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Generational Trauma

Science & Reason: Generational Trauma

The world of science prides itself on its innovation and breakthroughs however, time and time again all it does is prove that it is the last to discover what indigenous cultures have known for centuries. Most recently, the scientific community acknowledged that trauma can impact your genetics and can be passed down to your descendants. In essence, the modern system is finally beginning to acknowledge that the experiences of our Ancestors still have an impact on our lives today. For the modern person, this might be an astonishing revelation, but for those who practice indigenous traditions this concept is a no-brainer. 


A growing number of scientific studies support the idea that the effects of trauma are passed down and can ultimately affect your descendants for generations to come. These studies conclude that the effect of trauma does not necessarily change the DNA itself, but instead chemical tags are added or removed from the DNA causing a change in the way that the DNA expresses itself. This occurs as a result of environmental causes such as experiencing a famine, living through a war, or the loss of a young child. Although the descendants of those who experienced the trauma did not experience trauma themselves directly, they held some of the same characteristics as the trauma survivors such as heightened sensitivity and anxiety. Although acknowledging the role of Ancestral experiences in our lives is a major step for the scientific community, it still is missing the mark in understanding the situation from a holistic perspective and it leaves much to be desired in terms of solutions. 


As mentioned before Ancestral veneration is the cornerstone of most indigenous cultures. Cultures from around the world understand that the experiences of our Ancestors have a direct impact on our lives today. An Ancestor is not only seen as a person of the past, but a spirit that still plays a vital role in our lives. Depending on how that person lived their life, depending on how they died or depending on how they are remembered, that spirit can either uplift his/her descendants or can cause torment to the living. When a person experiences a tragic form of death, this can prevent the elevation of the spirit. As a result the spirit does not have the strength to assist the descendants in bringing good things into their lives. In this case, the spirit is only able to bring or to allow negative things to happen to the descendant. People often call this a generational curse. There may be a recurring problem that is seen in the family such as alcoholism, depression, infertility, or in extreme cases it can be frequent and unexpected illness and death. All of these problems can be caused by the generational curse stemming from an Ancestor. This is why veneration of Ancestors is so important in traditional cultures. It is well understood that the human being cannot be separated from his Ancestors because ultimately, we are just a projection of our Ancestors in another point in time. Most traditional cultures make sure to give the proper attention in the form of Ancestral veneration for this reason. Altars with pictures, food offerings, incense offerings, flowers and water adorn peoples homes around the world as a way to provide an energetic exchange to those on the other side and assist them in their elevation. 

Unfortunately most individuals who were born in the Western world will have a lot of Ancestral trauma to unpack. Whether your Ancestors were enslaved, murdered, experienced genocide or even if your Ancestors were the perpetrators of some of those atrocities, your life will be influenced by those experiences. Some individuals who are suffering from generational trauma may find themselves in a state of depression or rage and not understand why. Others may find that they have had illnesses and tragedies affecting many people in their families. While others, no matter how hard they try, just cannot seem to get ahead in their finances, love life, or personal growth. 


Fortunately, the ancient wisdom that sustained people for millennia is still available for us to implement and see real changes in our lives. There are many things that can be done in order to begin to heal yourself and your descendants through ancient practises. The most simple thing that can be done is to create a space for your Ancestors in your home where you can begin to establish a reciprocal relationship with them. Just like you need their assistance on this side they need your assistance on the other side as well. By providing an energetic exchange through food offerings you can begin to give them strength to heal the trauma that is affecting you. You can offer some of your food at meal times on a plate to them. It’s also recommended that you acknowledge them on Ancestral Holy Days (See the Kemetic Calendar) which is astrologically the most favourable day to give offerings and to ask for their assistance. 

In many cases, the generational trauma may be severe and will require help from a professional. In these cases, consulting with a traditional priest or healer is essential. Trained professionals are able to use their tools in order to pinpoint the exact dilemma that is causing problems and blockages and provide solutions in the form of spiritual works to address the problems.