Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Philosophy Podium Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Approaching Reincarnation

The exploration of the self appears to be an act or an adventure that is of capital importance in this process of psychological purification. It is undeniable that a cold and impartial observation of what we are, not limited by or based on what we consider as “good” or “bad”, could help us through the constant re-evaluation of what we are becoming and eventually take us closer to our real nature.

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Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

The Composition of Human Energies Pt. IIII - The Senses

The system of seeing happens through ensembles of intelligences that are emitted by the brain through every part of the body, but the official organs of seeing are the eyes. These ensembles of intelligences return to the body with the images of things that they have touched and embraced, thus creating a store of images that allow the individual to have a relatively clear idea of his environment. It is important to understand that on the level of cosmic existence, time is a dimension as real as space. So for the ensembles of intelligences, the act of seeing happens in every direction.

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Ka'at Ibi Firefly Productions Ka'at Ibi Firefly Productions

A False Sense of Independence Ethiopia’s Self-Colonisation

Despite the fact that no colonial power managed to conquer Ethiopia, the country did not escape being colonised in other ways. We learn in the Kemetic School of Philosophy and Spirituality that corruption is dynamic and can take on many forms. It is most effective when it is disguised and unassuming. As initiates we learn that evil has a right to its domain on Earth and is always looking to expand its territory. There is an internal territory of goodness that must be protected from the expansion by each individual using traditional logic passed down by our Ancestors. The Berlin Conference elevated Ethiopia as a national heroic model for the seeker.

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Djedka Zeshera Djedka Zeshera

Join the Fast! Heed the Call of Your Spirit

This fasting period mark the death of Wsr and his journey to Imentet (World of the Ancestors where no evil can enter). So we fast from sunrise to sunset where nothing goes in our mouth to represent death . We eat at night time because night is marked by the process of sleep which already represents a mini death. By fasting, we are declaring that we align with Wisirian principle, a preservation force and for the forces that stand against life and preservation of life to stay away from us. It’s a way of protecting ourselves. We want to be active participants in the universe instead of presumed victims of circumstances.

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Science & Reason Djedka Zeshera Science & Reason Djedka Zeshera

Generational Trauma

The world of science prides itself on its innovation and breakthroughs however, time and time again all it does is prove that it is the last to discover what indigenous cultures have known for centuries. Most recently, the scientific community acknowledged that trauma can impact your genetics and can be passed down to your descendants. In essence, the modern system is finally beginning to acknowledge that the experiences of our Ancestors still have an impact on our lives today. For the modern person, this might be an astonishing revelation, but for those who practice indigenous traditions this concept is a no-brainer.

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The Ancestral Spirit Naba Iritah Shenmira The Ancestral Spirit Naba Iritah Shenmira

A Decade Later… His Spirit Lives, Thrives & Carries Us Through Pt. III

The Earth Center and M’TAM have a strong reason to live for something... If you cannot be a star in the sky, be a firefly on the Earth. The mission is to continue to carry the torch for those that wish to clean themselves of colonialism. We hope to see humanity under the same tree, choosing to clean up, evolve, reject selfishness and living like animals and decide to be human again. Some people tell us that this is a dream and keep dreaming, ... But we are allowed to dream.

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Ibasta Sahqara Ibasta Sahqara

Raised by Orgasms The Application of Life Preserving Principles in the Determination of Sexual Identity

The impact of that corruption, historically, had been pretty localised. However, now, with how quickly millions of people all over the world can be connected, that confusion is spreading and impacting even cultures who still have their identity intact. That is the power of American influence—and Western culture, in general—in the world.

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Earth Talk Jahzra Shemzura Earth Talk Jahzra Shemzura

To Bring Life, You Must Face Death

The steps a spirit must go through to come to life are no small feat according to the knowledge of the Kemetic healing archives. The final step in that process of coming through the mother’s birth canal is one of those steps that bears great benefits to the life coming. With the influences of industrialisation and modernisation, this significant step can be eliminated by using cesarean sections, in many cases for what are deemed medical emergencies but in many cases for comfort and business reasons. With the preserved knowledge of our Ancestors, we in modern societies can come to learn that no part of the process of pregnancy and birth were/are taken for granted.

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Naba Iritah Shenmira Naba Iritah Shenmira

The Diginity of Women International Women’s Day - March 8, 2020

In other words, the West should clearly see that the black woman has no reason to envy the modern woman, neither her way of living, the values that define her, her social status or anything else. Does the white man imagine for us an African society similar to western society or does he simply want to contaminate other peoples with the same psychological epidemics of mounting divorce rates, homosexuality and suicides, that undermine the so-called “civilised societies”?

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In His Father's Footsteps SaMa'at Sakuhai In His Father's Footsteps SaMa'at Sakuhai

The Plight of the Fatherless

But how many of us suffer the indignity of this situation in this modern society? How many of us who actually know and were raised having our fathers around, still received only their blood, despite their presence? How many undergo not only the indignity of broken legacy but also face many of those ‘far-reaching implications’ just mentioned? Will we leave our children in a position to feel that same sting?

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Harmonious Healing Meramsu Wasseker Harmonious Healing Meramsu Wasseker

Male Sexual Weakness

Men all around the world have to face and handle these various issues related to their reproductive organ and sexual relationships. In this article we will take a glimpse into sexual weakness as viewed and treated in modern society and then how it is viewed and treated in the traditions of Africa.

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