Cosmic Energies & Human Survival

The Pilgrim’s Walking Stick: Cosmic Energies & Human Survival

Since the Greco-Roman doctrines have taken over human thought, the modem human of Judeo-Christian philosophies have persevered in a track driven by the revolutionary momentum of those who thought it was important to change the world to their image for a chance to be happy. Changing the world then became the goal of the modem society instead of the expectation that will result in the changes we want to bring The Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian philosophies have nibbled humanity like gangrene while basing their legitimacy on the emotional aspect of the human being instead of the strength of their argument and intelligence of the ideas they project. The creation of a utopian society, even though it gives to the human being a chance to test his abilities and ingenuity, becomes a dangerous adventure if taken out of the context of a game in which we participate just to spend time.

Every human being capable of intelligence can only be worried if the utopia and what comes of human imagination is turned into an institution with schools where it is taught to children as an absolute truth that should become the concept of the evolution of generations to come. Considering that these ideas capitalize on charm and feelings and are directed towards our emotions instead of our capability to reason, we can only recognize in the system of the modem society the same principle that may have led the other species to a state of what we consider to be primitive. 

When we look around us, we can see that every species appears to be locked in a world of its own and is incapable of perceiving our actions and our destructive influences as a reality that is part of their world; for us, they simply lack intellectual capabilities. The humanity that does not succeed on seeing a world any other way than as a decor for its evolution, the environment in which we build our utopia. etc., Is not different. The survival of humanity is a slippery slope; for not to drown in the principle of self-destruction, it is then important that we know the rules and principles that are needed to maintain life. 

For a long time we have observed the emergence of fake ideas and values that. while making those capable of thinking laugh, they have seduced a multitude with the strength of propaganda. The most noticeable example is the idea of astrology and astronomy that is trying to mystify us with its rediscoveries of celestial bodies that have been documented for more than tens of millennia ago. Astrology by itself went from the idea that celestial bodies and planets, according to their positions, affect the human on earth; there is no intelligence in that idea if we consider that the human being exists and lives on one planet. To talk about the influence of another planet that is hundreds of thousands of miles away while the human is standing on a planet will only appear logical to the individual that wants to believe instead of think. 

The education of M'TAM in the Kemetic school and The Earth Center teaches us about the notion of the dialogue of energies and the energies themselves. The notions of Yenu and Bayuali as main channels through which the dialogue of energies takes place between everything that exists comes to expand our horizon and enlighten us about the conditions through which existence opens its door to the existant. 

The pilgrim on Earth must first understand that existence, or the universe, is a plenitude, meaning a territory that is full, leaving no empty room for any new thing or entity. Whatever is the dimension of existence that we take into consideration, that existence, through a principle of the zouhet (egg), will behave like a world inside an egg, meaning that it will be made of different elements with different qualities, but all of them united by a common destiny. Any intrusion in a zouhet simply destroys it and. then destroys all the elements that are part of that world. The protection of the natural order, whether it is spiritual or material, becomes the number one factor of the survival of the zouhet. 

We must understand that the existence of every entity is first determined and conditioned by the space that its zouhet has reserved for it, and that space is set based on the history of the becoming of that element and how that becoming affects the existence of the rest inside and outside of the zouhet. We must also understand that the notion of harmony (Heru-Seth) in every dialogue of energy is sacred; for every existence of group of existence, every zouhet as an egg emits and receives energy through the Bayuali and the Yenu, The energy that is emitted by a zouhet is made of the emission of all the elements that it is made of, and the energy received by a zouhet is distributed to each one of them. But even at this level, every element of a zouhet is subject to what we call a dictatorship of energies imposed by the egg based on the principle of the preservation. And like the planets and the celestial bodies, every energetic behavior of an element is considered vital for its self, the others, the planets, and the universe if it enters in harmony (Heru-Seth) with its own zouhet. The universe then gambles on that clement, nourishes it, and preserves it. But when the energetic behavior does not enter in that context of the preservation, it is quickly perceived as an obstacle for the achievements of favorable positionings of cosmic energies and as such the element is subject to the principle of destruction on the energies. 

The behavior of the nature that is characterized by an intelligent cohabitation between death and birth, development and destruction, the beginning and the end, the youth and the old age, etc., represents the material and visible aspects of the laws of the cosmic energy. The common human, driven by the emotions instead of the capability to reason, prefers seeing in what he observes a sort of fatalistic destiny to which it becomes useless to pay attention. 

Every birth is a reincarnation and every reincarnation is a new chance that the Earth as a planet offers itself to perfect its participation in the dialogue of interstellar energies. This ability will come from everything that is part of the Earth. 

We share the responsibility of the destiny of the world with everything that exists. This is why the Kemetic texts say that the Gods will give to the human being everything he asks but wisdom, intelligence, and the ability of thinking These three elements are what the human being needs to advance toward Gods and assume their responsibility towards the destiny they have chosen. To question the world is an act of intelligence. To question is to try to understand. Gods give more value to the human being that is trying to understand their nature than the one that locks himself in concepts born from faith and belief more destined to create for the believer a sort of psychological comfort than to know the true face of things in their becoming. We must then recognize that the logic of the human survival includes within itself the necessity to know every element that in one way or another affects our becoming. This then will allow us to advance as actors that are conscious of the direction they are giving to their life.

Life as we know it is nothing but a fragile balance between energetic forces within, around, and outside the being. The maintenance of that balance (Heru-Seth) will prolong life and the absence of that will lead to death and destruction of the considered entity. To try to understand all the elements involved in our becoming becomes then the responsibility of us and us alone. As we say in my village, "even illness does not kill; it is ignorance that is the enemy of the human being." 



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