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Survivor’s Notebook Kasabez Maakmaah Survivor’s Notebook Kasabez Maakmaah

Congo Conundrum Part 2

The majority of the conflict is taking place in the Eastern region of the DRC, though this conflict needs to be looked at in its entirety from East to West of the country. The East of the DRC is part of the Great Lakes Region of Africa (Merita). This region is known and recognized as the birthplace of humanity.

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Survivor’s Notebook Kasabez Maakmaah Survivor’s Notebook Kasabez Maakmaah

Congo Conundrum Part 1

MORE THAN FIVE MILLION (5,000,000) people have died in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) since 1996, according to the International Rescue Committee. It’s estimated that 45,000 more die each month. These deaths are said to be the direct or indirect consequences of ongoing conflict waging in the country that continues to this day. An in depth look at the situation reveals the sad truth of how low humanity can sink into corruption.

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