The Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig The Pilgrim's Walking Stick Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

The Hand of the Monster

Everything a human being builds disappears with the human being. This reality leads us to question if the path of transformation of our environment really deserves the attention of any intelligent being. Our idea of transforming the Earth is nothing but destabilization of the order of things.

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Night Fire Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Night Fire Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

The Messenger of the Dead

I am the child of the Dogon savannah, and I’m coming to ask you to follow me towards the realities that will make a human being the product of universal intelligence. It is so true that the heart sees a lot further than the eyes. Listen to or read this story with your heart. This story is absolutely true.

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Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Society and Individual Choice

There are perpetual questions that every individual asks himself: why are we here? What are we doing? What is going to become of us? Is death the end of existence? If not, then what will happen? We have these questions that are in our subconscious. We are always trying to assess them. Depending on the societies we live in, the questions that the individual asks himself may be suppressed, or the individual simply will be too distracted to even bring these questions to his own awareness.

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Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig

Astronomical Timing: What We Need To Know: The Sidereal Calendar

The Sidereal Calendar is the only concept of time division that is based purely on astronomical knowledge. This calendar, in reality, is 73,300 years old and its quality still imposes itself onto all scientific works of modern astronomy.

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Spotlight Firefly Productions Spotlight Firefly Productions

The Indigenous Mayan Community that Formed the Elijio Panti National Park

Traditional cultures and lifestyles are quickly disappearing as industry and modernization creep into territories of traditional peoples. Forests are cut down for agriculture, roads and industry, and people are displaced in favor of money-making businesses, with little regard for their lifestyle or well. being. This is a sad reality of globalization and modernization ("progress"), and while there are conscious groups fighting preservation and limits to the destruction of nature and native peoples, it is big businesses and corporations that have the political power and financial strength that influence decisions across the globe.

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Ka'at Ib Firefly Productions Ka'at Ib Firefly Productions

Basic Foods for Life

According to the African food pyramid, what a body needs is basic foods supplemented with occasional foods, and this will lead to optimal human health for any body type.

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In Search of the Gods Latranei Gaibole In Search of the Gods Latranei Gaibole

Dreamtime: The Time Before Time

The Dreamtime is the Aboriginal understanding of the world. It is the beginning of knowledge and the origin of the laws of existence. The expression "Dreamtime" is usually referring to the "time before time" or the time of the creation of all beings and things. The expression "Dreaming" is usually referring to an individual's spirituality.

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The Initiate Firefly Productions The Initiate Firefly Productions

Restoring the Ancient from Obscurity

Most languages spoken today have their root in the Medu. The more ancient ones, such as Hebrew, Sanskrit and Mandarin, are more closely related to it than the European "modern" languages familiar to most of us. Thus, the Medu is important to anyone interested in the history of languages and their interrelationships.

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Herbal Healing Rachel Naba Herbal Healing Rachel Naba


Garlic's numerous health benefits have been long-documented. They include: limiting inflammation, stimulating stomach and bladder secretions, killing intestinal parasites, lowering blood pressure, relieving gas, lowering cholesterol and acting as an antispasmodic. Garlic is effective for insect bites, earaches, anti-clotting, protecting the liver from drugs and chemicals, and improving circulation. Garlic is antibiotic, antiviral, antioxidant, and antifungal. It fights infection, STDs, alleviates toothache, helps heal burns and treats warts and corns.

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Harmonious Healing Rachel Naba Harmonious Healing Rachel Naba


According to African healing knowledge, fibroids in a woman are the result of sexual activities that her body is not designed for. Specifically, a woman who has multiple sexual partners places herself at risk for fibroids. It takes at least ten to eleven months for a woman to process a man's sperm (per sexual encounter), When a woman has more than one sexual partner at a time, or changes partners without allowing her body to purify itself (meaning, without having sexual relations with a man for eleven months after her last sexual encounter with her previous partner), the mixing of sperm from different men causes her body problems. As Traditional African Healer Master Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig of Ankhkasta Natural Healing puts it, "If a woman is sexually active with multiple partners, there is a period of time where the bloodlines overlap. This is why fibroids are more common in the woman's sexual organs. This is due to the way a woman's body processes sperm, which takes quite a long time to do."

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BENBEN Firefly Productions BENBEN Firefly Productions

The History of the Mask

It is clear that masks play a very important role both culturally and spiritually in African cultures. Masks are used in many contexts, such as spirituality, culture and education. Their esoteric meaning and uses, however, are reserved only for the initiated, and very few people outside of the African traditional societies have seen or know of a real mask. All masks that people see in museums, galleries, or collections are copies; none are authentic masks that are used for spiritual ceremonies. Additionally, a great number of these masks have virtually no spiritual value, as they are mere creations of the artist who has made them and not a complete duplication of an authentic mask.

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Earth Talk Rachel Naba Earth Talk Rachel Naba

Pirating Life

Biopiracy is commonly defined as the stealing of indigenous wisdom and knowledge by corporations, and it is a goldmine for science and business, especially for drug companies. Typically, a corporation will pirate traditional knowledge in any way it can, and will give no credit or financial compensation to the real owners of the knowledge or materials. Not only do they take the knowledge and the raw materials necessary to make use of it, but they take the credit for their "discovery" and all of the financial rewards that go along with it.

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