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Join the Fast! Heed the Call of Your Spirit

Join the Fast!

Heed the Call of Your Spirit

The fasting symbolises the death of the Neter (God) Wsr as He travels to Imentet (the World of the Dead). A symbol is not just a symbol, there must be a reality that exists in another existence for a symbol to be effective. So as we take part (in the fast) in this physical realm, the spiritual aspect of ourselves does the same. We die every night and resurrect at dawn. Sleep is the image of death. Our consciousness sleeps so that it can allow our soul to transcend the two worlds and [get] close to the God Wsr to educate itself about the conditions of the existence in the World of the Dead. 

- Reflection by M’TAM teacher Wahibptah Fahkara 

We invite you to be the change that you wish to see in the world by reclaiming the traditional Holy Days of Humanity’s ancestral culture. 

Fasting is known throughout the world as a practice that has physical benefits such as improving the immune system and brain function. However, for people seeking to evolve spiritually, it is the non-physical benefits which hold the most importance. Every year people from around the world embark on a spiritual journey in what is known as the Kemetic Fasting Period (Mourning of Wsr). The 10 day period is observed as a time of mourning and reflection while we abstain from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset. 

This year in an unprecedented event, The Earth Center’s goal is to have people around the world join us on this spiritual fasting journey. The more who take part in this ceremony in both, the more benefits humanity receives as a collective whole. By increasing the number of people that observe this ancient Holy Day, we are building the world we want to see. 

Our goal is to educate humanity on one of the oldest spiritual practises known to humankind and to bring about a spiritual renaissance of the Kemetic traditions. 

By following this ancient practice, individuals will be able to harmonise with the rhythms of nature and the cycles of the cosmos. Our collective ancestors who investigated the world of the Divine, discovered these cycles through rigorous investigation of nature and our relation to celestial bodies. Kemetic spiritual and astronomical knowledge has identified this time period being favourable for fasting. This period also marks the time in which we mourn the death of Wsr, also referred to as Osiris. 

Look around you and see what is happening in nature if you want to be in harmony with the existence. Notice how in this season the trees are shedding their leaves, the sky is losing some daylight and the fields have lost their crops. Life starts to disappear at this time of year following our Ancestral God Wsr who makes his journey to the land of the dead in the winter and resurrects in the spring. This period marks a time of loss and mourning. In order to be in harmony with this period, Kemetic people around the world are accompanying Wsr on his journey to the World of the Dead by fasting from sunrise to sunset. We invite all people who would like to reclaim their culture and harmonise with nature to join us. 

- Reflection by M’TAM teacher Zahib Ziaweet 

We encourage you to investigate for yourself the benefits of fasting as we honour the death of the Kemetic God Wsr (Osiris) and follow the rhythms of nature through this ancient practice. 

Last year, The Earth Center of Maanu created a social media campaign in which we shared historical information on the fasting period, we shared insights that were gained during the fast, and pictures of communities celebrating around the globe. 

This year, with our social media following growing, we would like to use this opportunity to continue to increase the number of people who observe this Holy Day. 

Join the growing community of Kemetic people online through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as we walk together in our pursuit of recreating the World of the Gods on Earth and accompanying the God Wsr to the World of the Dead.


In modern religions you often hear the term “redemption”. 

Redemption refers to being saved from evil or sin. For example, the notion that God redeems his people by saving them from sin, bondage and debt; that Jesus will return to save people from evil and wash away sins through forgiveness. 

In Kemetic culture the god Wsr provided humanity its first model of redemption. However, “redemption” in Kemetic culture is something far different. 

Redemption doesn’t occur through forgiveness. Every human being writes their own history. Your past actions stay with you and can’t be erased, whether someone forgives you or not, for one, one hundred or even one thousand years. 

Wsr travelled the world educating humanity on how to protect ourselves from evil and corruption. He gave us the tools to be able to fight evil within ourselves. Kem people do this by following the 77 Commandments (Original Code of Human Behaviour). 

Wsr’s model taught us that redemption is something that a human being takes into his own hands and not something that originates outside of the self for which we hope or wait on. 

No one is coming to save you. It is up to you and your ability to exercise discipline in order to avoid b r e a k i n g commandments. This is how you can be saved. 

May we be able to maintain purity of body and mind in this fasting period to accompany our God Father. 

- Meramsu Wasseker 


There is freedom from fear in doing the right thing and being continuously Good. There is an increase in power with movement closer to the Divine World. 

