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Kemetic Holiday: Fish Day

Happy Fish Day!

The 9th of Tehuti 415 (Gregorian calendar date September 19, 2015) has been celebrated for more than 45,000 years as the Sebbit day. On this day, everyone from the Pharaoh to the farmer will eat fish (no meat or animal byproducts) with his meals. Humanity celebrates this day as the day of reconciliation between mankind and all the animals living on the land. On this day, we honor every land animal that has red blood and breathes with lungs, moves on land, and has any expression as creatures advancing on Divine paths.

According to ancient scripts, the ninth of Tehuti is the day mankind refuses to eat any animal belonging to his world. One eats fish as a symbol of equality among all humans in front of Gods. One shares fish with friends, neighbors, and passers-by. Those who do not understand the reasons behind this important spiritual day will still benefit from participating.

Today is also a Divine Holy day in which we raise our honor to the Divine World through our Ancestors. A typical offering to the Divine World will be frankincense from 6 AM- 3 PM and myrrh from 3 PM – 6 PM. To join us in celebration on this Divine Holy Day please visit or contact any of our Earth Center locations.

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19th of Tehuti

On the day of the 19th of Tehuti, we got gathered, the God’s brought us. They said, “Okay, you said you wanted to be Divine Beings, you want to do all to get close to us, right?” We said, “Yes.” “So, these are the commandments for you, 77 of them. Obey them, and stay pure, behave right. Inspire yourself from our world.” We celebrated that. We got the guidance, we got the Divine guidance.

Hmm, now. We have now something to compare. That’s where our notion of good and bad came from. Good is what takes us close to the Gods. Bad is what takes us away from the Gods. So, the idea of being good and bad is not a personal speculation. Just like how your religions have brought it like everybody is born knowing what is good or knowing what is evil.

So, based on that, every individual’s goal, our society understood that this life, it’s too short, it’s like an instant of a dream in the night. The instant of a dream in your sleep in the night; very, very, very short. But this is where you will be judged by your behavior. If life is very short here. We understand that life is not over. What we are looking for is that cycle of life, that continuation, but that is subject to the quality of life.

If a society is a positive society. It keeps in mind the fact that every individual has that goal of quality, trying of reach the Divine World. So for that, the rules of society, the values of society are set into helping the person achieve that… not using them. That’s what we call education. Gods educated us. They brought us light. If we want the life of quality, for a human being to be good, it is really an individual job. Our society knows that.

Read Prophet Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig explanation of the Day of Tehuti here

The 19th of Tehuti is a very important Holy Day in the culture of Kemet because it is the day in which the world of humans was exposed to the Divine World. The Neteru (Gods) saw the state that we were in: living like animals, dirty, diseased, even trapping each other for food. We were nothing short of barbaric. Seeing this, they asked us what our agenda was. Because we do not have the ability to invent, only to copy, we saw the Neteru and their world and said we wanted to be like them. Their world was clean, pure, and had harmony within it. We were asked if we were sure if we really wanted to duplicate the Divine World and we again said yes.

Read more about the Day of Tehuti here

On the Day of Tehuti, we celebrate the day that humanity, as a collective, decided to make its goal to become Divine Beings and duplicate the Divine World. To assist us, we were given the 77 commandments by the Divine World.

We recognize that the perfect order of the universe, from the cycles of the stars in the cosmos to the cycles of the seasons on Earth does not happen by accident or coincidence. We recognize that it is the Divine World that is responsible for the perfect harmony of existence. We become inspired by that perfection and it becomes our goal to duplicate that perfection within ourselves and amongst each other. This is the goal of Kemetic Civilization.

Additional Resources


“What is your agenda? What are you going to achieve on this Earth?”


 The Great Book of Divine Ordinances: Code of Human Behavior // 77 Commandments Shop here