Rising Firefly

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On The Ancestral Path: What Are We Becoming?

THIS WORLD WILL ALWAYS continue to go on… despite all of our frustrations, fears, depressions and hopelessness. Regardless of how lonely, destitute, desperate or confused we may be, this world will go on. It does not matter if one is suicidal or psychotic, with thoughts of killing himself while taking the lives of anybody else that happens to be sharing the same space at the same time, this world will continue to go on. This world does not care about the individual or his intentions. Actually, there are only a comparatively small number of people in this world that are even aware of any one individual’s existence. If one is a liar who tells lies to one or one hundred people, why would the world care about that? If one is a thief who just robbed a bank, but the monies of those who live in his community is being kept safe in another bank, why would his community care at all about his action? If a family in Mexico is brutally murdered and the news reaches a town in Poland, would the people who live in that town lose any sleep by receiving this news? I think not. This world will continue to go on because the world simply does not care.

The ruling system that controls this world was founded on two principles; killing and stealing. Therefore, the only things that this system can teach the world is how to have a disregard for life and what is seen as valuable to others. If we are allowing our children to be educated by this same system, and if we exercise some honesty, it would clearly make sense why the world does not care about all of the former issues mentioned in this article. It all begins and ends with the education of the individual.

We did not need scientific proof to expose the fact that the modern human being uses less than 10% of his brain capacity, because this is self evident. In using such a small percentage of our brain capacity, especially the part of our brain that deals with logic, how is it even remotely possible for the world to see the reality that we are all connected to the same life source, and that if one individual is affected by something it affects us all? It is due to humanity’s inability to understand this simple principle that we find ourselves on the verge of becoming something other than human. The level of intelligence we appear to be utilizing is even less than that of the four-legged animal species. This statement stems from the observation that they instinctively respect the laws of the animal kingdom; and this is done without having the ability to reason like the human mind is capable of doing. So collectively speaking, what are we becoming? When a human being loses his connection to the natural processes of the world and becomes an alien to the planet to which his identity is linked, can we still call him a human being? Technically; maybe… intellectually; debatable...

Master Naba once told me that human beings are not the only beings who occupy this planet. This was said in the most literal sense. There are certain things that human nature dictates and will simply not allow the human mind to conceive or accept. If a human being is a component of nature, at what point in our history did we become disconnected from the nature itself? Was the birth of colonialism and the methods used for its success the beginning of the degeneration of human reasoning? If we see colonization as an evil act, should we blame the devil (Set/Satan) himself for our intellectual handicap? Maybe, but how do we reconcile the facts that evil was here on the Earth before humanity was born and our ancestors (if their contributions to humanity before the last 2000 years is any indication) showed proof of being able to use probably the full capacity of their brain to pristinely preserve what we have become experts in destroying? Spirituality is even more of a technical process than an intellectual one. Interestingly, our ancestors were able to master both of these aspects (spiritual and intellectual expertise) that come to strengthen and stabilize the quality of human development.

A human being is still fully capable of recognizing, even if it’s after the fact, when he has committed an evil act. It is only due to that same human being exposed to what is good that he can recognize what is evil. This implies that one can engage in an evil act, see it as an evil act and make sure not to repeat that same act. This is what makes us human. This is what allows us to grow. This is our balance within the existence. Therefore it is very difficult to reason that evil is the cause of the degeneration of human thought.

Humanity has become a playground for mad scientists and their ambitions, which inspire them to experiment on us in every way they know possible. This fact, I am sure, is a major reason behind our “mental deprivation” as a species. But once again, the “world” doesn’t care. Only the “individual” cares. This world does not recognize the existence of the “individual”. Ironically, our ancestors didn’t either because they saw the world and everything in it as one. In comparison, presently, our world doesn’t recognize the individual because he is only seen as an entity (slave) to be exploited from his birth to the grave. This is neither a humane agenda nor existence. But if humanity is reduced to being (thinking and functioning) less than human, we will not be aware of our own degeneration; what’s worse than that, we won’t even care. Just a little food for thought.