Iri hrw (Salutations) 

- Kimberly Latrice Kirk 


As the sun has passed the median and more than half of the day is gone, I find that temptations (thirst, hunger, impure thoughts) are getting stronger. This reminds me of the African proverb which says that “A young person’s cutlass is sharp in the morning”. It is time to sharpen that cutlass again and cut through the temptations as they grow stronger as the fast progresses. I work at home and everything that I need is just a few steps away. I have to avoid looking towards the kitchen ..... That is the nature of this struggle to evolve to become like Wsr Unnefer (One Who is Continuously Good) and work to continue to preserve life, especially during this short period when Wsr is not around. The day will end soon and I can recharge, rest, and continue the fast tomorrow. 

Em ren Wsr. Em ren Khepera 

(In the name of the God Wsr. In the name of the God Khepera) 

- NGENGE Maaktepia Meznebsati 


To justify that the water is dirty, the food is dangerous, the air is polluted, the climate is deteriorating, everyone will find someone responsible, but very few will have the cour- age to acknowledge their own contribution. Judgement is easy since it focuses only on the result and not on the action. Criticising someone for breaking the village calabash is easier than thanking them for going to fetch water. However, it is better to break ten calabashes while working than not to work for fear of breaking one. Knowledge is knowledge only if it has a practical aspect and humility comes from the recognition of our limit of knowledge. Since everything has a history, it is good to question before jumping to hasty conclusions, just as it is good to ask an elder for advice before acting. Spiritual fasting is a period during which the pilgrim meditates on oneself and one’s own corruptions. It prepares us for the period when Wsr, our Ancestral God takes his protective power in the Imentet with him, which makes the human being more vulnerable to the destructive power of Seth (Wsr’s brother and assassin). 

- Menkashoo Boumaaktem 


Menkh bikat (Good morning), this is day five of the fast... My biggest challenge, not only during this time, is the purity of the mind... Very challenging especially in a toxic environment... Loud music, smoke, speech... etc. Keeping the mind clear in the midst of such bombardment is the challenge. 

- Andrea Snipe 


I would not be me if it were not for my Ancestors orchestration of that precise timing of my parents meeting when they met and then their bodies uniting to create me. 

My heartbeat first began beating inside my mother’s womb beginning that deep and eternal spiritual connection. 

The relationship between parent and child is a deep spiritual connection that not even arguments or absence can sever. 

The blood that runs through my veins belongs to my Ancestors and it is an honour to honour my Ancestors in turn fueling the eternal reciprocal relationship between parent and child. 

Why has Shediyah been chosen to be here on Earth? 

What gifts has Initiation ignited within her spirit to enable her to fulfil her destiny? 

NTR DUA to The Earth Center for the dissemination of the great knowledge of the Ancestors enabling me and awakening me to begin to journey through my life challenges gifting me the spiritual tools to navigate through this life.. 

- Shediyah Hatnebmaoo 


My reflection today is on Wsr and his choice to express his immortality through his descendants, which means my [very] opportunity to participate in the existence is a result of how Wsr functions. My Ancestral spirit has chosen to align with how Wsr functions. I know this because I am expressing this meditation at this point in time and space. With that said I realise gratitude is not a [verbal] expression but more of a movement. A movement towards the Divine World within the functionality of our Ancestral Father Wsr. 

Em ren Wsr 

- Qenibsaa Tenkawur 


And where is the light at these times and how do we access it? 

The dark and cold times of winter in the Northern Hemisphere are with us. Nature’s violent character expressing itself in Australia, another wake up call to humanity. The wild-fires blazing across the continent that was once [cared] for, over millennia, by the Original people of Australia [landlords] until very recently. Let’s be honest, humankind not only fights nature and destroys fellow plant and animal species at alarming rates, but we fight our brothers and sisters. A three-century old American nation creates a war against Iran, a small and ancient society of the Middle East. Our brothers and sisters the care taker tribes of the Amazon Rainforest are under renewed attack by their very own newly established government. It’s not only nations though, we fight each other based on the heartfelt biases ingrained from the past two millenia. These separate us into fearing our brothers and sisters of other nations, creeds, colours, genders and generations. These are destructive and challenging times. 

And what about the light? How do ‘I’ see beyond the darkness that resides in my heart, and mind and my daily fear-based behaviours? How do I raise my qualities to be human? 

The sun never sets, it is man who moves away from the light, proclaimed my teacher Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig. 

The Gods gave us the Code of Human Behaviour for us to remain next to the light. The Gods are pure. Commandment 20: Thou shall not be impure. But how? 

