Kairika Events & Holy Days

Ancestral Spiritual Day

Personal Zemzem and ancestral offerings and libations at personal shrine.

Original Spiritual Day

Community Zemzem and offerings done at The Earth Center Temple. Everyone is welcome. Contact your local Earth Center for times.

Mapping the Cosmos Lectures - Kemetic Time Keeping & The Zodiac.
3rd Kairika (San Diego), 11th Kairika (Chicago)
• The Origins of the Zodiac Signs • Connecting Astronomy & Astrology

Pre-Kwanzaa Celebration (Chicago): 9th, 10th Kairika - Click here for details.

The Kemetic Fasting Period
24th Kairika: Embalment of Wsr (Osiris) - A night of prayers and lamentation.
27th Kairika: Beginning of Fasting - Do not eat, drink, smoke, etc. from sunrise to sunset
from 27th Kairika until 6th Tepia.
29th Kairika: Mourning for Wsr - A Day of lamentation and prayer.
7th Tepia: End of Fasting - A feast celebrating the fasting period with family and friends.


Reflections on Thanksgiving


Are We Advancing or Degenerating?