Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

The Composition of Human Energies Pt. III - The Senses

It is clear that modern societies are not looking for a mentally stable population. To serve in the role that is reserved for individuals, modern societies do not need more than 0.15% of an individual’s brain, especially if pride, stubbornness, and arrogance are the psychological basis. It is for the individuals to ask themselves the real question about the sense of their lives. Universities and schools will not answer our questions. They are limited by the social commitment they have taken to produce the qualified workers needed for modern societies.

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Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Archaeologists or Grave Robbers

All the people that have had the misfortune of meeting the White man have paid the price whether with their life, their freedom, or their self-respect. It is becoming more and more urgent to change this attitude of invasion if we want to avoid the actions of one system to be blamed on the White race.

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Nehez Meniooh Nehez Meniooh

The Origins of Human Culture

Throughout Earth Center locales, temples are being re-established to assist those interested in reconnecting with a legacy of learning and fitting the principles of Earth and the universe. The first cultural movement towards human refinement and assimilating spiritual education was known as the movement of the Kem. Kem meant to fit, to behave correctly, to follow the Original Code of Human Behaviour as acquired by our Ancestral Spirit from the Divine World.

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Nehez Meniooh Nehez Meniooh

Return to Pursuing the Divine M’TAM Graduations from 416 - 418

The Kebtah (Earth Center) Temples and the M’TAM Schools congratulate all of the new initiates on this accomplishment. An accomplishment that today’s societies may not congratulate you for but the Earth itself and the spirit of your Ancestors stand proud that someone’s life takes pride in whom its life is owed instead of what he/she wishes to spend that life on. May Earth and your Ancestors now provide you with the patience, clairvoyance and courage to march forward in pursuit of Divine peace, Divine intelligence and Divine harmony.

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Benben Menzeba Hasati Benben Menzeba Hasati

The Healing Bath Pt. III

It was such an honour to learn this technique first hand, as well as the overall education of motherhood, pregnancy, diet, and healing techniques, all of which I will be sharing in articles to come. I am ever grateful to the elders/healers who are actively preserving these techniques of traditional healing and spiritual knowledge. It is because of their support as well as that of the Ancestors and the Divine World, I have been blessed with the opportunity to join the world of motherhood and experience the traditional values that I will always hold very dear.

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SaMa'at Sakuhai SaMa'at Sakuhai

The Uphill Journey Begins

All in all, I am eternally grateful to Maakheru and my Ancestors to have the exposure of the M’TAM education which has granted me the tools necessary to formulate better questions and has given me the context within which to build the world I wish to see and lead my family successfully.

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Earth Talk Jahzra Shemzura Earth Talk Jahzra Shemzura

The Conspiracy of Choices

The failure to appropriately take this opportunity and make the right choices can result in spiritual degeneration. If we can’t live up to the responsibilities of a human being then maybe we won’t have the choice to return as one. If we chose to be a liar or a thief in our lifetime then what may be offered to us in the next reincarnation is the becoming of a species that doesn’t have the option to lie or steal...maybe a tree or a clam. Interestingly, all other species manage to walk in accordance with their destinies and the expectations of nature. They do not stray from the goal that was set for them by existence.

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Root Tones Nekhitem Kamenthu Root Tones Nekhitem Kamenthu

Music & Art

As you can see, in the modern history books these words are used as though the concepts linked to them have been around since the beginning of time, but these are new things that are masquerading as those that are ancient. We knew nothing of “art” and “music” before the modern era. We only knew of practical things which play a functional part in our culture with the ultimate goal of survival and cosmic harmony.

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The Initiate Marrwho Hasati The Initiate Marrwho Hasati

Altered State of Reality

It seems like an impossible task to truly find out whose ways are better, between the modern and the traditional ones. There are countless numbers of arguments that can be made. But one thing is clear, despite the fact that we may not be familiar or comfortable with the traditions of indigenous cultures, we can see that they have not created the amount of destruction that our modern systems have.

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Nehez Meniooh Nehez Meniooh

An Imposing Brilliance His Majesty Kupiendieli 2002 - 2019

As the thirty-first King of the Gulmu, his majesty was devoted to his people. The unity, development and promotion of the cultural and traditional wealth of the kingdom was his objective. For sixteen years, he sat on the prestigious throne of the Gulmu empire. In that time, he worked tirelessly for his people, his legacy and his culture.

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Nuineb Ziaweet Nuineb Ziaweet

Mourning Our Ancestral Father

Wsr gave humanity a chance to advance ourselves. Through his various reincarnations, he presented humanity many gifts such as agriculture, astronomy, language, healing and medicine.

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Ka'at Ibi Firefly Productions Ka'at Ibi Firefly Productions

Who Stole the Cookie? The Blame Game

In this fast-paced world of emotions and reflex reactions could we be missing the bigger picture? In not having the ability or discipline to look beyond cause and effect what facts are we being distracted from? For our own health, for our survival, is it not time to stop playing games and dig deeper? Is it not time that we investigate as much as we can so we can see the whole picture? That way we can get to the root and have real solutions instead of being trapped in the circle of a game.

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In Search of the Gods Meramsu Wasseker In Search of the Gods Meramsu Wasseker

Kemet And Death

Death is guaranteed to every single one of us on the planet. Every single person on Earth, at some point, will die. Despite this, not everyone lives a life as if they know that death is coming for them one day. Meaning, people dedicate large amounts of energy into living for themselves and their own ambitions. But, these don’t last--one can not take either pleasure, material items or a career to the grave. It is in this way that death has great influence over the human being, and Death has not changed for as long as human beings have inhabited the planet. Inevitably, death is coming for you and for me. Hence the reason, in Kemetic culture, we are more focused on death than we are life and why Kemetic culture focuses on what does last.

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