ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAlternative Treatments For ADHD
ADHD is traditionally seen as a big-city illness by Traditional African healers. In big cities, there is much more poisonous than in smaller cities and villages, and coupled with the fact that children generally do not enjoy a strong, extended-family structure and lots of free time to play with other children, big cities are a more fertile ground for ADHD to develop. ADHD is a mental disorder and, when caught early, is very easy to treat.
ADHD often begins in utero, and is associated with nutritional deficiencies while in the womb. "When a mother is pregnant with a child and she is experiencing severe cravings for a particular food, she should eat that food. If the woman does not get the food she craves very badly, the stress level of this is more likely to transfer to the child and show itself as a future mental disorder, such as ADHD," explains Traditional African Healer Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig of Ankhkasta Natural Healing.