In His Father’s Footsteps

In the recent period of the last few decades of the modern era, the male image, with respect to what has traditionally been understood as his role and function in human society, has come under heavy attack. It has been maligned and marginalized not often in a direct way but primarily through its being undermined by the push for the deluded phantasm of “gender equality” as flagrantly espoused by the feminist movement and pervasively reinforced within the Western societal milieu. But what is this role that has been so subverted and underhandedly disparaged? How might it be seen as an impediment to the overall agenda of the establishment? And further, what could its reconstitution portend for those wishing to remember the primacy of humanity’s inestimable heights?

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Journey to Self: The Path Down the Rabbit Hole


A Decade Later… His Spirit Still Lives, Thrives & Carries Us Through