Beyond the Myth of the Maya
MANY HAVE SPECULATED that the Mayan “Long Count” calendar was to end on December 21st, 2012. This rumor has led to widespread propaganda promoting a prophecy of the “end of the world.” For years, opportunists in the media, Hollywood, archeologists, and religions have fooled us with the distraction of an end approaching. Recently, archaeologists have uncovered the continued counting of this “Long Count” past December 2012 in their looting of sacred Mayan territories. We have all been lied to and used for the profit of these opportunists. For the Mayan people to think their ancestors and Gods set a date for their own destruction makes no sense. To think or live this way is no life at all. Those who impose this dishonesty on others will become victims of this dishonesty themselves, never knowing or questioning the true history of their own destiny.
A portion of Mayan Long Count
calendar predicts the beginning of a new era.
A plot has been set by Judeo-Christianity ever since they introduced their first calendar by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. The Julian Calendar introduced the idea of time being recorded in a linear form, ignoring the natural cycles of the Earth and its seasons, beginning this process of manipulation and lies. Religious and political leaders forced the implementation of that calendar onto humanity. That calendar also introduced the concept of the end of the world. When the Julian Calendar was replaced by the Gregorian Calendar (the calendar we use today), this concept of the end of the world was adopted. This idea of a prophesied end of the world has caused fear and turmoil in the world through religion and is a source of corruption leading to the self-destruction of society and humanity. This conspiracy has been a tactic used by generations of colonists up until today. It has become a distraction embedded in the minds of the people of this society to give an excuse for us to behave as animals. It is only those that think that the world will end who commit the violence, killings, rapes, massacres, and wars in their constant search for self-gratification.
The Maya Today
The Mayan people have not been heard by the people of the world. They have been misrepresented by the government, foreign corporations, and archeologists. While rumors have been circulating for several years about these supposed end-times prophesied by the Mayans, the Mayan people themselves do not have rights regarding the administration of their sacred sites built by their ancestors. They are not permitted to do ceremonies in the sites their ancestors have used for millennia. They have been oppressed as a culture for living traditionally like their ancestors. It has been a battle of self-preservation.
In the 16th century when the Spaniards first invaded, all of the historical information sacred codices were destroyed in attempts to eliminate the Mayan culture. In the 2nd half of the 20th century, more than 350,000 people were murdered and disappeared. Today, it has been a spiritual battle to maintain their land and culture. For many generations, the land and its people have been exploited. The Mayans are only referred to in the past tense… as outsiders speak gloriously of the Mayan culture, monuments and accomplishments while rewriting history.
Despite all of the scars left from this history, the Mayan people have continued to thrive and maintain their ancestral ways and spiritual practices which derived from living under a sacred calendar. The more you travel through Southern Mexico and into Central America, you can’t deny the presence of the living traditional people. They dress in their traditional attire, working very hard to preserve their families. It is amazing to see a living culture of strong, brave people that have survived the Spanish conquests, the civil wars created by the governments, and the colonization through schools and the church. They have continued to survive and live under a spiritual calendar system that determines all decisions in their life. Preserving their traditions has given them the strength and resistance to stand against the big governments and corporations.
Connected Traditions
These traditions of our ancestors are all connected and originate from the Kemetic Culture which spread throughout all of Merita (Africa), Asia, Europe, Maanu (The Americas), and Australia leading to millions of tribes in each continent. The Kemetic traditional schools have preserved and passed their traditions as the Gods manifested their will on all humans. Their will is for humanity to live by the 77 Commandments (code of human behavior) while gaining the qualities to preserve life and to become Gods.
It is important to understand how confused we have become by identifying the Maya and other cultures as individual tribes that appear and emerge from themselves; not knowing the connection and relationship between all cultures and people. We must see each other as one people living on the Earth.
“Mayans were inspired by the Olmec civilization who introduced the first calendar and hieroglyphic writing, agriculture and spiritual practice.”
The Mayans were inspired by the Olmec civilization who introduced the first calendar and hieroglyphic writing, agriculture and spiritual practices. The Olmecs are widely thought to be the original inhabitants of Maanu (North and South America). The distinctly African features of the famous “Olmec Heads,” clearly depict the Olmecs as black people. It is understood traditionally that these people did not arrive by crossing a land bridge from Northeast Asia, but rather by boat from Kemet (For more information on the Olmecs, see the “Kemet/Mesoamerican Connection” parts 1 and 2 in The Rising Firefly vol. 61 & 62).
Archaeologists have denied the direct relationship the Mayan people have with the Olmec people. Their true intent is to rewrite the history of our traditional people as something that happened in the past, deeply ignoring the present day people that continue to maintain their identity and their traditions as their ancestors had. The truth of our black history and origins has been rewritten and covered up. The explorers, when they first arrived to North America, first referred to the land as Melanesia, meaning “Land of the Black Man.” For the sciences to recognize the Olmecs as Kemetic people and their direct relationship and influence on the Mayans would be to accept that the American continent belongs to the black man. The Black man came as a Master to America, not a slave.
The new scientific ideology serves only the intention of denigrating the colored man and defining him as an uncivilized savage in attempts to eliminate all traditional cultures by denying their true history. For us to accept these false theories as truth brings excuses to continue to accept the fact that we are still enslaved. We continue to accept genocide and live as barbaric animals.
Our Connection to Nature
Mayans learned agriculture from the Olmec civilization.
We have a tendency to believe we control the nature, we don’t control it, and it controls us. We are all governed by the natural laws of the universe. We must align ourselves with the Earth and accept that we are nothing without it. If we are not needed or present a threat to nature, the Earth will get rid of us. We call this natural law in the Kemetic teachings the Dialogue of Energies. It is the dialogue of energies that Earth has with the universe, the universe has with the Earth and between all celestial bodies that establishes harmony and the preservation of existence. The Mayans, like all traditional cultures, knew this; we are all made of the same elements as the sky, the trees, the rivers, and the stars. The accuracy they had with time allowed them to plant and harvest their crops and to live in accordance to their Gods. It is impossible for the Earth to be destroyed by humans; everything is constantly in balance in the universe. The goal of the Earth is the same goal for the human being, survival.
The Mayan calendar refers to this time we are living in as pattern of energy shifting within the new cycles that are beginning, it refers to the growth of the human consciousness. The Mayan people live with an understanding that the calendar is infinite and never ending, according to their traditions. All these false theories about the “end of the world” distract us from the fact that the Mayan people were able to measure a constant cycle based on different celestial bodies in the universe.
We know what is coming is a period of cleansing for the preservation and harmony of the Earth. The Earth will do what it needs to do to preserve itself. The Maya profess that many things will come to the light that will shock people, and cause lots of anger. People will see how deep the lies have been embedded and how deep the scar of this false reality is in our lives. The anger will not last long and people will be prepared to help each other. The energy of the universe is shifting so it can be in a better position for harmony.
We have the power to adjust our energies to help bring balance and harmony to the Earth. Our culture has learned to master its energies to live in balance. The Kemetic culture reconnects us with our power to master the power of our energies. It is time, we need to live our life with quality; face the truth of our history and honor it. This is the message we bring to the reader and all the nations of the Earth. We are all connected, we are not separate individuals. Don’t take this as an ideology or a belief, take this as a principal of life for our own survival as a culture and as a people who respectably honor the ways of our ancestors.