The Importance of a Clean Colon

The Importance of a Clean Colon

Detoxing your system has been resting in our consciousness lately, and we are finding more products and services related to internal cleansing. We frequently find colon cleansing products, herbs and services nagging us to detoxify our system. The recent bombardment of information may be overwhelming - why does one need to clean their colon? 

The colon (or large intestine) is the organ that rids the body of solid waste. It plays an important role in the body, because it rids our system of toxins, fecal matter and waste while absorbing water and nutrients. One will find a delicate balance of bacteria in the colon, which help the colon in it processes. If this balance is disturbed, normal colon functioning can be inhibited. 

Reports show that the food we ingest should have a transit time through our bodies of less than twenty-four hours (a transit time of sixty to seventy hours is not unusual for many adults today). Conditions related to the colon are on the rise, such as Crohns Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and Diverticulitis. Because of an unclean colon, many bowels of today are severely underactive. 

Underactive bowels create a disease-friendly environment in the colon. The slower transit time allows toxins to penetrate the bowel wall and pass to the blood system, eventually spreading throughout the body. This can cause a weakened immune state, which leads to quicker development of major diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and many others. 

Many factors lead to an underfunctioning colon, such as diet, stress, drugs and chemicals. When the colon is irritated, it produces mucus to protect itself, which can bind with food residues and become hardened, sticking to colon walls. Symptoms associated with a clogged colon include diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, headache, spots, poor skin, muscle and joint aches and depression or emotional instability. Food trapped in the colon breeds bacteria and other parasites. 

A regular colon cleansing is practiced by many people for different reasons. About 35% of those who clean their colons do so because of lifestyle factors (past and present), such as eating meat, drinking alcohol, coffee or cola, eating too many milk products or junk food, smoking or doing drugs, or not exercising. They report feelings of stress, lack of emotional calmness and heaviness. About 20% are overweight and over 40% state that they clean their colons for preventative care. 

Reported benefits of cleaning the colon include weight loss, better mental health, improved digestion and nutrient absorption, better memory, regular bowel movements, reduced gas and food sensitivities, a reduction of toxins, increased energy, and many other benefits. 

Dr. Harvey Kellogg of Battle Creek, Michigan once wrote, "Of the 22,000 operations I have personally performed, I have never found a single normal colon...about the only place you see a normal healthy-looking colon today is in an anatomy book!" 

Ankhkasta Natural Healing offers organic, herbal colon cleansers (773-722-1528) from Africa. Many people also get regular colonics to help keep their system clean


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