Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

2000 Years of Lies

2,000 years of lies and perpetual reinventing of the future. 2,000 years of existence without a historical basis and 2,000 years of a humanity that keeps advancing towards its loss and crying loudly to whoever wants to listen, “Why so many tears; why so much blood; why so much suffering?”

This system has proved what it is capable of, and instinctively we know what should be the fate of this world. We want to live and die as a part of our planet, not like extra-terrestrial aliens insensitive to the natural realities of the Earth.

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Night Fire Naba Iritah Shenmira Night Fire Naba Iritah Shenmira

A Combative Self-Preservation

The dilemma in our current existence is that the Nassara (Those determined to be hated by the God Ra) have become the mastermind pulling the strings of the modern being of today, by deliberately choosing to confiscate the spiritual, intellectual, material and cultural independence of every community of people they come across.

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Jahzra Shemzura Jahzra Shemzura

An Opportunity to Mobilise

This opportunity is for those of you who look at the state of our world and understand that there is no other viable solution than to completely reject everything that was forced upon our ancestors by those who enslaved all of humanity.

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Giziribtah Debasah Giziribtah Debasah

Reflection on the Initiatic Tales of Hej-Ptah

Prophet Neb Naba has a way of speaking volumes in just a few short statements. The Introduction to the Initiatic Tales of Hej-Ptah summarizes my first year of initiation in less than 3 pages of text. The remainder of my life will be spent trying to implement the doctrines he shares with humanity and this lifetime will not come close to being long enough. Every initiate knows it takes a great deal of humility, honesty, and courage to take this journey. There are no shortcuts.

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Ka'at Ibi Firefly Productions Ka'at Ibi Firefly Productions

Playing with Perception

In the Kemetic culture, humanity’s ambition is directed toward copying the Divine World. So every aspect of life is geared toward building spiritual qualities and humans achieving their best potential. This foundation of Kemetic civilisation results in a society living in harmony with existence, but it takes sacrifice and hard work to live in alignment with nature.

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In Search of the Gods Saqhau Washhek In Search of the Gods Saqhau Washhek

Readers & Healers in Mboq Tang

The Wimbum separate the tasks of reading and resolving energetic imbalances that affect an entire family or the whole village from those of healing physical ailments in individuals or the community. So when a person brings a serious personal physical health problem to a healer, the healer will send that person to a reader. The person will bring back the reader’s reading (findings) and the healer will use that information to identify the specific nature of the physical ailment that needs to be healed and the method and tools to use in the healing process. The understanding here is that the reader already reestablished balance in the world energies, without which physical healing is not possible.

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Jahzra Shemzura Jahzra Shemzura

The Renunciation of Real Wealth for Conceptual Wealth

Paper money is one example of a token that has led traditional people down the path of renouncing their culture in order to gain acknowledgement within the white man’s system. Cultures have sold themselves, their survival techniques, spirituality and all that they stand for in exchange for the conceptual value of money.

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Spotlight Nekhitem Kamenthu Spotlight Nekhitem Kamenthu

20 Year Celebration with Club de Ballet Tem

This group of representatives is called “Club De Ballet Tem” and will consist of Elders, Priests, Priestesses, traditional musicians, healers, and spiritual dancers.

“Club De Ballet Tem” will not only be performing drum, dance, and cultural exhibitions during these events, but will also be present as a cultural resource to all those associated with The Earth Center for conversations and meetings during their stay in Maanu.

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Imy Maktitaoui Imy Maktitaoui

Building for the Future

One aspect of his mission was the creation of The Earth Center, an international not-for-profit organisation, founded by the Prophet Neb Naba in 1996, after being granted permission by his elders and the kingship of his people. The Earth Center brings the traditional education that had been kept sacred by his ancestors to all of humanity. The Earth Center organisation: teaches classes through the M’TAM School of Kemetic Philosophy and Spirituality, publishes educational materials through Firefly Productions and offers herbal recipes and traditional healing techniques through Ankhkasta Natural Healing.

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Earth Talk Djedka Zeshera Earth Talk Djedka Zeshera

An Unlikely Enemy

For individuals who identify themselves as humanitarians or who have a drive to change the world, it is necessary to remain vigilant and assess the effect of our actions. Based on the Kemetic culture, there is a God named Seth. He has dominion over the Earth with other Gods and his brother Wsr is among them. Seth is about conquering over all for himself and he stops at nothing to get it done. He is very dynamic in his means. Seth is also a master in disguise. These are principles that rule the world and reside in the heart of men. If you are not vigilant in your investigation of what is going on around you, it can lead you to become a hand of the oppressor. You can become the very problem you intended to fix. Modern society has created the illusion of having an easy way to feel good about yourself. You can lead a life of destruction and then redeem yourself through good deeds. It’s as if you can give yourself a spiritual face-lift. Instead of imposing foreign values on other cultures, one can do much more good for this world by striving to conquer the evil within themselves. Learning, preserving, and respecting the traditions of indigenous communities that struggle to maintain their identity, is another way we can re-learn the traditions of our ancestors in order to live a more harmonious life.

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The Ancestral Spirit Naba Iritah Shenmira The Ancestral Spirit Naba Iritah Shenmira

The Importance of the Name

To give a name to a child is to give him or her the destiny. And a human with a meaningless name or a name that translates a destiny different from the one he or she is trying to achieve is one that is not living. He or she is just passing through life. This is to say that our names influence the course of our lives considerably.

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Nehez Meniooh Nehez Meniooh

An Investment in the Self The New M’TAM Graduates of Year 414

It is that Ancestral system of education, and the recovery of our Ancestral values, and integrity the M’TAM Schools provide. Each initiate is challenged with meeting this profound opportunity but few are capable of doing so. The M’TAM Schools around the world, as well as The Earth Center, want to congratulate the graduates of 414 who have proven their seriousness in their self-transformation. We wish to welcome the 31st and 32nd graduating generations of the M’TAM Schools.

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The Initiate Meramsu Wasseker The Initiate Meramsu Wasseker

A Solution to Revolution

What this initiation has done is given Black people, and essentially all human beings, a chance to survive. Where once we exemplified a quality so high that the rest of the world relied on our culture as a leader, now we cannot function without having given up our values.

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The Pilgrim's Walking Stick Nehez Meniooh The Pilgrim's Walking Stick Nehez Meniooh

Pan-Africanism & Kemet

The fundamental question of identity is one that many have overlooked in their attempts to recover from colonisation. If you are not actively fighting to ensure your identity, the institution of globalism works to re-educate you with one that serves the colonial master. Let us all return home to instead serve the roots.

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