The God Wsr taught humanity how to purify ourselves. Politicking is not in the Code of Human Behaviour. Purification is. Fasting at this time has been known to be favourable to purify the mind, body and spirit. Fasting over 40 days now has been a challenge to me, but nothing compared to remaining present to our Ancestral God Father Wsr, and his teachings. 

I remain grateful to those that devoted their lives through the millennia to preserve and bring Wsr’s teachings back to humanity at this challenging time. I’m grateful to Master Naba and to those teachers he left behind to help me stay close to the light. 

- Biksaa Nessebik 


Well, as an initiate in Per Ankh (first level of initiation in the M’TAM School), I joined the fast in the ten days that complete the fifty day fast. In this time, I have had a university assignment to complete. Having to focus while my mouth felt so dry, at first, felt [like] an [insurmountable] challenge. It created headaches and frustration. 

Fasting this way is new to me. After initially having complaints in my mind that I wish I could at least drink water, clarity began to take its place. My mind began to reflect on why we are fasting. Also the things I take for granted. Like eating and drinking when I want, and even to excess if I feel an “urge” to do so. This fast has challenged the way I think of my own behaviour. Which leads me nicely into the theme of the meditation that The Earth Center was given. 

When first faced with The 77 at orientation, I felt a tad overwhelmed. Though I did not come to The Earth Center as a Christian, I of course had knowledge of the 10 Commandments. Even the 42 Laws/Confessions of Ma’at. “77! Oh my gosh” I thought to myself. Then curiosity got the better of me and I purchased the poster that day, so I could begin to look at it when I got home. 

Upon reading them for the first time, I recognised ones that sounded like the ones from the Bible that I was exposed to in my early days. Others, seemed self explanatory and some left my mind boggled. And in all honesty (of course, as I am following The 77) some still do. 

So, I have spoken to others about The 77 over time and realised some will reveal their meaning to me over time and some may never do so in this lifetime. So, instead of focusing on them singularly at the moment, I ensure I use spiritual honesty, respect others, honour my Ancestors and offerings to them, be kind etc. In this way, while I am going through my initiation in Per Ankh, I stop myself from getting caught up in what I may never understand fully. However, I ensure that I am at least trying to follow the essence. 

The 19th of Tehuti (holy day celebration) is what has made me able to connect with the depth of The 77 more than trying to understand them one-by-one. To know that a promise was made to live as close to The 77 as possible, to live as close to nature, and to the Neter, to try ones best to copy Their world. 

That made it all come alive. Reaffirming our vows on The 19th of Tehuti added to the depth. It made me feel as though I am making a spiritual bond to put the purity of my spirit, and in turn that of my ancestors, as the utmost priority in my life. So, though I have yet to have dived deeply into each of The 77, it is a big part of my life. And doing this reflective exercise has actually made me see that even though I felt I hadn’t connected with The 77 yet, as well as I maybe should have done, I now feel satisfied that I have at least bonded with its essence. That creates a solid platform for me to extend my knowledge of it in the remainder of my initiation and beyond. And so does this fast, as it has reminded me I have the rigidity and discipline to fulfil my spiritual requirements as a Kem and as a child of my Ancestors. 

Ankh, Udja, Seneb (Life, Strength & Good Health) 

- Sophie Mullings-Rowe 


My mission is to reestablish my family’s roots in Meritah (Africa), by building a home for my children. 

- Kasabez Maakmaah 


The fasting period is a chance for us to align with what is happening in the universe and participate in cosmic rhythms. 

In the Kemetic holy drama, the God Wsr (Osiris) was killed by his brother Seth. Wsr lives his eternity through death and rebirth, the cycle of reincarnation, a cyclical principle. We human beings resulted from that principle, a principle that is favourable for the preservation of life. 

The drama of the Gods affected our world and the universe and it’s still happening, even the cosmic rhythm dancing in the eternal light. 

The Sidereal Calendar produced by The Earth Center, a cultural organisation, is astronomically and spiritually accurate. It allows us to follow the phenomenon happening in universe. 

This fasting period mark the death of Wsr and his journey to Imentet (World of the Ancestors where no evil can enter). So we fast from sunrise to sunset where nothing goes in our mouth to represent death . We eat at night time because night is marked by the process of sleep which already represents a mini death. 

By fasting, we are declaring that we align with Wisirian principle, a preservation force and for the forces that stand against life and preservation of life to stay away from us. It’s a way of protecting ourselves. We want to be active participants in the universe instead of presumed victims of circumstances. 

- Wahibptah Fahkara