Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Understanding the Dialogue of Energies

The dialogue of energies is the law of adjustment and re-adjustment of energies; it is behaviour adopted by the energies of an entity in response to the energetic positions of other entities. The dialogue of energies is the “cause-effect-cause” cycle that marks every step of all becomings in existence.

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Benben Menzeba Hasati Benben Menzeba Hasati

The Wenélé

The Wenélé is the 40 day period when a woman stays at home with her newborn baby. She doesn’t leave her home for 1 month and 10 days, until she is fully herself again. During this time she is recovering not just physically, but is spiritually transitioning from being in the vulnerable and sometimes dangerous state of carrying a life inside her, to being fully herself again.

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Root Tones Nekhitem Kamenthu Root Tones Nekhitem Kamenthu

True Tones

It is common these days for those who claim that they are interested in the stylistic evolution of music, or, music as a discipline, to see most of the modern popular music that the youth embrace as clear evidence of a degeneration of musical technique, discipline, message, and overall integrity. Maybe it is something much deeper that has been lost.

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Earth Talk Imy Maktitaoui Earth Talk Imy Maktitaoui

History to Mystery: Institutionalized Terrorism

Our Ancestors measured success in the development of the individual’s qualities -- qualities that are directly linked to moving one closer to embodying the essence of a divine being. Our societies were structured to solve the problems existing in the world today. Even the problems we have with ourselves have been answered and tested and verified throughout the eons. The proof has been put into the structure of the oldest and longest surviving culture on this planet.

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Harmonious Healing Jahzra Shemzura Harmonious Healing Jahzra Shemzura

Abortion: A Spiritual Crime & Its Health Implications

According to Kemetic spirituality and tradition, every birth is the reincarnation of an Ancestor. Ancestors are waiting on average seven generations to reincarnate and gain the opportunity to return from the World of the Dead to fulfill the responsibilities that lie before them and their destiny in order to have yet another opportunity to write a history that brings them closer to our goal as humans- becoming Divine and renouncing the need to return to material/ earthly/mortal existence.

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The Initiate Firefly Productions The Initiate Firefly Productions

Learning to Spell

As M’TAM initiates, we are told “think 3 times before speaking”. That is, one is to examine in his mind, 3 times, what he wishes to say before expressing a thought. This prompts functioning from a logical mental process, to express clarity of thought. This is an invaluable tool the initiation has exposed me to. This simple tactic demonstrates to be very effective in assisting me in this continual process of refining my thoughts and subsequent speech.

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Marrwho Hasati Marrwho Hasati

Familiar Stranger

I say all this because we as humans in the modern world suffer immensely from individualism and tunnel vision. Amidst the rat race that we are a part of, we end up solely focusing on ourselves and what is in front of us. But we must find a way to begin expanding our awareness of how we impact ourselves and others around us with our actions, our speech, and even our thoughts. It is important that we understand that our daily behaviors affect others, not only in our households and workplaces, but in our neighborhoods, our cities, states, countries, and even the world. No longer can we afford to perform acts while remaining oblivious to their effects on our surroundings.

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Ka'at Ibi Jahzra Shemzura Ka'at Ibi Jahzra Shemzura

Gratitude to the Prophet

How can I show gratitude to my Spiritual Father, to the Prophet of the Traditions? How does one show gratitude to someone who re-guided the trajectory of her bloodline that for generations has been led astray? From what I have learned of the Prophet, the means to showing gratitude towards him is to live a life that applies our ancestral principles and knowledge and continue to use this knowledge to refine myself and guide others to do the same. A Prophet has his disciples to continue his mission once he transitions. His disciples must perpetuate the knowledge and his mission to bring dignity back to humanity where we can live in harmony with the principles of nature.

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Herbal Healing Meqmeqka Zeshera Herbal Healing Meqmeqka Zeshera

Soumbala: Locust PodsAge Old Ingredient Prevents & Treats Hypertension

However, it is soumbala’s medicinal properties that are most impressive. The most well known benefit soumbala has to offer is the ability to regulate blood pressure (it is one of the highest cited plants used for treating hypertension). This makes for an excellent form of prevention for those at-risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, or similar health condition.

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Heqrahim Maatibsahu Heqrahim Maatibsahu

World Renewal Day: The Origins of the Leap Year

World Renewal day has a long history as a day of great traditional significance to Kemetic people. As the oldest surviving culture on the Earth, it is important for us as Kemetic people to write our own history. We cannot continue to let younger, less advanced cultures miswrite history and then be disgruntled or upset about how it is presented. This article is a part of writing our own history but you the reader can also play a part in this effort.

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In Search of the Gods Nehez Meniooh In Search of the Gods Nehez Meniooh

Kogl-Weogo: The Guardians of the Bush

May the spirit of the hunters like the Dosso and the Kogl-weogo inspire the men of the territories around the globe dominated by colonialism and injustice to turn away from the criminal government institutions and look towards nature. May strong men stop wasting their energies in a useless battle of strength with the devil and instead put it into conquering the self and their Ancestral heritage. By learning our place in the natural world and what our Ancestors have achieved, we will find that the place they have left us is our only attainable power. It is no mystery, if you know what to do, it is because you listened to someone who has already done it.

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Kasabez Maakmaah Kasabez Maakmaah

Life of a Kem

It is by living according to these principles that humanity spent most of the last 100,000 years preserving the world. When the leaders of this modern world, meaning the Greco-Roman empires and their heirs in the Vatican, began their reign, they saw before them a world in good condition. The air, water and earth was clean. Human cultures were humble and civil towards each other.

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MTAM Graduates Firefly Productions MTAM Graduates Firefly Productions

The Pride of the Kem Community

For many of these generations it has been a long journey, ranging from one year to four years, in the Per Ankh classes. And now they are ready to be reborn into their tribes with names the Earth recognizes them as, according to their destinies and “stars” (spiritual gifts and abilities). The last name is one the entire generation shares, as they will continue throughout this lifetime as spiritual brothers and sisters and have, in part, a shared destiny.

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The Ancestral Spirit Naba Iritah Shenmira The Ancestral Spirit Naba Iritah Shenmira

The Importance of the Name Pt. II - The Name, The Destiny

Truly, no human can in all sincerity give himself/herself the right or a possible reason to deny the importance of the name in the life of an individual. The name is what identifies people in society. This aspect, undeniably common to every human being is somehow getting less and less consideration and value in nowadays life of modern societies to the point where children receive names from their parents who in most cases don’t know the etymology or meaning of their choices.

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