Male Sexual Weakness

Harmonious Healing: Male Sexual Weakness

Sexual weakness is a touchy subject. In modern society sex itself is promoted through TV, radio, women in ads wearing little clothing, and Viagra advertisements. For men, it is especially difficult to go about the day without thoughts of sex; both due to the male nature as well as the aforementioned social pressure. Men are also pressured to please their women in bed. However, this does not always happen. If a man fails to get or maintain an erection (erectile dysfunction) or orgasms too quickly (premature ejaculation) without pleasing his woman then it can result in large amounts of stress and discouragement, let alone relationship issues. 

Men all around the world have to face and handle these various issues related to their reproductive organ and sexual relationships. In this article we will take a glimpse into sexual weakness as viewed and treated in modern society and then how it is viewed and treated in the traditions of Africa. 


Sexual weakness is a physical or psychological problem that prevents you or your partner from achieving sexual satisfaction. There are two ways in which men experience this. 1) Difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection (“erectile dysfunction”); Or, 2) Ejaculating too quickly (“premature ejaculation”). 


Determining prevalence is difficult because men are often embarrassed if they experience sexual weakness and don’t report it. So, the numbers of people seeking treatment are going to differ from the numbers of people who actually have it. But, below are results from studies that have attempted to gather numbers. Considering the amount of unreported cases these numbers are nonetheless astonishing. 

According to the American Journal of Medicine erectile dysfunction, or “ED”, affected 18.4% of American men aged 20 and above in 2002. This equates to approximately 18 million men. For men with diabetes the prevalence is over 50%. 

According to the US National Library of Medicine, “Premature ejaculation (PE)...has a worldwide prevalence of approximately 30%.” According to, “Premature (early) ejaculation is the most common sexual disorder in men younger than 40 years, with 30-70% of males in the United States affected to some degree at one time or another.” 


With issues so widespread throughout the world one can only ask how they’re caused so they can avoid it themselves. Sexual weak- ness has a wide range of causes, both physical and psychological, including cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, tobacco and alcohol abuse, prostate issues, and psychological issues (depression, anxiety and stress) from erectile dysfunction. Causes of premature ejaculation include early sexual experiences, sexual abuse, poor body image, depression, worrying about premature ejaculation and guilty feelings that increase one’s tendency to rush through sexual encounters. 


The first step to dealing with these issues is to determine whether the root is physical or psychological. In the case of physical issues men have the option of using vacuum constriction devices (VCD), also known as “penis pumps”. Pumps are devices used to draw blood into the penis via air suction resulting in erection. Although this may increase one’s ability to have sex it is by no means a cure. Another option is medications. One common class of medications is phosphodiesterase (PDE-5) inhibitors, which improve one’s ability to attain and maintain an erection. The reader may be familiar with Viagra, which is a form of phosphodiesterase inhibitor. Trans-urethral therapy is another option in which a liquid is applied to the urethra thus improv- ing one’s erection. The erection is further maintained by applying an elastic band at the base of the penis. There are other options available as well. If psychological issues are the cause of one’s sexual weakness then it is commonplace to seek a psychologist or psychiatrist. Physical exercise and avoidance of alcohol and tobacco are also advised, as they are major contributors to sexual weakness. 


Another way to treat sexual weakness issues in men is through natural remedies. Below is a list of simple recipes with ingredients available at one’s home or local grocery store. 

Erectile Dysfunction (Increase sex drive) 

-Massage the lower back with ginger oil. Add vanilla extract (make sure it is real and not the synthetic vanillin) to a bath for a love-arousing effect. Eat pine nuts to spark interest as they have an aphrodisiac effect. Chocolate also has a positive effect. 

-To increase the duration of the act, mix nutmeg and honey and eat it with a 1⁄2 boiled egg. 

Premature Ejaculation 

-Boil cardamom seeds with milk. When taken with honey in the evenings, it will help premature ejaculation and impotence. 


Sexual weakness is a health issue that is also present in different parts of Meritah (Africa). However, it is viewed differently than the way it is in western countries. First and foremost, it is understood that the primary aim of sexual intercourse is to bear children. Children are vital to the survival of human beings because it is through children that we humans can pass on our legacy and life’s work after we die. Also, children are the only way in which a family is able to ensure that their bloodline survives. If all men in one generation in a family decided not to have children then the family bloodline vanishes. So, for people who have the opportunity to live on Earth for 80 or 100 years, they treat an inability to have children very seriously. 

Second, while the primary aim is to have children, men also acknowledge and respect that they must please their spouse. 

This is in contrast to modern society where sex is marketed primarily as a means to have fun and enjoy life, so Viagra ads, half-naked women on billboards or TV, and sexual enhancers at gas stations are a common sight. On the other hand, the responsibility of parenthood, in many cases, is seen as none other than a burden or an unexpected unfortunate event. Hence TV programs where people have sex in exotic places and movies where the goal of young men is to experience the pleasure of sex. Additionally, the prevalence of planned parent-hood facilities as an option to abort a child when pregnancy occurs as the result of a perspective of sex for fun rather than procreation. 

Another point to consider is that men in Meritah are not sensitive to the degree where they will not share that they suffer from sexual weakness. Overall, the view of sexual intercourse is different between the two cultures. These viewpoints also affect the way that sexual weakness is dealt with in the traditions of Africa. In order to find out more the author conducted an interview with Kaqemna Naba, one of Ankhkasta Natural Healing’s healers. 

