Internal Cleansing Of The Body
Routine cleasing can lessen the chance of these issues becoming life-threatening. Herbal remedies have been used for tens of thousands of years with great success.
Many people do not realize that the body itself requires maintenance. It is not enough to “eat healthy” or “exercise regularly.” If you do not cleanse your internal organs once in awhile, your body will run into “health problems” at some point, regardless of how “healthy” you think you are. Maybe you’ve developed a pattern of headaches over the years, or maybe you’ve come to expect stomach problems after a meal. Perhaps you’ve had abscesses on your skin, a constant itch in your armpits, or you’ve been ignoring a slight cough that never went away. There are many more signs one can look out for, and many different reasons that could be behind these symptoms, but oftentimes it is from neglecting one’s internal cleansing.
Many people do not realize that the body itself requires maintenance. It is not enough to “eat healthy” or “exercise regularly.” If you do not cleanse your internal organs once in awhile, your body will run into “health problems” at some point, regardless of how “healthy” you think you are. Maybe you’ve developed a pattern of headaches over the years, or maybe you’ve come to expect stomach problems after a meal. Perhaps you’ve had abscesses on your skin, a constant itch in your armpits, or you’ve been ignoring a slight cough that never went away. There are many more signs one can look out for, and many different reasons that could be behind these symptoms, but oftentimes it is from neglecting one’s internal cleansing.
Our environment, even in the most natural setting, is taxing on our bodies. In the cities we experience pollution, smoke, chemicals, etc. In the bush we breathe soot, dirt, and dust. In our own households there are molds, grime, and other filth. Not to mention that the main cause of toxins in our body comes from what we eat, and our organs have a harder time eliminating certain foods such as meat and eggs. Cleansing the internal organs removes poisons, toxins, and waste from the body so it can function optimally. As we move into old age, it becomes even more important to cleanse because we have accrued more waste throughout the body over time and our aging bodies are not able to eliminate toxins as quickly.
There are many organs that are involved in the body’s natural cleansing process, and many of these organs are involved in more than one role. According to modern medicine, the body has four “systems” that rid toxins from the body. The elimination system removes solid waste, the urinary system removes liquid waste, the respiratory system removes gaseous waste, and the lymphatic system removes cellular waste (like bacteria and viruses). However, the body is not quite as compartmentalized as that. The blood and organs work together to affect everything in the body and therefore do not function as separate “systems.” So even if one organ is stressed or damaged, it not only disrupts these cleansing systems it belongs to, but also weakens the body’s health as a whole.
Additionally, your blood is also a major component in the body’s cleansing process. It delivers excess minerals and water, impurities and waste products to several different elimination “ports” such as the lungs, skin, and kidneys. For example, blood is circulated to the lungs where air burns impurities because of its heat, which are discarded when we exhale. Also, during part of the digestive process, nutrients from digested food from the intestines is absorbed into the blood and disposes of toxins to the liver to be filtered out before being converted into urine by the kidneys. This is why it is extremely important for the blood to be clean in order for the body to operate without complications. Whereas our organs have many tasks to perform in filtering, converting, or producing what the body needs, it is the blood that is flowing through all the organs during all these processes. This is why blood that is “too thick” or “too dirty” will eventually damage the organs and harm their ability to function efficiently.
It behooves all human beings to take care of themselves in general, but how do we go about cleansing the body? How do we know which organs need cleansing? And how exactly does one cleanse? Believe it or not, everything the human body needs can be found on Earth, as long as one has the knowledge of nature. Native flora in many regions of the world have specific healing properties that serve to balance the body against the constant challenges of our existence. Generally these cleansing medicines are called “herbs,” and come from plants that are either boiled, dried, or left fresh depending on the method of application.
In Kemetic (Traditional African) communities, people will drink herbal teas and take other natural medicines as often as every two weeks to make sure they avoid health complications. To them, “medicine” does not mean “a quick fix,” but rather a “preventative measure” to counter maladies of the body. The people of traditional communities study the signs of the body that tell them what is in need of cleansing. This allows them to quickly address small issues before they turn into big problems.
We can make the blanket statement that anyone who has never taken herbs before is definitely due for a blood cleanser, because your blood will circulate through every organ in the body. If your body functions with “dirty blood” one can experience hypertension or other blood pressure issues, which can lead to heart problems. Also, you probably need a liver and kidney cleanser because the liver and kidneys assist in cleaning the blood as well as digestion. Among the less-severe consequences, without cleansing your kidneys, you will likely experience headaches that come and go, and skin blemishes or even boils.
You may be surprised at all the conditions that nature has supplied a remedy for. There are cleansers to eliminate tumors, fibroids, and ulcers. There are also many different herbs to aid the reproductive system. There are herbs for cleansing the digestive system, and there are herbs for specific problems like excess calcium build-up in the bloodstream, kidneys and/or gall bladder. There is even a brain cleanser. Herbs are taken in a variety of ways for cleansing. For example, some are taken as a tea, some are taken as an enema, some are taken as a snuff (breathing the herbs through your nose) to name a few. The most important cleanser, nicknamed “the human being’s best friend,” is called Ninika and is used to clean the blood (see Rising Firefly volume 68 for more information on Ninika).
Today, there are many “cleanses” or “flushes” offered by the modern nutrition industry. Generally the word “detox” is thrown around and there are certain foods that supposedly will eliminate the waste in the body. For example, you might have heard of the “master cleanse” which is basically a lemon water that you drink for 10 days straight and ingest nothing else. You might feel better for a while, but as soon as you go back to your normal diet you will run into the same problems with your organs which have just been dormant for that time. This is because although certain foods have healing purposes for which they are very effectively used, the intensity and efficiency of foods alone are not sufficient for a meaningful cleanse, especially for someone in the modern world who has never cleansed before. Let’s say you have a “potbelly,” or maybe a steady breakout of acne, etc... If you’re hoping on a restricted diet alone to cleanse the body and be rid of these symptoms, it won’t be enough.
It is not true that one needs medicine only when one is ill. In fact, it is rather irresponsible to wait for symptoms to manifest before taking care of one’s body. Instead it is better to be proactive and maintain our health with regular internal cleansing. It is our obligation to take care of our bodies, and if we already lead a healthy lifestyle, we need only adopt the discipline of taking the correct herbs to cleanse our organs in order to ensure our good health. For every human being, blood poisoning, toxins in the intestines, kidney stones, clogged arteries, lung toxicities, tumors, forgetfulness, headaches, sterility, skin rashes, ulcers, etc. can plague your body at some point. Naturally, there are herbs for cleansing all the organs in the body, it’s just a matter of knowing which plant to use, how to cultivate it, and the method of application. Ankhkasta Natural Healing (Ankhkasta) offers herbs and health consultations from authentic healers who have learned their craft from a long line of healers. If you are interested in receiving a health consultation, contact The Earth Center to schedule an appointment near one of our locations around the world.