Moringa: “The Tree of Life”

MANY OF US have heard the statement, “Let your food be your medicine”. I wonder how many of us have taken the time to think about what this means. In these “modern” times our refrigerators and cabinets are often filled with canned and processed foods. We are in the era of fast food. We are in the era of supplements and vitamins, often using these options in place of real food. Our fast-paced lives prevent us from meeting one of our basic needs - healthy eating. While these products are convenient and decrease food preparation time, they are often detrimental to our health. In fact, much of what we eat today has little nutritional value. Today we see more disease, even with our so-called modern medical “advancements”.

The Moringa tree is one of man’s greatest nutritional gifts and has been used by humankind for centuries. This article will discuss the health and nutritional benefits of this tree with the goal of increasing awareness and motivating the reader to seek to improve his/her health through healthy eating practices.

What is Moringa Olifera?

Moringa is native to the Indian subcontinent and naturalized in tropical and subtropical areas around the world. There are 13 species. The tree is known by many names, including clarifier tree, drumstick tree, and horseradish tree. It is said to be one of the world’s most useful trees as every part of the tree is said to have beneficial properties. The seeds can be used for water purification, medicine, cooking oil, lubricants, and cosmetics. The flowers, bark, gum, and roots can be used as medicines. The leaves and pods can be used for nutrition and medicine.

Historically, this tree has been widely valued. Besides the Indian sub-continent, the edible leaves have been eaten throughout West Africa and parts of Asia. During ancient times, the Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians extracted the oil and used it for perfumes and lotions. During the 19th century, plantations of Moringa in the West Indies exported the oil to Europe for perfumes and lubricants for machinery.

Nutritional Uses

Moringa is said to be a ‘nutritional powerhouse’. Moringa contains many bio nutrients, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and is an excellent source of protein, vitamin C, calcium, vitamin A, iron, potassium and much more. Moringa leaves have often been used to combat hunger and malnutrition. In addition, the leaves increase milk production and the nutritional values of the milk in nursing mothers.

The leaves are typically prepared similar to most greens and served as a side dish. They are also served raw as salad greens or combined with other leafy vegetables or grains. The dried leaves are usually sprinkled on other foods to add nutritional value, or used in a steeped tea.

Medicinal Uses

Historically, Moringa has been used as a traditional medicine to treat many ailments. Some of the most common ailments include:

  • Gastrointestinal issues

  • Inflammation

  • Anemia

  • Headache

  • Respiratory issues

  • Ear infections

  • Bronchitis

  • Diabetes

  • Eye infections

  • Skin infections

  • Malnutrition

During these modern times, Moringa continues to be used for healing and disease prevention. In general, Moringa provides many benefits including: strengthening the immune system, increasing energy, promoting cell structure of the body, promoting normal functioning of the liver and kidney, promoting a healthy circulatory system, blood sugar regulation, reducing inflammation, and decreasing anxiety and depression.

Over the past few decades, several studies have been done to explore the benefits of Moringa. In 1997, Alternative Action for African Development tested the ability of Moringa leaf powder to prevent or cure malnutrition in pregnant or breastfeeding women and their children in southwestern Senegal. The study found that children maintained or increased their weight, overall health improved, pregnant women recovered from anemia, babies had higher birth weights, and breastfeeding women increased their milk production. Other studies have shown that the leaf contains powerful antioxidants that have proven effectiveness against cancer cells. Today there are several initiatives whom continue to explore the nutritional and medicinal benefits of the Moringa tree, increase awareness, utilize Moringa to combat global malnutrition, and explore the variations of the tree.

by Zuira Sakuhai

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