AFRICOM: The New Face of Oppression
America the beautiful, land of opportunity, home of the brave, land of the... free. America has never hidden its ambitions of world domination. Instead, it has built its institutions and infrastructures in such a way that even when its methods are revealed, its citizens feel too powerless to contest. Over the past few decades, more and more citizens have surrendered to this system. More and more have traded their responsibility to the survival of this planet and humankind for their individual interests. As if to say, if we must watch this system destroy the Earth we will cash in and live comfortably for it.
Life for so many Americans has now been reduced to making a living or seeking the “wealth” that this system produces. Many even accept the belief (or justification) that the only real way to fight such a power hungry, dominant imperial system is to do so from within. These people fail to see the subtle effectiveness of colonial imperialism. Imperialism dominates and kills ancestral culture by distracting individuals, for whatever self-justification, into investing their time and energy into the colonial values and thoughts. It is these portions of society who, through their surrender, become fueling accomplices invested in a system set on Proxy-Connection: keep-alive their own destruction. They will fight to protect this system and their own interests which now depend on its success... perhaps they are the brave who, even facing their own destruction, do not lower their arms.
It is with this backdrop that we have been presented the United States Africa Command more commonly referred to as AFRICOM. AFRICOM is a United States Government military unit aimed at building and maintaining US military presence throughout the continent of Africa. It is the culmination of a ten-year think-tank by the US Department of Defense on how to protect and ensure the success of American interests on the African continent. Its overall mission as defined in May 2008 reads,
“United States Africa Command, in concert with other U.S. government agencies and international partners, conducts sustained security engagement through military-to-military programs, military-sponsored activities, and other military operations as directed to promote a stable and secure African environment in support of U.S. foreign policy.”
The strategic objectives of Africa Command are designed to:
- support the achievement of the theater strategic end states, which are as follows:
1. African countries and organizations are able to provide for their own security and contribute to security on the continent.
2. African governments and regional security establishments have the capability to mitigate the threat from organizations committed to violent extremism.
3. African countries and organization maintain professional militaries that respond to civilian authorities, respect the rule of law and abide by international human rights norms.
- protect or advance US interests in Africa
- provide focus for the Command’s engagement activities.
The 2009 AFRICOM Posture Statement states,
“[This strategy] allows the command to provide support to efforts led by other US Government agencies responsible for development and diplomacy. It allows the United States AFRICOM to defend the homeland and secure United States interest(s) abroad.”
Children born in Africa. They are born into the wealth of a resource rich continent which also is home to the oldest human culture of the planet. However, this wealth keeps more primitive of us at the necks of these children’s survival.
Today, one of America’s main interests is controlling oil resources. In 2007 the continent of Africa surpassed the Middle East as America’s number one source for oil. So, it is fairly easy to see through our politicians claims of “Helping Africa protect itself against outside agents who wish to exploit its coastal waters, and resources” or “Assisting Africa with its primary problems of hunger, sickness, etc. “. If there was any honesty in these claims, one would not see the U.S. sucking out Africa’s oil, nor would one see professional killers sent to help feed a nation. If feeding the continent was actually an American priority, one would think that America would start by ending the support of cash crops and discontinuing the instigation of “ethnic-cleansing” wars that displace tribes from their cultivated land. Not only does the continent of Merita have some of the world’s richest soil for food crops but history has shown us that any human society if left alone will sustain itself. The truth is, the U.S.A., in order to effectively protect its true interests: oil and power, must now use its perceived cure-all: its military force. The U.S. Imperial machine in its plight for world domination needs to contain the power and territory that China has been working to increase on the continent.
AFRICOM is the head of an agenda that has a long history of American Command Units created to build and support US imperialism. This plan was initiated back at the end of World War II. It was the result of the Navy’s dissatisfaction with the divided command in the Pacific Ocean during the war. Shortly after the war, the United States began seven Unified Command Units to help them maintain their military authority throughout the globe: Far East Command, Pacific Command, Alaskan Command, Northeast Command, Atlantic Command, Caribbean Command and European Command.
Today, those command units have evolved into six units which provide and maintain military presence, surveillance and intimidation throughout the entire globe: USNORTHCOM (Covering North America including Canada, Mexico, & Northern Caribbean), USSOUTHCOM (Covering Central America, South America & Southern Caribbean), USEUCOM (Covering Greenland, All of Europe, & Russia), USCENTCOM (Covering the Middle East and South Asia), USPACOM (Covering Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands) and the newest AFRICOM (focusing on the continent of Africa). Today, fifty years after World War II, America is the only nation that has cut the globe up with the agenda of control. However, it is not the first time.
America is the face of the same colonial system that cut up the Kemetic continent in the early 1800s in the Berlin Conference with the agenda to enslave its resources and people. We do not need to look to hard to find out where this madness for power came from. The American system and all colonial powers have a common cultural root. Just as all the colonial languages (Romantic Languages) derive from Latin, their governmental philosophy and political greed derive from Ancient Greece and Rome. It is there that we find the Greek philosophers misleading the people with stories of Greek God families in which the children of God plotted with their mother to kill their own father. After succeeding, these menacing God children then split up the Earth and each took a portion to control. Throughout human history stories of Gods were supposed to inspire humanity towards certain behavior. They provide humans with a model to emulate. This system is following this model of these fabricated Gods exactly. Only the complete annihilation of our ancestral (Kemetic/indigenous) roots will suffice.
It is not hard for any of us to observe that this system has never done anything in good nature. There has not been any substantial shift in policies, any honest attempt at rehabilitation or turn around by the leaders of this system to correct or even admit to the depth of their own guilt. Yet in still, Black Americans after generations and generations of protesting, fighting and protecting themselves from this system now seek a leading role within in it. They now gauge their success in how well they can work toward the expansion of this system whether it is through its media outlets, business ventures, educational facilities or other institutions.
This demonstrates this system’s capability to misdirect the focus of Blacks in the diaspora. If at one point we were focusing on protecting our survival from a system that was seeking to employ our blood and sweat, today we have been sold the idea that the sweat we have waged in this battle is our investment into this system. We now believe that the work we have invested into our survival, in spite of this system, makes this system partially our own, and therefore its maintenance partially in our interest. Is it this reason that so many feel they have won something with Obama’s election? If we slow down and look at our situation, we can see that now the only real thing we have gained with this new belief is the blood that America spills across the globe now also covers our hands. We have joined this system in destroying ourselves and our fellow humans. Our success within a system that has showed itself to be one of the most evil and ruthless that this planet has seen must be feared if we are not to totally destroy our image, our integrity and our planet.
As America once again turns towards humanity’s ancestral home with the same addiction to power that led to the exploitation and destruction of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, one wonders when Kemetic (African) descendants will invest into our self-preservation. The American imperialist system has become very successful in selling to its victims reasons why their own destruction is an honorable cause. Today, the system employs the victims of the infamous Atlantic slave trade for the job of “commanding” their brothers and sisters back on the African continent, those who were left behind. Former U.S. President George Bush chose General William Ward to lead Africom. After Bush’s presidency, President Barack Obama was elected into office. These two “African-Americans” will be the face that brings American imperialism to the home of their ancestors. It is these two new faces that the capitalistic monster will hide behind as it sinks its teeth deeper in the Kemetic continent. It is these two faces that will lead too many more away from the model of the Gods provided by our Kemetic ancestors and into the hands of our oppressors.