. 

One night they both came back empty-handed and ravenously hungry, and to make matters worse, a cold wind was blowing across the bush and the animals could not find any protection from the gale. 

'Alas!' said the dog. 'It is a very bad thing to feel hungry, but much worse to feel both hungry and cold at the same time.' 

“Lie down and go to sleep", suggested the jackal. 'Then when the morning comes we can go hunting again and perhaps catch that young deer we so nearly caught today' 

But the dog could not sleep. Its stomach rumbled and its teeth chattered, for its hairy coat was less warm than the jackal's, As it lay on the ground, its eyes wide open in misery, it caught sight of a red glow in the distance. 

'Jackal!' it exclaimed. 'What is that light over there?' 

'That's a village, and the red is a man's fire', explained the jackal. 

'Fire is warm', said the dog longingly. *Won't you go and fetch me some fire, jackal? You are braver than i. " 

'Certainly not!' growled the jackal. 'You fetch it yourself if you want it. It was your idea. 

But the dog was afraid of man and it curled up even smaller on the bare ground to try to keep itself warm. 

As it lay there, it thought that perhaps the people in the village were eating and it wondered whether they might leave some bones lying on the ground after their meal, which it could creep in and steal. The thought made it hungrier and hungrier, so much that it forgot its fear and said boldly to the jackal: 

'I can't stay here in the cold any longer. I am going to the village and will try to get some fire. Perhaps I may even bring back some bones for you too. If i don't get back soon, call me, in case I cannot find my way to you.' 

So off ran the dog towards the red glow in the village, and when it was nearly there it slowed down and crept in on its stomach, hoping that no one would hear it. Nearer and nearer it went to the fire, sniffing eagerly as it smelt the odour of a past meal still lingering in the air. 

Just as it reached the dying embers of the fire outside the door of a hut, some guinea fowls roosting in a nearby tree gave the alarm. A man rushed out and caught it, lifting high his spear and saying: 

"What are you doing in my compound, you thieving dog?' 

'Oh, please don't kill me,' begged the dog. I have not come to harm anybody here, but only to get a little warmth from your dying fire. I beg you, let me lie down here to rest and to warm myself, and later I will go back to the bush and never trouble you again.' 

The dog looked so cold and miserable that the man, who was kind at heart, felt sorry for him. He put down his spear and said : 

"Very well. If you promise not to harm anyone in this village you may lie down by the fire. But when you are warm, you must go back to the bush again.' 

The dog thanked him profusely and laid down beside the fire, on which the man piled some more sticks and blew them into a blaze. Now the dog was happy indeed, for under its very nose lay a bone which someone has thrown down at the end of their meal. It gnawed away happily for some time, while the heat from the fire warmed its shivering limbs. Never had it been so content or comfortable. 

Suddenly the man called from inside his hut: 

"Aren't you warm yet?' 

'Not quite,' answered the dog, who had just seen another bone nearby that it wanted to chew. 

'Well, I'll give you a little longer,' said the man, and all was quiet again except for the cracking of bones under the dog's strong teeth. 

'Aren't you warm yet?' asked the man presently. 

But the dog thought unhappily of the cold wind blowing across the bush, and creeping even closer to the fire it begged: 

'Let me stay just a little longer.' 

It was some time before the man called out again, for both he and the dog at his door had fallen fast asleep. 

You must have finished warming yourself by now,' said the man, rising to his feet and coming out of his hut. 

The dog, deciding that honesty was the best policy, looked into the man's eyes and said: 

'Yes, I am warm now, but I do not want to go back to the bush, where I am so often cold and hungry. Will you not let me stay in the village with you? I will help you hunt the birds that fly in the forest. I will teach you the cunning ways of the wild animals so that you kill them for food, and I promise you that unlike my brother the jackal, I will never rob you of your goats and chickens. All I ask in return is a place by your fire and the remains of your meal.' 

The man now looked closely into the dog's eyes and saw that it was speaking the truth. 

‘Very well,' he replied. 'if you promise to serve and obey me I will give you warmth and food.' 

Ever since that day, the dog has lived with man. But when at night you hear the jackal calling 'Bo-aa!' from the bush, you will know that it is calling for its brother the dog, to return to it with the fire and the bones that it went to fetch. But the dog never answers the call and the jackal wanders the bush alone. 

It is for this same animal that has "always" betrayed and abandoned its brother that modern society and its laws considers the "faithful" friend of man and place above all, as far as the modern laws and family's structure are concerned. It is absurd that Western Societies in their propaganda about their evolution, their power and their civilisational progress cannot see that this is a serious problem that requires solutions. Why in the world do we give so much attention, love, importance and value to an animal, at the expense of the human soul? How many Americans live in ghettos? How many men and women live on the streets lacking homes and means of survival? This, all while in today's prosperous neighborhoods one finds more and more spas, hotels, parks, clothing and toy stores being constructed for animals. 

If this contrast/situation does not seem alarming, you should begin to question your existence, and in doing so you will know if you are an honest man or if the tyrants with their diabolical agenda have transformed you from a member of an animated and self-guided species. The truth is we have been guided to this way at looking at life: to deny our fellow men, to denigrate the human mentality and toil to make life for a dog or other animal more comfortable, nice is barely enough. Our survival has given the impression of a chronic mental illness brought on by the self-proclaimed modern/civilised societies.


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