Kaqemna Naba is one of Prophet Naba’s (Master healer and founder of Ankhkasta Natural Healing) sons. Kaqemna grew up in the healing traditions of the Tem culture learning about herbs, growing them, picking them, and administering them since the age of 7. Already by that age he could prepare remedies for high blood pressure, abscesses, high cholesterol and more. The Tem culture is widely known throughout West Africa for its extensive knowledge of the healing traditions and own age-old herbal remedies, including Ankhkasta’s best-selling 3,000 year-old Ninika blood detox. Kaqemna’s grandmother was extremely well versed in the healing domain and was selling herbs in a Ghanaian market since her 20s. Afterwards, she passed her work down to her daughter (Kaqemna’s mother) and Kaqemna had the opportunity to benefit from this generational knowledge. Kaqemna has extensive knowledge and wisdom of the human body, nature and the principles of harmony that are necessary for preserving life. Below is an excerpt of the interview. 

What is sexual weakness? 

That’s when you feel weak after you release with your woman one time. The man [should have] energy so [he] can do maybe 4 times. 

What’s the perspective if a man in Meritah has sexual weakness? 

How do people think? In the US if a man has sexual weakness he does not want to talk about it--it’s embarrassing. He also may not feel right because his lady can be disappointed in him. 

In Meritah people talk about it [if they have it]. Or, they just go to a healer. But, men don’t like to talk about the type of illness where they can’t impregnate a woman (sterility). When you can’t have a baby. That’s different. [Sexual weakness] is not a big problem. We have a medicine for that. Your woman should “feel” you on the bed. Sexual weakness is not a [big] problem because you can [still] impregnate. 

So, a man just won’t talk about sterility if he has it? 

Yes, some men just don’t talk about it because it’s shameful. But, if you don’t talk then you don’t get a solution. When you have a sickness and you don’t talk about it then how are you going to find a solution? There are people who are born with it, born sterile. But, we have medicine for that, too. 

So, sterile men can have children? 

Yes, we have medicine for that, too. 

What are some causes of sexual weakness? 

The food in the US causes all these problems, what we eat in the US. I’m telling you. It’s the nerve [it’s a nerve issue]. The penis does not have any bones. 

The reader should keep in mind that many indigenous peoples are raised in environments where the food, air and water are fresh, clean, and non-commercialised. Most modern city dwellers are not. Food from the city has become contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, E. Coli, etc. What we put in our bodies has a major effect on our overall health, and our diet is a major contributor to digestive, heart, sexual and other health issues we see today. 

Hemorrhoids can do that, too. (Hemorrhoids is a diet issue as well) When you have hemorrhoids then the penis is not that strong. You go one time, two times and then finish... when your hemorrhoid is big it is hard for your penis to stand up. This is why sometimes when people have hemorrhoids they have this problem. So, sometimes we give people an enema [for hemorrhoids], they go poop and then their penis stands up again. They’ll tell you that he starts feeling it [his penis working]. 

How do you deal with sexual weakness in Meritah? 

We have medicines for that. There are some people who only go one time and then it’s finished [they lose all energy and can’t continue with sex]....In Meritah (traditional Africa) we have a plant for that. 

Do men care about pleasing their women? 

Women take time before they release. So, when a man goes 3-4x in the bed...the 1st time comes early. [When the man goes] The 2nd time, the woman will start to feel herself. But if you go one time and then go to sleep...What about her? She needs to release and “feel” herself. 

In Meritah there are women like that--they divorce with their man because he only goes one time and then finishes. But, she needs it, too. So that she can experience, too. 

Ankhkasta sells the sexual stimulant“Kankankan”. What does Kankankan do? 

Kankankan is not to fix. It’s just to give you energy. Kankankan is to use just for a few hours. To make your penis hard...I know how to make Kankankan. I just need peanuts and that’s it. We use peanuts, sozi (negro pepper), cloves and some other things. There’s even one with banana (Kaqemna is referring to an Ankhkasta Kankankan that you eat with banana in order to activate the herb). It just gives you energy. But, to really heal it we have a plant for that [sexual weakness]. Take it two times and then your wife will run from you! My mom sells that one, too. 

What can men do who don’t have immediate access to the sexual weakness remedy? 

How can a man put off ejaculating, for example? When you start and you feel like you’re going to release, don’t. Try to go slowly and then try to go back. Go little by little until your woman can release. You wait until she [releases] first. When you see that she releases then release, too. 

The writer wishes that this article will help to desensitise sexual weakness for you if you live in urban areas where it is a touchy subject. Although prevalent throughout the world, it is an issue that can be dealt with properly. But, the first step is for you to speak up about it. 

If you would like to try one of Ankhkasta Natural Healing’s Kankankan or another herbal medicine, place your order with @ Read more on Kankankan below: 

KanKanKan has been used in Africa as a sexual stimulant for thousands of years. Before the modern medical system developed Viagra and other male stimulants, this herbal solution to performance and virility issues was being used by men throughout the motherland continent. It is 100% safe, organic, and natural and will not cause undesired side effects (unless you take too much...your wife or girlfriend might beg for mercy!). 

KanKanKan is sold per teaspoon. One typically uses the entire teaspoon per “evening” (not per “event”), although it is wise to adjust the dosage to your own body’s metabolism. KanKanKan has no side effects and can be used by anyone who is physically capable for sexual activity. 

If you suffer from other conditions that might impair sexual performance, such as diabetes, hypertension, or other conditions, you will need a different herb to increase your sexual performance (please email us at or call 737-201-1213). Kankankan comes in various forms, including loose bark, powders, and liquid and is taken in a variety of different ways. Effective for: 

  • Sexual stimulation 

  • Reproductive system cleanser (certain types) 

  • Kidney cleanser (certain types) 

  • Premature ejaculation (certain types) 

  • Directions: Directions vary by herb. Please refer to the directions in the package of kankankan that you order. 

  • Kankankan -

  • Strong sexual weakness - (must notate whether you have HBP or not) 

  • Hemorrhoids (Golmo)

  • High blood pressure (Ninika)

  • High blood pressure set (Ninika + Souley)


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