Science & Reason Antidepressants: Chemical Annihilation of the Mind

When we consider that disconnection from reality is a primary factor in the onset of varying degrees of depression and other mental disorders, the modern system stands out as most culpable. Its denial of all the knowledge, traditions and practices from Kemetic culture, that sustained human civilization for thousands of years is in itself a fundamental contributor to modern man’s disconnection from reality and so to depression and mental disorders. One method for getting out of depression and mental instabilities is to align one’s perspective closer with reality. Antidepressants will not help you to do this; instead they will continue to feed the illusory state of mind that led to the depression in the first place place; in many cases, antidepressants will even exacerbate the mental illusions, to the point of suicide.

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M’TAM Humanity’s Lighthouse The New Graduates of Year 413