Touch The Earth

HUMANITY IS FROM THE EARTH. The Earth is what we are made of. We depend on the Earth for life itself. We depend on the Earth for air, water, food, clothing, shelter and energy. Without which we would die. If humanity is cut off from the Earth, how can we live? How can we survive? In order to survive, humanity must maintain harmony with the Earth. We must return to the Earth. We can learn the process and value of staying in harmony with the Earth through the knowledge and teachings of our ancestors in Kemet.

Kemet is the traditional and original name for the cultural, historical, governmental and spiritual capitol of the traditional world which many call “ancient” Egypt. The land we now call Egypt, as defined by colonial powers, was just a part of the Kemetic realm. The Kemetic culture has been preserved by communities all over the world for thousands of years. Kemetic knowledge has been passed down for hundreds of generations, and is available to us today.

In today’s society we no longer touch the Earth. When we wake in the morning and step out of bed, we do not touch the Earth. We step onto the polyester carpet, ceramic tile or laminated, gloss-coated, hardwood floor. We prepare to leave our homes by putting on socks and shoes. We step outside onto a deck of wood, a walkway of concrete or a street of asphalt. We get into a car, bus, trolley, or train, or onto a bicycle, skateboard, or skates and head off to wherever we are going. We again step onto concrete or asphalt with our shoes before we go into another building with carpet, tile or wood – or worse, some synthetic something we can’t even name. We reverse the process to get home. We can go through a whole day or week or month or more and NEVER touch the Earth. When was the last time you stepped on the bare Earth with your bare feet? We are being cut off from touching the Earth.

We no longer hear the Earth. Noise pollution has made the natural world inaudible. We no longer hear the buzzing of bees gathering nectar in our backyard. We no longer hear the sound of crickets at night. We no longer hear the movement of rivers streams or lake or oceans nearby. The “thunder” we hear is more often an airplane than the natural thunder of the Earth making water for the land, the plants, the animals and ourselves. We work and live inside insulated, isolated, climate controlled tombs we call houses and office buildings and malls and stores, where we cannot hear the natural world outside. Our ears are filled with the sounds of electronic and mechanical machines – printers, copy machines, cash registers, videos, radios, internet music, car engines, boomboxes, head phones, ear phones and telephones. We are being cut off from the sounds of the Earth.

We no longer taste the Earth. The food we eat and the water we drink all come from the Earth. However, we usually do not see the food growing. We do not touch nor smell the earth in which the food grows. We do not hear the insects that pollinate the fruit trees. We do not taste the dusts and the pollens and the fragrances the potatoes, or grapes, or strawberries give off while they are growing. We do not know the color of the river or lake our water comes from, nor know of the water’s movements over the rocks and sands and shores that purify it. We do not touch, see, hear nor smell the cow, pig, chicken, turkey, lamb, dog or kangaroo we had for breakfast, lunch or dinner yesterday. Did we taste the animal? Or did we taste the hormones, antibiot­ics, dyes and genetically modified corn the animal was fed? We are being cut off from the flavors of the Earth.

Our Kemetic ancestors teach us that it is the Earth’s energies that maintain our existence, individually and collectively. This Earth Energy is known in the Kemetic language as Bayuali. Bayuali is generated from the core of the Earth and gives form and energy to everything on the Earth. Bayuali is the energy line that passes through every expression of the Earth, including human beings. When the Bayuali is cut off, it is like turning off a light in a room. Depending on the type of light, it may go out very suddenly, or it may fade out over time. The more you move away from harmony with the Earth the more the energetic platform of your life is cut. Death as we know it, is not just a matter of your heart stopping or the electrical energy in your brain ceasing. Heart death and brain death are manifestations of being disconnected from the Bayuali of the Earth. When the energetic platform that gives you life – your Bayuali – is cut off, you will gradually die. Being disconnected from the Bayuali is usually a process over time. There are many things that can cause one to disconnect from the Bayuali. When we are disconnected from the Bayuali, we do not have the information from the Earth we need to make proper choices to insure our survival. We are then on the path to self-destruction. In the industrialized world, the “modern” world, we are cut off from the Earth in many ways. The evidence of being disconnected from the Bayuali is seen in the many ways we engage in self-destructive behavior.

For example, our increasing disconnection from the Earth has disconnected us from the information we need to choose correct food, which we must have to survive. We do not grow our own food. We do not buy our food from the people who grow our food. We do not even know who grows the food we eat. We typically choose what to eat because the food or the environment makes us feel good. We eat for flavor, fullness, family, friends, and fun. We give little thought to the amount of nutrition in the food for our bodies. This has led to our increasingly poor mental and physical health. Even when we are told daily that this is not healthy for us, we are not able to change our minds and make better choices because we are increasingly being cut off from the Bayuali.

We are being cut off from the Earth. We are being cut off from the source of our life. We are being cut off from the source of our survival. We must return to touching, and seeing and hearing and smelling and tasting the Earth that gives us our life. Return to the Earth. Restore your connection with the source of life. In Part two of this article, we will discuss how you can learn from the ancestors how to return to your ancestors, return to harmony, return to life and return to the Earth. We must return to the Earth if we are to survive.


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